I am something other than an "ex-smoker". Are you?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2011
Well you ask about cigars and no one has posted so this is my experience. I smoked cigars for 14 years (6 a day) full sized cigars and paid around 1$ a piece (ordered on line for the good price). I first seen a e-cig ad in a magazine and went to google and seen all the vendors and found the ECFforum (thank goodness) and ordered a cheap 510 kit just for curiosity and when I got it, I fired it up and thought this is kind of neat that I can inhale and blow what looks like smoke, and use it inside the house (I would never do that with a cigar, the smell would never go away) I smoked in the garage even at 5 below zero with a portable heater and my coat on. After 2 weeks I was down to 2 or 3 a day and I was not trying to quit, it was that the e-cig was satisfying me somewhat. Now I had not thought about quitting cigars, I was just curious about the E-cigs and how they worked.
Guess what? In one month I quit cigars all together (and my wife was shocked), because I was getting more pleasure from the e-cigs. The cigars tasted terrible and how nice It was to smoke the e-cig in the house and not have smelly clothes all the time and my poor wife put up with me smoking in the car with the windows cracked open and the heater in the winter time going full blast to try to push as much of the cigar smoke out as I could. Long trips had to be a torture for her but after a while I guess you get use to odors after a while until the next car ride. She never smoked. Now its a pleasure for every one around me.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2011
Sunny Tampa Florida
I got my first kit as a Christmas gift and haven't smoked since. I didn't plan to quit, it kinda just happened. I consider myself a vapor now. I have replaced the cigarette addiction with the shopping for e-cig addiction. :) I reset my signature regularly to reflect how much I've really spent. But my health is priceless! I use 36mg mainly otherwise I'm permanently attached to my pv's. I would love to slowly dwindle the amount of nic but want to be sure I'm free from cigarettes forever before I start doing so. It is not always easy to not smoke especially when I'm stressed or upset, but I try to remember that each cigarette I don't smoke is a small battle I win. Each day I don't smoke is a bonus I give to myself and my health. :)
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