I just felt like I needed to post something.

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ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Charlotte NC
I don't know why I feel like I feel, but it has been bugging me for a few days now and in some weird twisted way, this post may make her immortal. Be forewarned, this may get long.

I am not much at writing and I am certainly not elegant and if it wasn't for spell checking, there would be tons of errors instead of just a few, so just be forewarned, I don't usually do this much.

Time has been really slow and really fast for me at the same time. I work from home so days blur together and then weeks and then months so I am usually lucky if I just know what day it is let alone trying to actually remember events and when they happen. I can't remember if it has been a year or longer, it doesn't seem like its been more than a year but again, that whole blur thing. Anyways, I got a new neighbor back then somewhere around that time frame and let me just say that I was in for a shock.

There is a duplex beside of my house and on the far side of it there is an elderly lady, I don't get to talk to her often, usually only in the summer time when she is out tending her yard and I am out walking my dogs. She is a very nice lady from what I can tell from our talks and she loves spending time outdoors but during the winter time, she pretty much rarely comes out. The new neighbor that moved into this side of the duplex is also an elderly lady but for the first month or two that she lived there, I was never able to catch her to talk to her. I would catch a glimpse of her from time to time but she pretty much seemed to stay to herself and here is where it started to get, interesting.

You see, the new neighbor, had basically been parking in my yard the entire time she has been there. I wasn't to concerned and figured that when I could actually catch her outside, I would introduce myself and let her know that she had been parking in my yard instead of on her property and that it would be over, Oh how funny events can turn. So I catch the nice lady from the far side of the duplex outside one day and walked over and talked to her. I asked her if she had met the new neighbor and what she thought of her. This is when I learn that our new neighbor is, for a kind word, very eccentric. As I am talking to to the nice lady, she looks over and notices that our neighbor was parking in my yard. I told her yeah I noticed and figured I would just mention it to her when I actually could catch her out. I wasn't all that concerned about it really.

Well about 2 days pass and there is a knock at my door. Oh look, its the new neighbor. When I step out onto the porch to open the door, I am greeted with some pretty hostile language and asked if I had a problem with her, why didn't I come directly to her to resolve the issue. I was pretty much shocked at this point. I informed her I hadn't talked to her about anything because I hadn't caught her outside and that it wasn't a big deal and figured I would just mention it to her when I actually did see her outside. This is when I start to understand what the other neighbor was talking about.

After talking to her for a small length of time, I found out that her and the nice old lady are basically in a feud now and I am being thrust right into the middle of it. Well, I nipped that in the bud. I don't know the now, crazy old lady, and the nice old lady beside of her has never greeted me with profanity so I kinda figured out where the problem was at. Anyways, Crazy lady, as she was known in my house has made several trips over here over the course of the year(ish?) and I had gotten to know her a little bit. Crazy is probably an accurate but deceptive description of her. She had mental issues, there is no doubt of that, but I also found out that she had some really strange, I'm not sure what the correct term is here, but strange smelling issues. I don't know if I can call these allergies but it seemed that many smells ended up driving her insane, To the point that she would just want to go crazy. I felt sorry for her condition as that had to be something very hard to live with it. Well, as I got to talk to her more, I found out that she does have some family around, I don't know who they are or where they are at, but she was pretty much estranged to them. In other words, she was alone.

Well, she was getting hit by many fronts since she moved into this area. Her and the nice lady were feuding, the landlord of the duplex figured her for a nut so he wasn't very sympathetic and to top it all off, she had nobody to talk to. So I decided to be her outlet. About once a month she would come over and vent about her problems and I would listen. From the descriptions she gave me of her issues with smells, I am surprised that she was sane at all. It is not something I can even begin to comprehend but, I can give her an ear and let her vent out her frustrations. The longer she stayed around here, the more depressed and upset she became but when she walked away from talking to me, I hoped that it made her feel a little better. As the cold started setting in, she found that the smell of the gas was just to much for her and she had the gas cut off. This was a worry for me because she even had issues with the house that she was living in. She had many smells in there that was driving her crazy so she pretty much had to keep a window partly open to get fresh air in and there was many things in the air that got to her to, but it was the only option she had open to her.

