"Hookah trend blowing in the air"

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ECF Veteran
Feb 15, 2009
Long Island, NY
I love my hookah, I've had it for about 3 years and only used it about 30 times or so, it's amazing. Everyone I tell about it says "you don't smoke weed out of it?" and I tell them, of course I tried it and will never do it again, not only was it a waste of weed but it was not good tasting or smooth like the tobacco... I would never suggest smoking weed through a hookah. The tobacco is amazing I need to get some more and some coals, are there alternatives to the coals?

Yeah, hookahs aren't meant for smoking weed, and it's wasteful and pointless to use a hookah for that. In fact, you can't really use a hookah for anything that doesn't have molasses mixed in with it. Traditionally they were sometimes used to smoke hash or opium, but it was always mixed in with a larger volume of shisha, never smoked on it's own.

As far as alternatives to coals, I've come up with a couple but surprisingly I've never heard of my methods being used elsewhere. You can use an electric barbecue lighter. One like this: BUY Electric Charcoal Barbecue Starter That particular model is probably a bit to large for the average hookah bowl, but I just wanted you to be able to see what they look like. They are essentially the same thing as the heat elements on an electric stove-top. For hookah use, what I've done is bend it (carefully) to sit over the top of the hookah bowl with the handle going down at a 90 degree angle, and then I duct-tape the handle to the stem of the hookah. You might want to carefully bend the heat element so that it's more condensed with the element spread out over a smaller surface area so that the entire element is directly over the tobacco, if you understand what I mean. Then you make sure that it isn't touching any tobacco, and then wrap tin foil over the top of it all so that the element and the bowl are covered by the foil in order to insulate the heat (unlike the standard method where you would put a coal on top of the tin foil).

You can also use a heat gun (Heat gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) but this takes more work as you have to hold the heat gun and pull the trigger while you take a hit from the hookah hose.

Both of these methods also make it a lot easier to avoid burning the tobacco, because with a hookah you want to mostly vaporize the tobacco and end up with a bowl of dried out and darkened tobacco, not charred tobacco.
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I quit Analogs in Jan of this year, and smoking hookah everyday helped me do it. It is kind of a chore to setup, especially if you're using natural coals instead of quick lights, but this makes the experience that much better. At first when leaving the house for work or to go out drinking, the thought of getting back to my place and packing up a hookah overpowered the thought of wanting a cig. Usually in shisha, you will see the nicotine content hovering around .05%, though there are some shisha's that have 10x as much. Nakhala and U.S. based Tangiers come to mind. Though .5% doesn't seem like much on paper, when you rip a few monster clouds off, and wonder how so much smoke even fit in your lungs, you'll get your nic fix and then some :-x

I recently just fell off the wagon from a camping trip last weekend where I downed 3 packs in 3 nights. Now those old cravings are coming back, so I studied this forum for a few days and am now waiting on a 501 to arrive. I'm looking forward to the ecig, to get me through work and while out drinking. But when I get back home, It's only hoookah for me;).

Well, I guess I'll learn about them then...if the e-cig truly gets banned. Do they make mini ones so you can take in the car with you???? LOL

hookah-shisha has a pretty nice covered portable one that fit's nicely iin the cup holders :thumb:
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