Expired E-liquid?

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Vaping in NYC

Full Member
May 11, 2015
Just bought some e liquid from a local Store, and after vaping it for a while I noticed that in the back the expiration date is 4.15 ... ugh, .... .

now it doesn't taste Completely Horrible, but just Odd, really Odd.. I HAVE Never tried it B4, but this .... has none of the Flavors its supposed to have. feel like Im vaping some odd Fall Apple Cider, got that Spicy,Nutty after taste .... it just taste Odd
I went online to see what the Juice is supposed to look like and its a lot lighter than the Bottle I have, I know juices sometimes change color tho

Is it bad vaping OLd juice? I took quite a few puffs at 1.2 omhs , but didn't Vape a full tank or anything. ..

Should I ask the Store to refund my $ or give me a Store credit? The Flavor was on sale, but I'm pretty sure that they arent supposed to sell expired items .
In the future if I buy any juice thats on sale, how do I know if its bad since I wont be able to taste or open the bottle.. just assume that its bad one year after its made ?



Senior Member
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2015
Its not gonna hurt you. I've vaped 3 and 4 year old juice before but I would definitely make it known to the shop owner. The longer the bottle sits the darker the liquid becomes, this is because of the nicotine oxidizing. Its normal. generally, the more nicotine, the darker it will eventually become. Now, that being said... if the liquid has been exposed to direct sunlight, this will also make it change colors and will effect the taste. Keep your juice out of direct sunlight.
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