First coil build! Dual-Nano coil .42 ohm's. (with progress photos)

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First off, Ill just say this was a major accomplishment for me. I have been getting off work at night and going straight to my table where I have all my little tools and things set up for building for the past three nights. I have yet until now succeeded at getting one built, tested and functioning (mind you I work 12 - 14 hour days at the restaurant I manage. Needless to say its aggravating making 0 progress and losing out on sleep over it). SO. As for some this may not be a huge deal but I feel extremely relieved.

Anyhow, here it is; My dual-nano .42ohm coil with cotton bed on my Patriot clone.

As far as diameter I used a regular sized "text book" paper clip. Wire: 26g kanthal with 12 wraps.

Here it is on the paper clip, not to shabby as far as spacing I wrapped it very meticulously


Once I got the coil mounted up I straightened it out with the clip to make sure I had leveled it where the air holes will be.
Here is a nice up-close shot of the first coil before I fired it up and compressed the two.


This is the reading I got from my ohm meter after mounting the first coil and fastening it.


Wrapping a second coil came much easier. Mounting that through the center with the other leg was a different story. But through much patience I had them all tightened down and positioned. Now to test...

Here are the two coils, fastened and testing:


I then fired it up and compressed the coils a few more times to get them to harden up in that position.

I made a light & fluffy bed of cotton for my new beauties underneath.
This is it on my mech wicked and coiled.


So for now, that is all. Please reply with criticism, pointers or opinions. Thanks for looking and vape happy everyone.


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Aug 18, 2009
Jeffersonville, Oh


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 14, 2013
Those ohm readers are not 100% accurate, but close. It could be .85 then divide by 2 you get .42...

What counts if they fire together from inside out they are equal.

I like my authentic patriot air holes at 5/64 right now. I am running a .49 dual 28 coil.

More cotton and needs to be through for more cotton to juice.

Hope it works well.
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