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Ex Aniversary

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Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I would have been married to my 1st husband for 40 years today. I remember going to the old Tampa Airport and standing on the parking lot roof, thinking about the first men on the moon! They walked on it the next day!:cool:
I don't hate him anymore, I feel sorry for him stuck in a loveless marriage with no way out. His parents said they would never speak to him again if he left another family. This is his 5th one and his youngest two children are from this last marriage and are 16 and 14. My 2 children are the oldest, he has a total of 8 kids, spread among his wives. I feel like a troop leader..:rolleyes:
It's an odd feeling thinking about him and what it would have been like all these years later..hell! That's if one of us hadn't killed the other. After 3 years of abuse I finally had enough and tried to shoot him when he came after me, thank goodness it was long before I knew how to shoot a gun and only managed to put a bullet in the ceiling above his head. I threw away the gun and grabbed a lamp and swung it like a bat and hit him in the chin. He still has a scar. Did I mention he's 6'2 to my 5'3? That's why I hit the ceiling..I was aiming at his head. he didn't come near me again without being in a running car. He left for Korea soon after and met his 2nd wife. That didn't go well.:(
Over the years I have seen him off and on when he came for the kids or now as adults to visit them, We get along for short periods of time until I remember he is very good looking, mean as sin and bores me to death! But I really love his family and we have remained close. Lucky for me they are 3 states away, so I never see him by accident.
All in all a very odd feeling today. I guess I should thank him, My present husband (who is still on a trial basis after 33 years) was his friend. I would never have met Mike without husband # 1.:hubba:
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2009
Mary - you are a freakin riot!;)

What is a 'lap'?:confused:

I don't hate my ex anymore - I pity him.
He is now by you - down in Florida.:D

He used to call here in the middle of the night and tell me he was going to set the house on fire while the kids and I slept! Of course, that kept me from sleeping! :evil::evil::evil:

I am just sooo much better off without him.
Peace in my home, peace of mind and peace in my heart.:hubba::hubba:

I know I would have shot him if we stayed together. :nah:
Fifteen years was way too long. I stayed because of the kids(dumb reason #1) and because I didn't know how I would be able to support myself and the kids(dumb reason #2). He did refuse to support us after out split ( so I was right) - but guess what - from making 50K a year back in 1978 - he went to living in his car.:rolleyes:

I did OK for myself. :cool:


Super Member
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Verified Member
May 31, 2009
south central Mass
Well, I picked the correct group to join!!...my ex has been out of the house, finally, for a month. I ended the relationship nearly 2 years ago. He has post tramatic stress from a bad childhood with alcoholic parents and many years in foster care, however we have some good years until he fell in with a party crowd at a job, started doing drugs, then got himself off the drugs...with alcohol. A quart of vodka a day in fact. He has liver failure, dementia, and during one of a dozen emergency detoxes in the last 16 months picked up a super bug at a VA hospital. I have been an involuntary enabler, unable to legally help(just an ex-girlfriend), and he has no family or friends, and all I have is my elderly mother. I could only get him removed as an "unwelcome tenant" which involves months of court visits here..but then he threatened to snap my f*g neck and burn the house down (I guess this is a common theme!) so then I went the restraining order route. He's in a VA shelter getting treatment, and this time he has to stick with it and can't come back..and he thanked me last week for forcing him out.

Small wonder I'm a body builder, no? And in the middle of all this I STOPPED SMOKING...wonder of wonders...
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 16, 2009
Cajunland - Louisiana
I guess I should thank him, My present husband (who is still on a trial basis after 33 years) was his friend. I would never have met Mike without husband # 1.:hubba:

Ahhh, and there is the silver lining!

I love reading your stories as they are so entertainig and I can tell come from within the heart! ;)

I don't hate my ex anymore - I pity him.
He is now by you - down in Florida.:D

And then there was TWO!
Dang it Mary... and who said all the exes live in Texas??? LOL

And in the middle of all this I STOPPED SMOKING...wonder of wonders...


Oh, and being the "romantic" that I am.... I left my ex on our 20th anniversary. 8-o Didn't plan it that way... HE DID, by his actions.

Peace of heart is a wonderful thing! Piece of.... uh, nevermind! :D I was going to say that is wonderful too... but decided not to. LOL Or did I??? :p


Super Member
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Mar 16, 2009
Cajunland - Louisiana
Did ya all ever smack yourself upside your head and say -
'WTF was I thinking?' 8-o8-o

Oh hell yeah! Ooops, I mean "Amen!" :nun:

What do you mean, what was I thinking? He was good looking, tall with green/grey eyes and a southern accent! I was 18! :pWhat thinking!!!

