How long have you been vaping?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2011
Las Vegas
My idea was to start vaping, quit smoking then lower the nic levels. My plan has gone awry. Even though I was a 1+ PAD smoker, for some reason any juice over 12mg makes me gag and cough and hurts my throat (even in pure VG).

So now I have a new plan. I am going to suck on my e cig and quit the analogs when they are gone. At this rate that will be 4 months LOL They'll be stale by then.

Actually, I am finding the 11-12 mg good for me. I am only smoking around 3 analogs a day after 5 days of vaping. And I only smoke 1/2 of those analogs pretty much. Not a concious decision, just the way it's working for me.

I think on April fools day I will plan to give up the analogs all together and see how that goes. If it happens earlier, even better!
7 days. Wasn't planning on quitting analogs, but after vaping all day on day 2, the analog I smoked that night tasted disgusting and made me dizzy. So I figured, what's in these things that made that happen when I've been inhaling nicotine comfortably all day? Really grossed me out, and I haven't wanted to light up since.
I think I might be able to switch to 0 nicotine eventually, and if I do, I may never quit vaping. I'm just a "gotta have something to do with my hands" type person.
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Ultra Member
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Mar 19, 2011
Houston, Texas, USA
I have been vaping for a week now and have alread moved down to 11mg juice. I hope to move down to 6mg juice within the next week or so and then be done with vaping.

I am just wondering do people quit smoking cigarettes and THEN quit vaping or do you keep vaping for years?

I don't want to set myself up for replacing my smoking habit with a vaping habit. I want to step down and quit all nicotine.

Any thoughts?

When I first started vaping I only did it for about 4 months. I picked it up when I felt I needed a fix and I put it down when I felt satisfied. Eventually I just stopped picking it up. I vaped 14mg the entire time, no stepping down required. Just thought I'd share, it might be cheaper and you won't have multiple bottles of juices left over doing it that way. But do whatever works for you, don't push yourself too hard to quit and it won't feel so much like a chore and more like an accomplishment (IMO).


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
When I received my first PV I hadn't even considered switching. I mean, at that point the thought of quitting cigarettes was just a bit scary to me, and it was NOT on my radar. I bought it as an interesting gadget, nothing more. That first PV was in my hands on 1/15/2010. Without the intention of doing so, I dropped cigarettes. I found that these devices would be able to replace smoking, for me.

I don't know if I'll quit vaping. I attach zero importance to doing so. I don't plan to quit drinking coffee either. I enjoy both.

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