How much nic do you vape with and why?

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Ultra Member
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Apr 2, 2018
safe distance from a black hole
Im pretty happy anywhere between 2mg and 12mg. This week Im vaping 4mg, the last batch was 9mg.
I used about 2ml yesterday and today with 4hrs left to go Ive already used 2ml.
I tried using 18mg about a month ago in an attempt to cut down the amount I vaped. I wasnt happy with it so I went down to 12mg for a while.
Some days I vape nic free to reset my tolerance and after that 3-4mg is plenty.


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
I started with 24mg over 7 years ago with rebuildable gennys and vaped about 3mls per day with resistances between. 8 to 1.3 at wattages between 15 to 20 ish. 7 years later I still vape rebuildable rta's at 24mg, same resistances, same ml's per day and slightly higher wattages. I couldn't imagine vaping even 10mls per day and when I read of some vaping 20 and even 30mls per day seems crazy....imo, I think it's safer to vape less mls and higher nic then visa versa. I also believe , at least for me personally, that quiting vaping wouldn't be any less easy whether I'm vaping 3 or 24mg because I feel that the nic in vaping is nothing like the nic in smoking. I have tried a few times , one recently, to stop vaping for a couple days and it wasn't a big deal. But everyone is different and my results can be totally different to others, so everyone needs to find what works for them

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2018
I am actively trying to reduce my nicotine consumption so it varies a bit. I started at 50mg/ml and decreased it to 25mg/ml and then decreased it again to 12mg/ml. I will occasionally get a boost from a backup with a higher concentration if the 12mg/ml isn't cutting it. I am trying to get down even lower than 12mg/ml but it is difficult. I am only using low power pod devices so they put out a lot less vapor than bigger box mods and tanks. I usually don't consume more than 2 ml per day. My goal is to quit nicotine.

Don't know how anyone has the time to vape 20 ml in one day! Most of the folks I know work and have kids and lots of other responsibilities that take up their time. Maybe those who consume 20ml are working in the vape industry and can vape all day.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Shooting for a 1.5 ohm dual coil build is very tough. Remember, those 1.5 ohm pre-made coils will still put you at 0.75 ohm in a dual parallel configuration. Is there a reason you even need a dual coil build if you're going to be vaping a low power higher ohm build?
I'm vaping hotter and hotter. My sweet spot was 4.2v and nowadays it's close to 5. Yes, I could build lower but it goes through juice like crazy. I'm testing higher nic and higher builds to lower the v on the mod. Plus, a 3000 mAh battery lasts 2 hours or so.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I am actively trying to reduce my nicotine consumption so it varies a bit. I started at 50mg/ml and decreased it to 25mg/ml and then decreased it again to 12mg/ml. I will occasionally get a boost from a backup with a higher concentration if the 12mg/ml isn't cutting it. I am trying to get down even lower than 12mg/ml but it is difficult. I am only using low power pod devices so they put out a lot less vapor than bigger box mods and tanks. I usually don't consume more than 2 ml per day. My goal is to quit nicotine.

Don't know how anyone has the time to vape 20 ml in one day! Most of the folks I know work and have kids and lots of other responsibilities that take up their time. Maybe those who consume 20ml are working in the vape industry and can vape all day.
Me! As a programmer I sit quietly at a desk for hours. I could smoke a pack of cigarettes in one standing 8 hours. I fill up one 30 ml bottle and by nighttime 2/3 is gone. I'm vaping at an average 5v, 33 to 42w depending on the build.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2017
Don't know how anyone has the time to vape 20 ml in one day!
I once vaped 20ml of 3mg Black Market Cake Monster in just 4 hours. That was with a pair of staple staggered fused claptons in the Wotofo 25mm Troll RDA 2 at just 140 watts.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I'm happily at 4mg/ml, started at 12, and slowly moving down after 3 years. IMHO all ranges should be available so people can wean themselves down.

It's easy to see why there are fewer mainstream higher strengths available. The cost of the bottle and label is pretty close between 30/60/120 ml sized containers. Nicotine is the highest cost per ml of all the ingredients. Then we have the wattage wars, with mainstream mods capable of > 200 watts. ejuice is the main consumable for this industry.

Don't worry, now I'll tie it all together in my little mind

Juice manufacturers love moving more product. Same as the disributors. Stores love the lower nic strength, higher wattage vaper. They sell more juice, and coils which is where their main profit comes from and gets you in the stores. Your wallet hates it. Now with pre-filled pods, there's no sampling, just ring up another cardbox box filled with 4 of 'em.
Just 2 years ago I was telling Ruby Roo to up her strenghts in her liquids, she only made 3 and 6. Nowadays she has 18 mg (and it's the first time I've seen some). Other manufacturers are seeing the trend too, and putting again the old strenghts. Some never took them down. I think more people are experiencing the same I do: subohming doesn't equal less nic. Only more volume.


