FDA seizing flavor shipments?

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Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
I am 46 years old and grew up in a time when we didn't have Uncle Sam watching every move our parents made, regulating every product to save our curious little selves, and telling us what we could and could not buy. Yes, by some miracle I lived through it as did a few others. I didn't even feel in danger as my foolish parents watched out for us and felt qualified to protect us from dangerous or even enticing products (they even resorted to horrible violence to our backsides, saying they were looking out for us). Had we only known how much safer we would have been with big brother watching I am sure we would have begged the government to protect us from the dangers of the world and our so called loving parents! They are from the government and they are here to help, so take it easy on big brother folks!

I'm 48 and I remember the phosphates in the rivers and the sky so black you couldn't see the skyscrapers' tops in the 70s -- some stuff good, some stuff bad, but you cannot trust corporations to police themselves, they care little about our country and even less about the individual -- anyone, anyone, have a better idea?!??!!? More misdirection to keep our attention away from the real problems (jobs, chronic underclass, medical costs) that are sinking the Good Old USA IMO!!!:woot::toast:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I was just using that juice as an example. Many of my juices are drink flavoured, and as such a child might not make the connection that the liquid in the bottle isn't the liquid named on the outside. Not all juices that contain nic are necessarily nic FLAVOURED. And while I'm not to keen on testing any of mine out, a low nic fruit or candy flavoured juice carries the possibility of being just convincing enough for a child not to spit it out immediately. 10 -20 mg is a lethal dose for a child. Many of the widely used nic juices contain more than that in just one mL. If you're using 24mg juice it takes less then half a mL to be deadly, less than 1/3 of a mL if you use 36mg. Is that not cause to be at least SLIGHTLY concerned?

While I completely agree that all liquid should be sold with the OPTION of child-proof caps (for those vapers with children who want to be on the safe side, who would probably be willing to pay a few cents more to cover the cost), I agree with the others that even the sweetest liquid with nicotine in it tastes awful unvaporized. I find it very difficult to believe that after that first drop a child would continue to drink enough to die. And none of the nicotine poisonings (from tobacco and NRT products - mostly NRT) in the past few years in the US have resulted in death or even serious injury. The ANTZ claim that e-cigarettes are a significant risk to children for nicotine poisoning is simply a scare tactic.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2011
Okay, so first off, I said nothing about taking it easy on big brother. Nor did I insinuate that any of you (or those before you) are / were bad parents. I have no idea where that came from. Very simply, my own personal opinion is that flavoured juice should be sold with a childproof cap. I enjoy vaping way to much to lose it over one stupid mistake. And right now, that's all it would take for the media, the FDA, and all the other anti's to blow us out of the water. So what's wrong with taking a few extra precautions to keep something that we all love so much safe for everyone... regardless of who's implementing them. *slinks back under her protective table*


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
The Lowcountry
The OP, i believe, is talking about flavors only, not mixed juices, so I'm not sure what reason any agency would have to seize them? Unless I misread the post.

But I don't think childproof caps on the mixed liquids are a bad thing and I have gotten one or two bottles that have had them. I keep all my stuff high and out of sight as soon as I get it, so there's no danger and I don't let my kids run amok. Before they were old enough to learn what was poison or could harm them, I had childproof locks on my cabinets that were within their reach. It's really that simple, if you ask me and there's no need for anyone outside of my home to worry about whether or not my kids are going to ingest something that could hurt or kill them.


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Apr 3, 2009
Springfield, MO
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