Help! my coils are burning instantly! ATGiant.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2014
SW Chicago
Not sure about an aerotank, But in a protank the only screw "like" at the bottom is the positive pin that holds the coil leads in place. Might need to recenter the coil and wick in the coil head.
A suggestion. If I lived in Mexico and could not get the coils locally, I really would look into rebuilding the things. They are not difficult to build and would be much cheaper.
Actually a protank 3 coil was the first coil I built. Same coil that the aerotank takes.


Full Member
Dec 15, 2014
The metal piece you took off,was it the piece on the very bottom? If it was you might have dis lodged some of the wires for the coils. Watch this video it may help.
Yes, it's at the bottom of the tank
I can't see the video you're talking about.
Can't see any video in your post
It takes a few posts to be able to um, post, but if you could put them up on an img service and could do the url here with spaces ala:

img . ur /hottotrot

Worst case pm me the link and I'll post it to help -- it sounds like we're on the right track and pictures are worth 1,000 words. :)
I'll try to send in a PM :)
Yep. I think you made an error in how you reassembled the tank. Not sure what you did but you might try disassembling it and putting it back together, following a video step by step. Otherwise, a new device may be needed.

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I disassembled and put it back together twice already! I didn't see any wire though just a small piece of metal wjth rubber around it
It sounds like you unscrewed the 510 pin. Is this correct?
I don't know if that's the name of the piece, it's a small piece of metal that has rubber around it (I guess it prevents liquid leaks) not sure what it does but tue rubber is there
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Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
Hey punkoz, thanks! I'm pretty swamped at the moment and these coils aren't my forte so hopefully someone can jump in -- but for your eliquid you said you were using "My liquid ie from Viper Vapes, menthol, 30/70 VG/PG. And it is dark and it turns black as the coil burns. /:" Can you tell us what the name is on the bottle, and what color the liquid is in the bottle before you vape it?

That does seem pretty brutal for 2 days at 3V if this is a clear 70/30 mix, but then again you are running at 1.2Ohms.


Full Member
Dec 15, 2014
Hey punkoz, thanks! I'm pretty swamped at the moment and these coils aren't my forte so hopefully someone can jump in -- but for your eliquid you said you were using "My liquid ie from Viper Vapes, menthol, 30/70 VG/PG. And it is dark and it turns black as the coil burns. /:" Can you tell us what the name is on the bottle, and what color the liquid is in the bottle before you vape it?

That does seem pretty brutal for 2 days at 3V if this is a clear 70/30 mix, but then again you are running at 1.2Ohms.
The color on the bottle is a really dark yellow/brown, I'm using ViperVape with Menthol flavor, 24 mg nicotine.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
The color on the bottle is a really dark yellow/brown, I'm using ViperVape with Menthol flavor, 24 mg nicotine.

Hey punkoz,

I think I was confused by the naming, as I know the company but not the juice name -- and I was seeing menthol and assuming you had an extreme-ice type thing. I am now guessing you have a darker tobacco eliquid with menthol from ViperVapes. I'm sorry if this isn't super helpful, but I hope it helps:

1. I and others are really confused by the fact that it seemed to be working perfectly until you took the coil apart and put it back together, because that becomes the obvious culprit and it's very hard to know how to fix it.

You could have hot spots or wicking being wrong, though shorts are less likely without the Ohms constantly jumping around... but you could have severe hotspots. It's impossible for people to know if this is a red herring and your coil was about to go or if something went wrong while re-assembling; I've rebuilt a hundred coils but never tried just reassembling one with the short wires.

2. Your photos of your coils don't look great, mostly the actual coils look fairly normal as far as a gunked up well-used coil goes. A dark eliquid will gunk up your coils faster and leave more residue on the coils than a clear eliquid. In some cases this can be 1-2 tanks, in something with the resevoir of a giant they could be getting gunked with one tank.

3. Recognize that 1.2 Ohms is still pretty low, I'd normally say to go for 1.8+ and adjust your voltage accordingly. If you are shorting it could be pumping out more wattage than you'd expect in a big way. But even without that, 1.2 Ohms is a hot vape if you're taking long drags.

4. As mentioned, I think you're going to have to look at rebuilding. The good news is, this isn't expensive, and relatively easy, especially if you go with single coils, and kanthal wire & silica wick or cotton should be able to be purchased in-country even if the country doesn't like ecigs.
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