fixed my itaste vtr

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well I fixed the wandering ohms problem on my vtr.
decided to try to preserve the original look as well as make the adapter tube permanent since I plan on always using it no matter what. I made that choice because I would only end up choking off the air holes by the way I like to hold it.

managed to get the crappy rotating 510 connector off without breaking anything.

chucked the spring loaded cap.

took out the pins out of the adapter tube.

screwed the tube on to the connector and driled through from the
underside of the connector right through the bottom of the tube.

drove a screw into the hole and then broke it off so now they are permanently attached.

reattached the tube/connector combo on the body and used a self taping screw on the inside. drove it between the nut and the inside wall to stop it from rotating, and to ensure good contact with the body.

extended the wire and fed it up through the tube and re soldered it to the center pin.
finished reassembling and tested it.

Ohms are stable. the adapter doesn't rattle inside the ring anymore and no more annoying spinning.

this did not come free lol. bought a new screwdriver kit that had the right sized torx bits. Also had to buy a micro grabit damaged screw remover kit after striping 2 of the screws.

all is not lost. the screwdrivers were 15 bucks and I'm keeping them at home. the micro grabits were 40 but since they will see more use at work I can hand in the receipt and get that back. gota love having a tool allowance.
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