Got a question about Nicotine PG and VG

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Senior Member
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May 29, 2014
Minden Nevada
I see you can buy Nicotine in PG and Nicotine in VG, but if mix the two together, do you get a better flavor, do you mix it in equal parts, so if your recipe calls for 3ml of Nicotine you would split it, 1.5 ml Nicotine PG and 1.5 ml Nicotine VG. Does the two Nicotine's separate and have to be remixed some times ????, Cause also see the flavoring comes in PG and you can get Flavoring in VG also, but is has water or alcohol in it, Can you taste the alcohol, and does the water make them taste weaker than PG flavoring. ???? cause I'm thinking about buying some of each kinda of Nicotine and some PG and VG and some Flavorings and make some Strawberries and Crème and I would like try some Clove's with Vanilla or Carmel or maybe a little of both.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Hey Kgb424,
to ecf. Yes you can buy nic in either pg or vg or a mix. It just depends on what you are looking for. More PG has more flavor to me and that is where you get your throat hit. The VG produces more vapor for sure and has a much sweeter taste. I mix my juice at 50/50 PG and VG because I just feel like it gives me the best of both worlds.

Probably the best thing to do is use eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator

Here is another calculator that has some very good information. E-Liquid Recipes made by E-Liquid Calculator Users at

There are some excellent threads on DIY if you would like to spend the night reading the like I do. :laugh:

Good luck to you and have fun. :)


Vaping Master
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Sep 27, 2011
Here & There
If you buy your nic in 100% PG or any combo the calculator will adjust for it because you tell it what percentage of pg/vg your nic is in and what mg of nic you want the final result etc. You also tell the calculator if your flavor is in PG or VG or alcohol.

Some flavors based in alcohol need a serious steep for the alcohol to dissipiate ,like Nature's Flavors, for example ,but for me the Chinese super concentrated flavors based in alcohol are pretty much mix and vape---no serious wait time needed and good for beginners. I think you should stick to whatever ratios your current juices are to begin with (if you know that info) and go from there.

Welcome to ECF and make sure to visit the DIY Forum and DIY Flavor Review Forum for more info and tips.
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