How to sell my parents on the idea of e-cigs

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Full Member
Nov 13, 2009
hey all! sorry for the monster post but I really need help-I got three pcc starter kits from eastmall(one each for me, my mom, and my dad), and also got everyone their own passthrough, extra batt, extra att, cutting liquid, syringes, and 5 extra cartridges. I also got dekang red bull liquid for me, dekang winston for my dad, Jagerbomb (his favorite drink), key lime (his favorite candy/soda flavor, and chocolate ( all medium double flavor) and caramel flavoring for my dad from diy, and chocolate, menthol, and keoke koffee (all extra high double flavor) along with peanut butter, peppermint, maple, caramel, and bavarian creme flavoring for my mom from diy, along with menthol crystals. I figured she could get creative and end up with mocha, peppermint patties, reeses cups, flavored coffee ect, all of which she loves. My dad has smoked Winston Lights since he was a very young teen and my mom's smoked full flavor menthol 100's since she was 11 (now 54).
I got 510 kits after VERY careful deliberation (I'm talking over 2 monthes) and trolling the forum (it's just now letting me post)I must say I'm already using mine (on the sly)and LOVE it. Great throat hit, killer flavor (I'm a redbull addict lol) It does have some juice leaking, but I'm going to use the blue foam mod on all the carts before christmas so that'll fix that. NOW onto my parents-my dad wants to quit and is much more openminded, but my mom... well she LOVES smoking. She sounds like she's describing sex when she talks about it-how she loves the way it feels, tastes, ect. She is also VERY opposed to anyone telling her what to do. Once on a movie a guy asked his girlfriend to stop smoking because he loved her and my mom started saying how she'd dump him immediately for trying to control her if it was her. This is what I have so far to convince her:
1. We're broke and it costs wayyyy less if you're smart about where you buy stuff. She's currently paying only $20 per carton, but we'd only pay about 6 per person per week for juice and we're going through a few cartons a week
2. She made a deathbed promise to her mom to try to quit and this way she can quit without actually quitting
3. There's tons of flavors and she has a major sweet tooth, and dosn't drink alcohol at all (she used to be an alcoholic 19 years ago before she got pregnant, so she misses the taste but is afraid to ever have another drink) and they have Kahlua flavor, which she liked
4. She'll feel better and hopefully avoid smoking-related diseases
5. I'll be quitting analogs with her, so our pets and I will be healthier
6. Her baby brother (who has heart disease) smokes too and would probably switch to vaping if she did
7. She can smoke anywhere, and without detection, and even use it to mess with people :)
8. She can control her own nic levels
9. There's an even better throat hit than analogs. I actually prefer the sensation of vaping(I smoke the same cigs as her and have for 7 years since I was 12)
10. No ashtray odor
So what am I missing? Thank you so much for your help!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
Fenton, michigan
not to be the "nanny" here but since your mom was an alcoholic before... i would not even tell her about the alcoholic tasting juices ...might be a gateway, to get he going on it again... just my .02

if she is a die hard smoking fan, maybe pursue it in this fashion... tell her its not a way to quit but just a new awesome alternative way to smoking or something along those lines, so she doesnt think of it as quitting smoking, just a new method that is cheaper,better, healthier. kinda like going from a black n white tv to a 60 inch high def plasma lol. - same thing only bigger and better :)

other then that .. really it is only 50% of the solution, the other 50% is she has to want to quit/change as with any quit smoking tool or habit changing tool. but im sure you know this already :)

you have already brought up the points we can come up with, and ones we could not have. the rest will be on you really, since you know your parents better then we do :)


Ultra Member
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Jul 9, 2009
West Central Illinois - USA
If you like vaping and you can get dad on board. Then you two go ahead and don't bother her. Let her see how much better you both begin feeling. How you can be virtually anywhere and still support that nicotine habit. How much money you're saving.
Someone on the forums had the same problem with a husband or wife and decided to go ahead without any argument to the other. As I recall, after a short time the other eventually decided to maybe give it a try..and it worked out.
I don't think you can argue your mom into switching but maybe you can influence her by example.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2008
Your mum loves cigarettes and is not going to take kindly to any kind of change.

May I suggest you dont say they are for using to give up smoking cigarettes but as an alternative to cigs where she cannot smoke.

That is precisely what I bought my first e-cig for, I was 100% pro smoking and I had no intention giving up .

I loved my new toy so much I only smoked 3 cigs in the first 24 hrs but I did continue to smoke for 6 weeks or so before I stopped.

With a little luck your mum will be the same.

Best advice I can give is no pressure to stop , let her feel she made the decision.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2009
i would let her open it as a gift and see what happens... perhaps she will show an interest in trying it... and problem solved... however if she doesnt show any interest, i would just tell her to hang on to it and go on vaping with your dad, providing he is willing and eventually she will get curious enough to at least try it...
i was a lil skeptical on this whole vaping thing at first and did lots of reading and watching videos before i even thought about buying or trying one... i finally got the sense to go get one adn give it a whirl, and though it hasnt quite been a week i have only had 2 or 3 analogs ... been smoking a lil over a pack a day for 13 years, tried quitting many times, but realized i didnt really want to quit. but now that i got this, im not sure ill smoke again...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2009
Midwest , USA
One thing that might be helpful is don't tell her she has to quit. Tell her about the benifits of not having the added chemicals that cigarettes have but maybe emphisize that it isn't the nicorette patch. If she tried it and felt like she could have an analog, she can. I coudn't stand the thought of not being able to have an analog if I wanted one. I quit for a year once with a brand new pack on me at all times. I felt better if I could have a cig. I didn't, but I could have.
I'm the same way now with e-cigs. I don't really want an analog but I don't kid myself. If I ran out of e-juice I'd probably smoke an analog.
I've been doing this long enough now to know, I prefer the e-cig to analogs any day.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2009
One thing that might be helpful is don't tell her she has to quit. Tell her about the benifits of not having the added chemicals that cigarettes have but maybe emphisize that it isn't the nicorette patch. If she tried it and felt like she could have an analog, she can. I coudn't stand the thought of not being able to have an analog if I wanted one. I quit for a year once with a brand new pack on me at all times. I felt better if I could have a cig. I didn't, but I could have.
I'm the same way now with e-cigs. I don't really want an analog but I don't kid myself. If I ran out of e-juice I'd probably smoke an analog.
I've been doing this long enough now to know, I prefer the e-cig to analogs any day.

i agree, when i run out of carto's and cant get to store to buy some new ones, ill grab an analog, but thats soon to come to an end as well, i just learned in the last few days about refilling the carto's so i ordered some juice to give it a shot... and like you said i'll keep the last pack of analogs i bought around just in case, but i think they will stale before i need one...
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