Getting tired of filling

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Ultra Member
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Apr 19, 2011
After this weekend I'm a bit tired of the refilling of cartos or should i say over filling and getting juice in my mouth. I bought a tank mod but this also leaks into my mouth. Yuk!!! What is my best solution to continue vaping and not heading back to analogs? I would like to fill maybe once every day or so a vessel that i can vape on that doesn't leak in my mouth? Feeder Systems? don't know what those even are but I'll look around. Right now I have a V4L 808 system.

Thanks in advance!!!



ECF Guru
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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there
How are you drawing on the pv......if you are trying to pull on it like you would a cig....sucking thru a to speak....ecigs don't work in the same way....
Take it easier...with long slow drags,
the 808 might not be powerful enuff for may want to upgrade to a bigger that will do more of the work for you......just saying.....

uba egar320

Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2009
Maybe try an Igo. Holds 3 ml for the first few refills(last me about a day). Your 808 gear should fit on it as well. I'm not a fan of the whistle tip though. It seems to cause juice build up, which eventually gets in your mouth. But I think a 801 style drip tip may fix this, not sure yet though. These guys sell the Igo and a few other similar devices. NHaler • Smoking Alternatives

Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Overfilled cartos can be blown out to remove the excess juice. Usually when I fill a carto the very first fill is 20-25 drops, refills are around 15 drops. Depending on how much you vape, one or two of these might get you through a day. I've heard that tank mods shouldn't be filled all the way to the top. I don't use them, so more experienced people might pop in here.


Senior Member
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May 17, 2009
Shelby , Michigan
cartos, if over filled, will most definitely send some right into your mouth. not to mention most of the time i see this people are sucking too hard on there ecig. egigs, at 3.7volts, are meant to be slowly drawn on and not use like a straw. lots of my friends had this problem when they switched from analogs. Practice makes perfect.


Ultra Member
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Apr 19, 2011
Thanks Guys.

I think I'll take a look at the REO. Seems there should be a system out there that doesn't leak no matter what. Something I can carry in my pocket with out fear of leaks. I also find a burnt taste with the tank i ordered unless I turn it upside down before I puff. Yes, taking long slow puffs not pulling hard and still get juice in my mouth.


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Ultra Member
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Apr 5, 2011
Northern Minnesota
If you like your 808's I would recommend the Vortex by GotVapes. I believe they are currently out but they should have more coming with improvements. You can find a thread about them under the supplier forum that goes over their pro's and con's.

Also what will help is to fill a bunch at a time and put the condoms back on them until ready to be used.

I like to use a syringe to fill them as I can control how much I am putting in a lot better and you can stick it along the side all the way to the bottom and slowly fill a little on each side until full. This has reduced over-filling for me almost completely.

If you do batch filling try to stop using the carto before you dry it out so you can re-use it. If you over vape a carto to the point you get an off taste you may not be able to re-use it as that taste may not go away.

Edit: also a lot of what you are getting in your mouth may be condensation build up. I always keep a condom on my carto unless i am actively vaping it.
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Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
Well Chris there is a solution and if you can score one pick up a REO. Bottom feeding makes filling a thing of the past.

Amen! Spend some time reading in the Reos Mods subforum:

Reos Mods

It looks like Rob will have Mini and Grand mods available on the 18th at 7PM.


Super Member
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Mar 22, 2011
I have eGo style 1100 mAH bats and prefer dripping on a 510 LR atty... for driving I do use/have both carto's and a couple type A tanks.

For the cartos I usually keep the condom cap on, fill them from the top and let them soak for about an hour. Then I top them off again so it pools a bit on the top, then I condom cap the top again and let it sit over night. On a carto, I find a slower draw helps... the more snap crackle popping that goes on the better vapor I get.

For the tank, when the tank works -- it works beautiful. Else, its a bloody mess. I find the two most important factors for a tank are making sure the wick inside the pin that leads to the atomizer is flush and when filling the liquid in the cart, I leave an air bubble (almost like the bubble on a level) as I find this helps the flow. I also use a paperclip and remove the top piece on the mouth part of the cart, then remove that second inner piece, then put the outer tip back on. I find this eases the draw and seems to provide more vapor. Before each inhale, I take a quick lil puff on the cart (this usually follows up with seeing a bubble or two rise up in the liquid res. of the cart) to prime the atty.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
I felt the same way when I started. After doing it longer, I just fell into a routine and don't even think of it anymore. If you think about it, it takes about 3 minutes to refill cartos. And I fill for two people also. Just sit there at the end of the day and squeeze in some juice while I watch TV. It's not exactly manual labor. :laugh: And it sure isn't enough to make me smoke analogs again.

Try a pv with big cartos or a mod. Nothing is without some sort of maintenance. I was rolling my own cigs toward the end so this is much less time consuming that that was. Boy I don't miss that at all!


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May 15, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Hey I'm new here but I'm in the same boat. Refilling carto's for me and the woman lol!

It is a pain in the ..., but I've never had any leakage problems. I'm using the maxx fusion 808 carto's and here's how I avoid juice mouth so far.

We have mini pill cases that hold 3 carts each, plus one on our PV. I bit the bullet, and prefilled 15 carto's with 35 drops, in various flavors. Now that the cycle is going I rotate the carts so that they're blown out and sitting battery side up for at least 24 hours before usage. I've so far had all our auto batteries survive, and have Had no gross juice mouth.

Ive looked at other PV styles and for me the familiarity of the 808's really keeps me off smoking. By filling and maintaining a carto rotation, I can skip a day or a weekend and we can both vape our brains out! Not having to fill everyday is key!

Cheers and good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Yep...either dripping or a bottom fed mod... +100 on the REO...I can throw it in my purse or put it in my jeans pocket....well worth the money !

(Hi CW... LOTR gag today looking for Elendil? lol)

Yeah, and since I don't have a REO.... dripping for me. Someday I'll have to make a bottom feeder. Seriously tho... IDK why people have such a hard time/hassle with dripping... Must be the same people that always dropped ashes all over the place when they smoked because constant "ashing" was too much of a hassle. lol. P.S. I understand the "shaky hands" or need one-handed device or someone fills em for me stuff. I don't mean that.
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