Hello from New York

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Hello all,

I started with the typical cigarette looking electronic cigarettes, I was spending $20 for two NJOYs a day so I decided to go the juice route, still smoking tobacco though.

I spent about 6 hours today researching how this more in depth stuff works with the cartomizers, tanks, batteries, etc.. It's really really confusing, I couldn't believe it. But I figured it out I think.

I settled on a Joyetech eGo 1000mah Pass-Through Battery, and some clear eGo compatible cartomizers (I picked that because I wanted to see what the juice looked like in the cart).

Strong Blueberry and Tobacco flavor are coming my way. I'm kind of hoping this is going to work, still smoking analogues as you call them all here, mixing with the NJOYs and a Logic disposable from time to time. Since cigarettes are $12 a pack and I go through 2 packs a day, and the disposable e-cigs are around $10-$12 each in NYC I'm hoping to cut down. I'm thinking the more vapor will help me some, more so than the cigarette type electronic models.

I am thinking about how I am going to get away with this at work though, initially I'll try to keep to NJOYs or similar at work, but where I smoke the most is at home, so hopefully this will work out. Pretty psyched, spent about $100 so far today should get everything in the mail soon and see how it goes.


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Nov 9, 2012
great step to leaving those death sticks a simple ego is cool to start with i have NO DOUBT you'll leave those analogues soon enough with the right juice you'll kick it for sure. I know it can be confusing but thats why we are here to support and help each other out. Welcome to ECF! and never be afraid to ask a question plenty of friendly people here that know what your going through..:toast:
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Jun 4, 2013
East Central Alabama
Welcomr to ECF from a former NYer (N. Massapequa). While the disposables are a good way to get introduced to vaping, you'll see a great difference when you get your rig. The taste difference alone is amazing (at least it was for me). You should find that you'll also be able to get away from the analogs easier. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you need to. I've found the folks here very friendly & willing to help a noob. Happy Vaping !!!


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Mar 1, 2009
Texas, USA
Welcome to ECF, and congrats on taking your first steps to put down the analogs forever! There are so many folks here who have been where you are, so please don't hesitate to holler if you need help, support or encouragement. Vaping helped me give up a 30 year cigarette habit, and you can do it, too! Getting the right setup is key, and it sounds like you are on the right track :toast:

Happy vaping! :vapor:


Vaping Master
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May 1, 2013
New York, NY
Good starter kit, and if it gets you off the analogs, it is the perfect setup. There is a very large world of devices and accessories, and there's plenty of time to figure out if you want to learn about them and try them out. In the end, you want a setup that is easy to use, that provides an experience as satisfying as an analog, and you want to find juices that you enjoy.

I suggest trying juices form a number of vendors. Something that tastes disgusting to one person could be another's favorite vape. Find the right juices, and a device that produces adequate flavor and vapor, and you can kick the habit permanently.
here is a video on how to stealth vape if you get a craving while working.. :evil: Sealth e-cig strategy -- Vape sneaky - YouTube

Thanks bro, that was hillarious. The dude blew the vapor it into his shirt as one way of concealing it. I was more concerned about the look of it than the smoke, a clear tube with a liquid and a battery, it looks crazy, and that's one of the reasons why I bought it :) I appreciate the note, I look forward to posting here when I get more experience with this and have questions if they arise.

Also thanks all for the warm welcome.


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF bullethead!

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:

I found a local guy who had an ego clone at 650 battery size, got that bought a clear cart and some strong juice while I wait for my other kit, this is nice. still smoking analogues but instead of going through 20 today by now, I had about 5, so far so good.

lots of vapor from this makeshift kit, I am enjoying it, thanks again.
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