Grand Opening Contest at Tropical Vapors - Giving Away 5 Multimeters

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Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2011
Columbus, Ohio USA
To celebrate our Grand Opening (and selfishly to drive traffic to our new site) we are having a little contest. Given all the recent concerns about battery and mod safety, we thought it appropriate to give away some multimeters. For those of you that are somewhat electronically challenged, a multimeter is a device that you can use to check the voltage on your batteries, the resistance of your cartomizers and a variety of other things.

If you use rechargeable, litihum ion batteries, you ought to have a multimeter and you should check your batteries often.

So on Monday morning, we will be awarding 5 multimeters to five lucky winners.

This is a description of the device:
Digital Multimeter. It's nothing fancy but it is great for checking out your electronic cigarette gear.

Entries will close at 11:59 Sunday night. March 11.

So here's the drill.

(1) Reply to this thread. Tell me in a few sentences where you would like to be, and what you would like to be doing (please keep it clean for the moderators) to escape the end of winter.

(2) Take a quick look at our web site. We've got some great grand opening specials running.

(3) Click on the feedback button (on the right side of every page) and let me know what you think. In the product selection category of the feedback dialog, include your ECF handle.

The winners will be chosen randomly, but if your getaway scenario makes me want to immediately jump on a plane, random numbers might get tweaked :2cool:.

Thank you for playing.


Ultra Member
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Mar 19, 2010
St. Petersburg, FL
I already live in the most perfectly beautiful modestly-sized city on the Planet. Seven and a half miles of publicly-owned waterfront (contiguous) park and bike trails, more museums per capita than any other city in the country - including the brand new Dali, and the most pedestrian friendly town anywhere. The integration of commercial/residential in the downtown area is ideally balanced, which means I can walk to work.

And that is the only bad thing - not where I am but what I am doing. Anything but working would be lovely....


ECF Guru
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Jun 4, 2010
I would like to be in Jamaica in my bed looking at the ocean.

This is a pic from our bed in Negril so you know what I am talking about


And one of the beach at sunset



ECF Guru
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Nov 22, 2010
Living in the amish lands where all the women here look like chewbacca.... I can say I'd love to be ANYWHERE there are hotties but main choice would always be the Noirmoutier Island, specifically Bois de la Chaize where you can admire the whitewashed beach huts with their old world charm. OF course I'd be sitting with a few pina coladas....only drink that fits the scene


Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
Spokane, WA
I want to be in Hawaii!! My parents live there and i last went there 2 years ago to get married. We went to a beach where there were so many wild sea turtles and you could just sit on the beach and watch them. Every so often, they would lumber up onto the beach to sun themselves -- it was the most beautiful sight ever! I want to be there!


ECF Guru
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Sep 26, 2010
Here, there, everywhere!
This is not an entry - just wanted to join in the fun!

I want to be in this picture


on this beach with my dear hubby (married 14 years and no honeymoon yet)

No cell phones or laptops, no clouds, no worries! (ok the few pretty clouds are fine)

I would even like to see my little girl at the edge of the water playing to her heart's content!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 29, 2011
Land of Southern Belles :)
OHHH, a fantasy getaway! I can just feel the white sand off a tropical bermuda island, in a small private cove, with sparkling blue water. I would be standing knee deep in the bay, the warm water caressing my skin as small fish kiss the ends of my toes. Feeling the sun across my shoulders, I'd be fishing for some good saltwater fish to cook over the fire up on the beach, with a side of fresh coconut and mangos, and of course some rum to spice up the juice from the coconuts! A nice lounge chair under an full umbrella would let the gentle breeze relax me as I nap in the calm cool tropics :)

and a bahama boy hidden in my bungalo!!

thanks for the contest!!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Sep 26, 2011
Columbus, Ohio USA
This contest has been excellent for me as I have already gotten some excellent feedback.

(1) Lower the "free shipping" threshold to $50. I will crank the numbers on this tonight to see if it's doable at least in the short-term.
(2) Carry non-tobacco flavored juices - The plan has been to carry a variety of flavors of liquid. I had to focus the initial shipment on the more popular ones which seem to be the tobacco ones. I will take specific flavor suggestions and try to include on my next order
(3) More tropical themes on the sight - Now that I have all of the pieces and parts working on the site, I plan to be working on really improving the look and adding to the information content on the site. Unfortunately I am also the web master and even though I used to program computers for a living, I haven't written any real code in quite a few years. Getting it to this point was a lot of trial and error
(4) Add some horitizontal coil cartos (any suggestions on a supplier? the only one I know about is Kanger.)
(5) and of course lower, lower and lower prices...We will do what we can to keep the prices as low as possible

Thanks everyone for the great feedback
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