ROFLMAO... I can relate.;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
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May 31, 2009
south central Mass
Mary...#2 would have been my type (does this sound like a game show? I'll try #2...) but I have no clue in the world what I would want now. Maybe that's not a bad thing, but I haven't had any real companionship in several years. I listen to modern rock when I work out, and Faith No More's "Midlife Crisis" is playing in my brain...hmmmm.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Sue, good choice! Door *2 is a chiropractor now and turned out to be a fine man. He is clean cut with short hair but is still 6 foot and trim. He is very nice..a bit too nice for my tastes! I am afraid I treated him badly. He remarried had 2 daughters and stayed with wife #2 for 22 years, They divorced a couple of years ago..she was a pill!
He is a distant cousin of mine and I have known him all my life, we are still friends.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2009
Midwest, USA
What do you mean, what was I thinking? He was good looking, tall with green/grey eyes and a southern accent! I was 18! :pWhat thinking!!!

Definitely been there, done that. LOL Then turned around and did it again a year later. Still married to that one though. :D

My mom's been divorced now for over twice as long as she was married to my dad. I remember many times asking "Are you sure you never had an affair? No possibility anyone else could be the father? Please say yes?" :rolleyes:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2009
Charlotte, NC
I would have been married to my 1st husband for 40 years today. I remember going to the old Tampa Airport and standing on the parking lot roof, thinking about the first men on the moon! They walked on it the next day!:cool:
I don't hate him anymore, I feel sorry for him stuck in a loveless marriage with no way out. His parents said they would never speak to him again if he left another family. This is his 5th one and his youngest two children are from this last marriage and are 16 and 14. My 2 children are the oldest, he has a total of 8 kids, spread among his wives. I feel like a troop leader..:rolleyes:
It's an odd feeling thinking about him and what it would have been like all these years later..hell! That's if one of us hadn't killed the other. After 3 years of abuse I finally had enough and tried to shoot him when he came after me, thank goodness it was long before I knew how to shoot a gun and only managed to put a bullet in the ceiling above his head. I threw away the gun and grabbed a lamp and swung it like a bat and hit him in the chin. He still has a scar. Did I mention he's 6'2 to my 5'3? That's why I hit the ceiling..I was aiming at his head. he didn't come near me again without being in a running car. He left for Korea soon after and met his 2nd wife. That didn't go well.:(
Over the years I have seen him off and on when he came for the kids or now as adults to visit them, We get along for short periods of time until I remember he is very good looking, mean as sin and bores me to death! But I really love his family and we have remained close. Lucky for me they are 3 states away, so I never see him by accident.
All in all a very odd feeling today. I guess I should thank him, My present husband (who is still on a trial basis after 33 years) was his friend. I would never have met Mike without husband # 1.:hubba:

OMG so funny you posted this. I met my now dh because he was friends of my ex dh. I always hate when the anniversary of my ex comes along. I am just not sure what to think...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Been there too, MK, for almost 19 years stayed with a guy that demanded all and gave nothing. Saw him and #2 yesterday, we still get along but that took about 12 years! Still an idiot! Daughter #2 is his Hybrid offspring, evil twin. Our 1st Granddaughter turned 17 yesterday, was a great get-together, but was glad to go home with the one I have now (for 22 years)! I always get a headache, I think that's symbolic.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
It is an odd feeling. A few years ago he called to get Daughter's phone # and we talked for a while. I told him I had lots of pictures he had never seen of the kids and grandkids. He told me to send them on. So I made a whole stack of pictures (8 to a page) of the kids through the years and also of our old friends now. I added one sheet that had our 4 wedding photo's and those of our best man and maid of honor. It was a small at home wedding.
He called my daughter for her birthday while I was at her house and his wife #5 got on the phone and raised caine with her for me sending those pictures. Mind you it was maybe 8 pictures with me and the kids, one with me and Mike and with him in among some 80 other pictures.
He called me later and appologized for her. I told him he was still a pain in the rear for not letting her have pictures of any men in her life. (That's why she was so mad) And not to call me again until he grew up!
I didn't mean anything by it..I was a goof then as now and thought she wouldn't care or would just make fun of me (like I care). My other ex and his wife enjoyed all the pictures I gave him and they sent a stack to me! My husband's ex loved hers too! She told me her 2nd husband burned all her wedding pics with Mike. No accounting for people I guess..I am well away from that jerk!
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