I was always worried the cold might be to much for her but she seemed to be handling it ok considering her condition. Well, here is where things turn for the worse. I started noticing last week that I never saw her lights on when I would run the dogs out at night for potty time. After 4 nights of not seeing any lights on but her car being in the driveway, I decided to go knock on her door. I didn't get an answer. So I went over to the nice lady and asked her if she would call the landlord and have him check in on her. Well, Midday on friday, I am sad to say, they found her dead in her home. I have not heard what caused it, but I don't think it was the cold. I don't know why, but her death has really bugged me. I guess there are several things that bug me about this but I think the worst part is that she died alone. My wife didn't like her, the nice old lady beside of her didn't like her, her landlord didn't like her, she had family but they didn't like her and here I am, wishing to see her come over again and tell me what is bothering her this month. Now you take all that and add in that it was a week from Christmas and it just makes me even sadder. I am not a religious person. I am not celebrating Christs birth during this time, but Christmas for me is about being with family and friends and enjoying their company along with good food and good times. Crazy lady didn't have any of that this year and to be honest, I don't know when she had something like that last.

So here is to crazy lady, Johnny is the only name I ever got out of her. You are gone now but just know, you may have had issues and there may not have been many people that liked you, But from this person, you will be missed. If there is a god, I really do hope that he does bless you.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2010
Vapin'Hard Mang*<|;)
{qoute} DoomsDay "If there is a god, I really do hope that he does bless you."

i feel for you , i truly do,
I do not mean to sound insensitive here,

well 1st off i wonder if your name,
has anything to do w/ it?

thats a gooder.

i hope im wrong,

also we got a call tonite, true story
cause im isane,but i dont bs
step dad on wifes side ,
his brother just passed! it never fails
christmas time !!
part of life i reckon?

i know that christmas is a hard time
on alot of people, cant say fer sure why?

but, beliefs or not !!!!
it is suppose to be a celebration of sorts?
i dont really think its the mall santa either!

well bud my best wishes +maybe work on that handle?

bless you and all



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Charlotte NC
{qoute} DoomsDay "If there is a god, I really do hope that he does bless you."

i feel for you , i truly do,
I do not mean to sound insensitive here,

well 1st off i wonder if your name,
has anything to do w/ it?

thats a gooder.

i hope im wrong,

also we got a call tonite, true story
cause im isane,but i dont bs
step dad on wifes side ,
his brother just passed! it never fails
christmas time !!
part of life i reckon?

i know that christmas is a hard time
on alot of people, cant say fer sure why?

but, beliefs or not !!!!
it is suppose to be a celebration of sorts?
i dont really think its the mall santa either!

well bud my best wishes +maybe work on that handle?

bless you and all


My handle is a gamer handle. I pretty much use it everywhere.


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What a touching tribute to Johnny. You may not be Christian, by you certainly obeyed Christ's commandment to "Love one another." He didn't say "Like the cool people, or the nice people, or the ones who are of benefit to you." What you wrote in your post, and that you took the time to even write it, and that you are grieving for her, shows that you loved her - just because she was a fellow human being.

So this crazy old lady had no friends? Because you allowed her to touch your heart and shared her story, she touched our hearts too. I wouldn't say she was alone and unloved. May she rest in peace.

I am sorry for your pain and your loss.

Merry Christmas,

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uba egar320

Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2009
I think you did all you could. And even though you may feel that's not enough, I feel safe in saying that you did a good thing. There aren't tons of folks out there that would have even given her the time of day. Yes, she may have died alone, and that is, in itself, tragic. No way around that. But, to someone that had no one, your listening may have been one of the only joys she had in her last months. We have never spoken before, but I say you're probably a good person to know.
Thank you, Doomsday, for sharing yourself with your eccentric neighbor. She is now free from the mental prison that she lived in.
You may never know the difference you made in her life. You were probably the only soul she connected with before her passing.
The point is you opened up and cared.... and it has changed you, too.

((hugs)) to you!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Charlotte NC
Thanks guys, I appreciate the sentiments. I saw that her family has been contacted as they came out to the duplex to pick up her things and her car. I don't know why, but that made me feel a lot better. I guess maybe its due to now, she hasn't been forgotten by her family. I kinda wished I had gotten to meet them but I guess that wasn't in the cards.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Charlotte NC
No apology needed at all. I got what ya was saying. When reading forums, a simple statement can be read one way by one person and a completely different way by another. I never took offense. I always try to assume that what ever has been written is not meant to be taken wrong. It is usually pretty obvious when someone is trying to be mean.
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