Getting tired of filling

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uba egar320

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Dec 9, 2009
(Hi CW... LOTR gag today looking for Elendil? lol)

Yeah, and since I don't have a REO.... dripping for me. Someday I'll have to make a bottom feeder. Seriously tho... IDK why people have such a hard time/hassle with dripping... Must be the same people that always dropped ashes all over the place when they smoked because constant "ashing" was too much of a hassle. lol. P.S. I understand the "shaky hands" or need one-handed device or someone fills em for me stuff. I don't mean that.

I dripped for 8 months or so. Just got old for me. I was firmly in the dripping camp, and hated cartos. But technology changed, and cartos are the way to go imo. No more trying to drip in a dark room, or in the car lol. Granted, cartos take a bit longer to fill(especially the big 3ml ones) but the flavor is more intense than my bottom feeder ever thought of being. But yeah, dripping is prob the best way to get full flavor. I just hate having to fidget with it every 6 or 7 hits. To each their own though.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
I was thinking the same thing. If my big complaint was having to refill too much, dripping would probably irritate me to high heaven :) Sometimes having to fill the tanks for my Ego-T drives me nuts, but that's just because I have WAYYY too much juice and like to use a different one every time... Then I have to clean out the tanks and my syringes. Been trying to fill up a bunch of tanks at once so I don't have to refill for a few days. It's been working out pretty well. Nothing like being out for the entire weekend and running out of filled tanks.


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
if someone is looking for less refilling, why would you suggest dripping? take 4 or 5 puffs, drip again...4 or 5 puffs...drip again.i would suggest gogo-igo-echo. all those 3 take 3 ml of juice and battery lasts through 6 ml of juice.

Your point is well made, and well taken. However, I don't consider them the same at all. Dripping, to me, is no more hassle than smoking was.... which was the real point. Fiddling with cartos and refilling, even the PTB stuff, foam, etc. is a pain. Dripping to me is not. So I never really thought about dripping being a hassle I guess. I veiw dripping as the least-hassle method of vaping. Others obviously don't share that opinion.

The OP was also talking about flooding, and dripping avoids it. No wicking issues, no flooding issues. Now, the bottom feeders seem like a good solution but I bet there is a flooding/learning curve with them too. Like was said above, to each their own.


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Mar 10, 2011
Pomona, NY
I tried the clearo/fluxo-mizers to be able to "see" the juice level. But even with modding them with heavier tubing- they are still prone to leaks / coming apart.
I have fallen back to regular or XL cartos with a drip type tip (not a flat plug): it's much easier to remove. I carry a 3 ml bottle plus 2 backup cartos in a mini Altoids tin. I just pull off the tip- drip in 10 drops a few times a day to keep it topped off. Takes almost no time, and eliminates burning cartos, loosing flavor. The backup cartos are if I forget and juice level falls too low- just swap it out. (Then do the full refill at night).


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Sep 21, 2010
And for those in the "carto camp"... why not mention the MAP tank or whatever the current version is. He'd be set for 3 days..........

You really need to keep the MAP tank upright, or it fill flood terribly. Some people find that adding back in one of the rings will help, but it never worked for me. The other thing with the MAP tank is that it gets a bit lose over time, which is ok at home, but maybe not something you want in your pocket.

Don't get me wrong, I love my MAP tank, and use it a LOT, but it's not something I would EVER carry with me. Plus you look like a mad scientist/drug addict when using it, but that's besides the point. :)


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Sep 21, 2010
I tried the clearo/fluxo-mizers to be able to "see" the juice level. But even with modding them with heavier tubing- they are still prone to leaks / coming apart.
I have fallen back to regular or XL cartos with a drip type tip (not a flat plug): it's much easier to remove. I carry a 3 ml bottle plus 2 backup cartos in a mini Altoids tin. I just pull off the tip- drip in 10 drops a few times a day to keep it topped off. Takes almost no time, and eliminates burning cartos, loosing flavor. The backup cartos are if I forget and juice level falls too low- just swap it out. (Then do the full refill at night).

