Experience with Hcigar copper nemesis?

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Senior Member
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Nov 26, 2013
Denver, CO
All the hcigar nemesis clones I've seen have silver plated contacts - no copper contacts, but you can get them on ebay for about $20

I have to say, I love the performance (.13 volt drop on .85ohm atty with a vtc4) of my hcigar copper nemmy, but I just can't get the damn thing to patina as much as I would like. It's like a dull salmon color after about a month now. What is that about and how can I fix it? Is this even mostly copper? My SXK black stingray which is much newer, has already had the copper in it patina much much faster.

How have your hcigar copper nemmys patina'ed naturally ?? :confused:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
I actually contacted HCigar about this

HCigar said:
me said:

I am wondering what the specifications are for the most recent production of the HCigar Nemesis. Specifically, are the contacts now solid copper or are they still silver-plated?
yes man. copper nemesis use copper pins,
other nemesis will use silver-plated.

From what I gather the new HCigars are complete copper, all parts.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
I set mine up similar. But 2.5 cm of wick on each end seams like too much. Mine is probably closer to that total, less than that total even. Should I be using more cotton? I am using a Vamo, so maybe that's my problem. I don't get any leaking, dry hits, or flooding, just misty. Maybe that's just the nature of the Kayfun with cotton. Maybe I'll try another Ekowool coil.

And thanks for the electrical tape tip, didn't think of that.
TBH, my vape-life has improved dramatically since ditching my VV/VW and moving to mechs

I LOVE my mechs -- have three clones at present: HCigar Nemesis, Infinite Stingray, some BS Maraxus

after fiddling the Stingray works well, the Nemie worked great rt away after adjusting the pins... the Maraxus sucks, but that's my fault - if you ever wanna get one get the version that has SOLID brass (not plated) sections.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 7, 2014
Portland, OR / San Francisco CA
I may be wrong, but doesn't polyurethane come in a matte,satin and glossy finish?

Poly will breath EVER so slightly so it is plausible a patina will still form but it would probably take FOREVER before you noticed, not to mention the poly itself will likely be very yellowed and chipped (ie you probably would have removed it by then) before it comes to that.


Full Member
May 27, 2014
Lisbon, Portugal
I've gotten an Hcigar Copper Nemesis a few days ago.
Tubes are the same color, pins are solid copper and I've installed the magnets.
Switch is still a bit crunchy but does not misfire. I've put a little bit of lube on it. I hope it gets better with use.
Running it now with a Stillare RDA, dual coils of twisted 28 gauge Kanthal and cotton. 0.2 Ohms.
In theory it puts out 84 Watts on a freshly charged vtc4. A one second draw is enough to produce a serious cloud.
Kicks a--, great mod.
Btw, for e-juice, I started using Fight your Fate from Kings Crown. Excellent. Best e-liquid I found so far.
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