How much nic do you vape with and why?

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Sep 16, 2017
Way back when I first tried vaping, I was using 18mg in a carto. That didn't last long and I went back to smoking rather quickly, maybe a week at best.

It was couple years before I tried again, this time with a MTL tank and 18mg. That might have lasted 2 weeks or so, and dropped it again.

The last time I picked up a sub ohm setup with 3mg and never looked back. High nic and MTL vaping just reminds me of smoking, and sets me up for failure it seems, just too similar for me. Using lower nic and sub ohm is what let me break away from the cigarettes for good. I can do a little MTL and high nic once in a while, but it just isnt satisfying for me. I am more than happy with my 3mg juices, even 6mg is too much for me and can make me a bit queasy at times.
Im at 6mg, can tolerate 9mg (i mixed up a batch at 9mg to see what would happen, turns out its do-able for me). I sub at .20ohms between 60-75watts. Ill use plenty of juice. But i make my own and ill vape as much as i like. Its all good.


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Jul 8, 2012
I do not get it. I am still dual using in between vapes I smoke non-filter analogs. Although not nearly as many as I have previously. No excuse but I can not vape higher than 3 mg per ml. I cough to badly when I do. Tried a pod 50mg per nic salt same deal. How is it I smoke these killers and can not vape above 3 mg? Anything I can add to smooth my liquids out so I can vape maybe 12mg per? Something to sooth throat while vaping? Thank you.
It took me a couple few weeks to get use to vaping, but it was 24mg mtl, so it seems your much more sensitive. Perhaps you have already tried, but what helped me was taking a vape, holding it in my mouth for a few seconds, then bringing it into my lungs....I had to do this for weeks until my lungs adapted. I remember saying the same thing, "how can I smoke these fire sticks and feel nothing, while this simple vapor makes me cough"

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May 30, 2017
I am PG sensitive and my cough vastly improved once I went to VG, distilled water, and then PEG500 which is the BOMB when it comes to replacing PG for flavor. I can handle about 10% PG then it's all pins and needles in my throat from there on out. I did not develop PG sensitivity right away, and I also didn't get a rash or traditional allergy sx, ,my system does not like it. PEG400 requires the willingness to DIY, and I'd also recommend (as I always do) researching it a bit. I didn't find anything alarming so I went ahead and started using it, and I remain not alarmed at all. But it is one viable option, I find flavors smoother and crisper than VG/DW alone.

As far as coughing, well, dual use (for me anyway) always involved a bit of coughing daily and I coughed for some time until like, I realized, "this won't stop unless I stop dual use." My throat was torn up when I got here, so switching to salts also helped me immensely and I DIY with them at 18 mg/ml at first although I seem to do fine with freebase too nowadays.

The reason that smoking doesn't make you cough is due to some big tobacco modifications that BT did, including adding something called "humectants" to the tobacco and they moisten it and help the smoke sliiiiiddde down your throat. (They're probably in all likelihood seriously bad for you too) but that's what does it.

Some people are very sensitive to nicotine levels and vapor. You do have some options.. You can do the M to N inhale/exhale, where you inhale the vape into your mouth and exhale through your nose, avoiding the vape entirely when it comes to your lungs. You might be surprised at how efficiently the mucosal membranes and sinuses absorb nic, there are plenty of successful vapers doing that and you could up your nic too if you wanted. I find that type of inhale to be ultimately unsatisfying and that's my biggest issue with it, but it is something you could try and adjust to while you are dual using to adjust to vaping and higher nic and do that until you are ready to drop smoking and it's more of a "habit."