That's a solid plan, right there.


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Apr 19, 2011
Great responses everyone and I will be looking at all options. Dripping on an addy is farthest from my mind and No I wasn't one of those smokers that ashed all over the place because I didn't like to constantly ash :)

I'm just not sure why there isn't a tank or tank mod that you can be assured won't leak if you put it on its side or stash it in your pocket. We're sending a people to Mars after all. I guess I will go with some xtra big cartos for now but I thought that maybe there was a product out there that after filling with 3-6ml of juice and screwing shut would be leak proof and drizzle proof.

I didn't mention where I bought the tank mod that drizzles because I thought it would be unfair to the company who has a very good rep on here.

Thanks again for all the ideas,



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
(the ash thing was a tongue-n-cheek joke). Good move on not mentioning the vendor... I was just stating that IDK if MAP was the issue, so suggesting it may be redundant if you tried it and it didn't work for you.

To each their own...... Good luck with the carto trials. It sounds like we're all after the same thing.... a no mess, no fuss, good taste, all-day atty-carto thing. It just doesn't seem to exist yet. Hope they work for ya!


Ultra Member
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Apr 19, 2011
I knew it was a joke, No worries. I'm trying to stop the somewhat wierd behavior associated with vaping. I find myself over in a corner of the kitchen with a mini screw driver, a bunch of cartos and my wife asking what I'm doing. It just feels shady ya know. little bottles of juice and tank mods and on and on.

What about clouds of vapor
Uninterrupted Feed System.
Adjustable Juice Flow.
Adjustable Draw Control.


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Apr 3, 2011
Wow, lots discussed so far. Bottom line, it boils down to preference and requirements/wants. Some people want/require that it look/feel like a regular cigarette with very little maintenance. Cartomizers and small batteries work for them. The downside is the refill process or the roller coaster ride with the vape consistency. As juice is consumed in the carto, it changes how it's vaporized. You can alleviate this by constantly refilling the carto or topping it off, but that defeats the purpose of having a carto to begin with. I suppose it's subjective, but I didn't get the same flavor or TH out of a carto that I did out of direct drip to atty. However, again, a maintenance perspective comes into play. If you are a chain vaper or unable to drip constantly, direct dripping can be cumbersome. Enter in tank mods or bottom feeds. While these alleviate the requirement of dripping, there's always a risk for leakage. With that being said, I've not had a leaking issue with my MAP yet nor with my REO's. Also, with that being said, I don't play football with my MAP tank or REO in my pocket. The only caveat to a bottom feeder, at least from my perspective, is the learning curve to find the sweet spot in not flooding the atty. It takes some practice (like a day), but it's easy to pick up. A simple look into the reservoir to see when juice is coming up or slight draw while squonking (squeezing) the bottle until a faint resistance (from the juice) is pretty self-explanatory and common sense.

I don't have much info to pass on the UFS/GG stuff since I don't have one. However, what I can pass along is the information I received when I asked some questions on them. UFS and AVS are specific to the GG mods. UFS gives juice flow control (more juice or less juice to the atty) and air flow control (tighter draw or more airy). AVS just gave juice flow control. My understanding (and this may need correction) is that they are for GG stuff only. The AFS is like an AVS (although the parts are not interchangeable), but for anything else non-GG.

In the end, find something that works for you. I've been working on figuring out what I like and don't like, I think it's a bit of a journey. I can tell you, there were brands of cigarettes I did not like, for whatever reason, and finding out what I did like took a little bit of time. As with any endeavor in life, some things work for some people but not all things work for everyone.

If you are getting juice from a pull/draw, there are a couple of things to consider. Don't overfill your carto or flood the atty (if dripping). Keep the tip/mouthpiece/drawpoint perpendicular to the ground, let gravity help you. If it's parallel to the ground, juice will follow the laws of gravity and physics, going towards the force that's pulling it (your draw). If your cartos are dripping wet, try not filling them so much. Try the swing method or the syringe method (highly suggest using the carto condom on the end though).

Oh yeah, wall of text crits you for 19238923 damage!
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