Vaping Master
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Jun 4, 2013
Westfield, IN, USA
I started out well over 30mg and vaped probably a good 20ml a day at about 3v on 2.5ohm
now i'm at 3mg and well still vape a lot lol but now i chain vape because I enjoy it not so much due to nic fits.
I'm not one for higher watts, when I started out I was at 3v....pretty much then stuck to 10w, now i'm at 15w but that's because I changed from using nichrome and silica which is all I ever used in now using SS and cotton, i've noticed with this I had to bump it up to 15 - 20w and also usually between 1 - 1.5 ohm
also when I started I was using tanks but within a year I switched to dripping and never looked back :lol:
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2018
Me! As a programmer I sit quietly at a desk for hours. I could smoke a pack of cigarettes in one standing 8 hours. I fill up one 30 ml bottle and by nighttime 2/3 is gone. I'm vaping at an average 5v, 33 to 42w depending on the build.

I once vaped 20ml of 3mg Black Market Cake Monster in just 4 hours. That was with a pair of staple staggered fused claptons in the Wotofo 25mm Troll RDA 2 at just 140 watts.

Hahaha! Are you guys sure that you aren't confusing these two kinds of drippers. ;) :D




Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I just think it's totally individual to the person, the build, and etc. I find my body kind of naturally self adjusts, after vaping on one of my sirens, especially if it is one of my "higher nic tanks" that I started using for when I want to smoke, well, I just put the vape down for a bit and etc. I don't really feel the need to tailor my nicotine to my build, because once I'm happily vaped and nic'd up, my body lets me know, although I did use my sirens as an example because they are my most vapor producing tanks (probably) and well, enough is enough when it is enough.

Do I think higher MG liquids should be on the market? Well they already are, especially if you look at salt liquids, I mean you can get pretty high nic liquid from salt lines, although I certainly know that there are brick and mortar and online vendors that will go as high as 36 mg/ml if not higher. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that or any strength in between. In fact, the whole line of eliquids that may go 3/6/12 sort of arbitrarily (I usually assume it's geared to sub0hm vaping at that point) can be a bit of a pain if you need more nic or less nic, but if you DIY or are even willing to buy different concentrations and do some math, you can usually get to where you need to go. Etc.



Vaping Master
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May 29, 2017
San Francisco
I vape 4 MG and find that the device used makes a lot of difference on the amount vaped. I can vape a subtank mini and go thru a tank full in 4 hours or less. I can vape the same liquid in digiflavor themis with a mesh coil and the same amount of eliquid will last around 6 hours. 2 or three hits off the themis and I am done for at least 1/2 hour maybe hour. The subtank a lot more hits more often.

I also vape a lot more in the morning and late evening than during the day.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I vape about two Kayfun V2 tanks a day. That's 2 x 4.5ml, so about 9ml. I've never gone over that, even at 3mg nic strength. Even when I started 12mg juice I only dropped to about half that and the nic bite was more than I was used to.

24mg seemed just right for the first two or three years I vaped, but that was back in the eGo days. I never bought a mech. I just jumped from eGo to Kayfun. Lately, I've been playing around with Beserker 24mm and a couple of other mini 24mm tanks. I vape them for a while and juice up the Kayfun again, and switch around here and there. The newer tanks may have a slight edge on flavor and they are compact, but you get used to one and it sticks.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
Crystal, MN USA
I started at 11mg with a ego pen set up. LOL that was almost five years ago. Now I am down to 3mg using a 1.5ohm coil. I don't drip I run three mods yes (tank hoar) I like my flavors all flavors 3mg nic. I am coming up on my five year anniversary in October looking at quitting the nic. I have tried or have set a goal date but creature of habit I seem to forget to say no nic or the juice just tastes wrong without it. I think I vape about 5ml of juice a day if I measure but if working or busy I don't vape. It just depends on the day I am having or what I'm doing socializing I vape the most. Tipping a few visiting with friends and driving I notice is when I vape the most. So let's hope on October 11th nicotine free!! (5 years analog free!)


Vaping Master
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May 11, 2016
Southern Louisiana USA
I'm not positive how much I vape a day. I have 5 vapes going at any one time and rotate. Most have 6mg of nic. One has 12mg and I have 2 pods, one with 25 mg and the other 35mg for those times I really need a nic hit. It works for me lol
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