I was surprised at how much snus helped me, and not just for job related issues where I KNOW it is going to help me not feel like I want to constantly vape. I can use a 20 mg/ml piece of snus and be comfortable for a couple hours, for me it's place it and kind of forget it. It's really helpful at not letting my nic levels drop below what I consider "safe" during long periods which are then triggers for me to smoke. It's also (I presume) got more of the nicotine alkaloids in it, meaning (I presume) that it helps me to not smoke period. It was a life saver when I first started out trying to end this dual use thing and I'm sure I will always vape for the hand to mouth thing, but heck, say you buy Generals Snus (the name of the manufacturer from Sweden here in the US and they only make 8 mg pieces and the flavor isn't fantastic, I prefer the white, if I had to pick one) and seriously, your first piece of snus will NOT taste good, probably. They make white, mint and wintergreen and PUSH through that first few pieces and you may be surprised at how effective it is. I was. If it hadn't been for @hittman , and the "what is under your lip, nose, etc. right now thread, I think my dual use might have continued much longer and ALSO work would have been... a challenge.

it seriously may be worth investigating it with an open mind. You can vape ON TOP of it if you need/want to, and I have done so at times, but I kind of liken it to the patch-- you can wear one to keep your nic levels sort of on a more even keel especially if you have to take long breaks between vaping. A nurse practitioner suggested that to me one time, and I was like, "UM but there are all these warnings about doing that," and she just laughed and said, "Yeah, but you are a 3 ppd smoker I sincerely doubt you are going to override your nicotine tolerance."

Although I wasn't successful that time around, well, she was factually correct. And snus is even more EFFECTIVE than the patch (and cheaper probably) because it's got more WTA action, I would seriously recommend trying it.

Really keeping my nic levels high enough (however I do it) is probably key (for me). I say I started out at 18 mg/ml but I'm going to bet it was higher than that, because I was using Aroma's wholesale nic and that was either 36 or 24 mg wholesale and I would put a tiny squirt in the tank, and it was probably enough to boost my nic some and I believe two things happened to me a) I had higher nic levels AND WTA levels to start and b) when I switched to Umbavapes and then Ohm's WTA (and I think they're decent but not epic) but when I entered stressful situations and really couldn't afford Aroma anymore well, I just upped my WTA levels but was using 12 mg WTA and really didn't stop to consider what that was doing to my nic levels honestly, and probably my WTA levels because I think Ohms/Umbavapes WTA is SERVICABLE but nothing like Aroma's and someone sent me a wholesale bottle of Aroma's and I was indeed astonished at its ability to help me not smoke even during my most daunting periods and etc.

So, do anything and EVERYTHING you can think of, honestly, it's worth it. It is SO MUCH worth it. Good luck,



Super Member
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Jan 26, 2015
Toronto, Ontario
What do you think? Should low nic liquids be marketed, or go back to the old days of 24/18/12/9 eliquid?

For me, more nic/less vaping is the way to go. I started at 18 mg, then decided to lower the nic level. When I reached 3 mg it became almost non-stop chainvaping, easy 10-15 ml of eliquid a day.

Now I am back to MTL tanks and 12mg liquids, consumption is about 4-5 ml a day. I am also using 50 mg pods in the office setup, when I need quick nic fix.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2018
safe distance from a black hole
I do not get it. I am still dual using in between vapes I smoke non-filter analogs. Although not nearly as many as I have previously. No excuse but I can not vape higher than 3 mg per ml. I cough to badly when I do. Tried a pod 50mg per nic salt same deal. How is it I smoke these killers and can not vape above 3 mg? Anything I can add to smooth my liquids out so I can vape maybe 12mg per? Something to sooth throat while vaping? Thank you.
Hi. I have two friends, a husband and wife, he coughs up a lung everytime he tries vaping, his wife worked hard on her technique and worked through the coughing fits etc.
From watching them she has a gentle and smaller inhale where as he attacks the vape like he would a cigarette or "that other stuff you smoke that we cant name here".
When I started vaping I would be out side in my "smokers corner" coughing up what felt like vital organs and in between the coughing and hacking I could hear my family inside cracking up at me.
I kept adjusting my technique until I didnt rupture my spleen everytime I took a puff.
Explaining to my friend to take shallower and gentler puffs only works if I sit there and guide him through each puff, as soon as hes left to his own devices he just snorts it like hes going to empty a 4ml tank in one draw.
If you havnt already tried altering your technique give it a go. Start with gentle .5 to 1second draw at low temps and work up from there.
Other than that, VG and 5-7% distilled water can be a very smooth vape even at 12mg
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