How long did it take you to drop analogs fully?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
Plant City, FL
Hello guys and gals, I have a question about how long it took you to completley drop those analogs? Like 100% none not even craved one. I have been ecig-ing it up for roughly 2 weeks now. At first it was all i needed untill about the 3rd day i started really really craving analogs. So instead of just relading back to analogs i limited myself, I noticed that the times i really wanted a analog was first thing in the morning one at lunch and one right before bed. So at first i would limit myself to 3 and use the e cig the rest of the day. But during these times i would really try to hold out on the analog as long as i could till i broke down. Today marks the first day since then that i did not have a analog in the morning... and I didnt even crave one, allthough i find my ecig a bit harch first thing in the morning lol. I also noticed that it really depends on what juice im using to how hard the cravings hit me. For instance im using hypnotic from and it works great for me (tastes like cream soda) but my cinnimon just doesnt cut it. regardless im interested to see what people say about this.. i hope im not the only one that has a hard time be 100% analog free but the good thing is .. im trying and thats what is important.

Hey, it's only been 2 weeks, I think you're doing great!!!!!!! For some people it takes even longer,and some give it up almost immediately,,,,,,,,what matters is you're trying,,and you've seriously reduced your risk, so pat yourself on the back :)

For me, it was immediate,,,,,,,mostly because I truly liked the fruity and sweet flavors better,,,,,,,If it weren't for those, I'd still be having problems, I'm sure :)

great job!!!!!!
It's interesting to see we all cope with this so differently. I've been smoking (analogs) for 23 years and have tried to give up many times before, patches, gum, inhalers and hypnotherapy... For me the shock to my body of going from 20 a day to none was just too much.

I bought an e cig two months ago after a serious health scare. The best advice to me was to cut down in a controlled manner until I was totally dependant upon the e cig. I'm now down to my last cigarette, one in the morning, and in a couple of days I will say goodbye to the analogue.

It's been a bit of a game and every time I reduce my analogue intake's a bit like another level completed, I get really excited by it. I haven't had any craving, I don't miss the analogue's. Weirdly e cig's have brought back the enjoyment of smoking! I can sit indoors with a beer and just enjoy.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2012
Ft. Worth
My wife smoked for... about 15 years, I smoked for about 7. I was (am) the kind of junky that would let blood for a smoke. I've bummed cigs off people who didn't even speak english, bought them with change, walked to the store cause I was too drunk to drive, whatever it took. We switched completely with the first drag off of our EGO's. That was June 18th. The pack we hadn't finished is still in the freezer in case a buddy wants it or something (they're expensive!).

Now are we saving money? HELL NO! That's only because we're really chain smokers that refused to smoke in our house, couldn't smoke at work, and from a health perspective couldn't handle all the poisons in analogs. So these let me vape at my desk (Shhhh! Don't tell anyone!), in the house, in the car, in the mall, at the amusement parks, in movie theatres, and at bars. Some of these places we have to stealth vape, and yes we've wriled some people up a few times. On top of that we've invested a lot more in hardware than is strictly necessary.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
I was a pack-a-day smoker for 20+ years and it took me less than 48 hours to quit analogs. I woke up the first morning after getting my kit and smoked about 1/2 of one before I realized that I could just be vaping, put it out. Then I had 2 more at work throughout the day because vaping was still too new and kinda weird. After I got home anytime I had an urge I just puffed the e-cig, ended up chain-vaping for the evening. When I woke up the next morning and grabbed the fun new toy and haven't had the urge for an analog since. This Friday will be 3 weeks since the last one and I'm looking forward to the rest of my life without analogs and with my PV.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2012
Swindon, U.K.
As a (naive) introduction into the world of vaping, I bought a cheapy chinese generic e-cig... cut smoking down by half. Two weeks later decided to go with V2 and gave up almost immediately; as soon as I finished my last bit rolling tobacco - which was a struggle to get through as I instantly preferred the V2 to analogues, but don't like to waste stuff! :rolleyes:

Using the V2, I also gave up a certain other substance that you can smoke... currently suffering from nightmares and insomnia as a result, but I physically feel much better... and so does my wallet. Now, i'm not even slightly interested in smoking - anything - at all.


Edit: I've been analogue-free for very nearly 5 weeks :)
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Full Member
Verified Member
Jul 17, 2012
Thessaloniki, Greece
It only took my 1 day to quit analogs!
I was lucky enough to start with the Halo tribeca eliquid witch is until now my favorite!

I also started with the Bloog maxx fusion batteries witch are the best (imo) mini batteries.
Now, 6 months after i started vaping, i have about 8 mods, endless atomizers (from cartos to rebuildable atomizers like the Line v2 and the DID) and i have never ever smoked analogs!
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