Evic Supreme 18350 mod

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Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
Ok. Got the evic supreme and the Siam mod on the same day... That's what I call a coordinated operation :)

Here are some crappy pics from my phone comparing the it to my sigelei mini zMax also SS. I was shaking from excitement so they are a little blurry but you get the idea I hope. Now all I need is my kayfuns to arrive :)


Short mode


Long mode



Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
Thx. However the stock tube is quite impressive. Full heavy SS and the stock cap is massive and weights like twice as much as my sigelei bottom cap. The top cap is flimsier than on my sigelei but nevertheless I am quite impressed.

Now to be absolutely fair, was it worth it? Not sure... the mini zMax does the same job. The evic has more useless stuff and is for playing around with the settings. That black screen is going to scratch sooner or later but I'm happy with it and that's what matters.

Now... Anyone has an idea how to introduce my new toy to my wife without suffering the consequences? I haven't told her yet.... Easier to forgive than to allow right?


Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
Another small update regarding balance.

Right now as it is in the pics (with aerotank mini attached) it balances right on the control ring which means that the head plus the clearo is as heavy as the tube and battery. I'm pretty confident that it won't be too head heavy once I put a kayfun nano on it... I hope.... I can still exchange the smiley bottom cap with the stock one (which is heavier) to help balance it out later if needed.

The button placement is very comfortable although the software is still a little intimidating. I already put V2.1 on it and I like the screen better still the control ring is still kinda awkward compared to the button driven Sigelei.

Oh and one thing... you can't configure the battery on the evic to lower than 800 BUT if you change it on the computer (700) and upload the settings to the control head, it will accept it and recognize it :)



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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Another small update regarding balance.

Right now as it is in the pics (with aerotank mini attached) it balances right on the control ring which means that the head plus the clearo is as heavy as the tube and battery. I'm pretty confident that it won't be too head heavy once I put a kayfun nano on it... I hope.... I can still exchange the smiley bottom cap with the stock one (which is heavier) to help balance it out later if needed.

The button placement is very comfortable although the software is still a little intimidating. I already put V2.1 on it and I like the screen better still the control ring is still kinda awkward compared to the button driven Sigelei.

Oh and one thing... you can't configure the battery on the evic to lower than 800 BUT if you change it on the computer (700) and upload the settings to the control head, it will accept it and recognize it :)


Neato! :)

About the balance question: Just use it - you will know. It took me about a week of using a VAMO to get what people meant about it being top heavy. If it is a problem it may take some time for you to not like the weight distribution, but I'm really hoping it's not going to be a problem here. I want to like this thing!

I get what you are saying about the software - even the original eVic can be a little daunting at first. I found a couple menu options were less than intuitive at first, but once I played with it some - and looked at the manual even a couple times - everything fell into place. And don't be too quick to judge some of those 'useless' features either. I found after a while I even like using it in Auto mode. (Auto mode may not be what you think it is...)

Scratches? Unless they changed something about the materials I haven't had any significant scratching on the display cover on my original eVic. I just gave it a once over again - really don't see anything.


Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
That's nice to hear. For now I'm happy with it. Didn't had the chance to use it much yet as I'm hiding it from my wife but I should ball up in a day or two and tell her :)

Isn't auto mode the thing you define as the time it ignites without the need to continuously press the button? Haven't tried it yet but should be helpful for drawing the last bit of vapor out and minimize condensation in the tube.
I played a little with the rvw settings yesterday. I put it for half second at 15w and then down to 10w to heat up the coil faster at startup and it seems to work quite nice.



ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
That's nice to hear. For now I'm happy with it. Didn't had the chance to use it much yet as I'm hiding it from my wife but I should ball up in a day or two and tell her :)

Haven't uploaded her picture onto the display screen yet huh? :laugh: The myth of another "useless" feature is about to bite the dust!

Isn't auto mode the thing you define as the time it ignites without the need to continuously press the button? Haven't tried it yet but should be helpful for drawing the last bit of vapor out and minimize condensation in the tube.

(See below.) One of the complaints about the eVic is the 'soft' start is has. Joyetech said they designed it that way, to start a coil 'soft' to prolong life. Most people prefer a head-on hard voltage hit to a coil instead.

One way you can deal with that for the default VV or VW setting is to use Auto mode. Just let it fire for a second or two before you begin to draw on it.

It's not like it's in the way either: If you set it to Auto mode press and release to auto fire, press and hold like you normally do to manual fire - when you release it then stops firing as per usual.

I played a little with the rvw settings yesterday. I put it for half second at 15w and then down to 10w to heat up the coil faster at startup and it seems to work quite nice.


Or that's the other way to customize it if you don't like the pre-programmed soft start. :) This feature is directly in competition with the new Provape P3's "hot shot" option - except we can customize a bazillion different ways on an eVic.

It only gets better from here! The original eVic has been a solid performer for me and the flexibility of the thing is great, right down to the firmware upgrades. Love the "all at once" display too. No having to click through menus to see various status reports.


Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
Hi again :)

I am pretty happy with my acquisition so far. You can play with tons of settings and adjust every thing to your liking. Heck, I even made a new custom boot animation for it (I posted the simulation on another thread, don't want to abuse in cross-posting.

For now the only gripe I have is that in short mode you can't really play through the menus one handed. The ring just sits too low for that but that's my fault as the evic s was designed for 18650 Batts and not 18350 ones.

I really can't wait to get my kayfuns to really play with it :)


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