I think I OD'd last night.....

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The last few days have been a whirlwind for me....i have a sleep problem anyways, but then my lil maltese got sick the other night...so needless to say, my nerves have been rattled lately, so i've been vaping quite a bit more these past few days because of that.

So last night i noticed i felt somewhat feverish (even though i didn't have a fever) and i was feeling very nauseated. I've also noticed that getting to sleep before 4am is near impossible and thought that maybe i needed to begin lowering the dose of my ejuice. However, i wasn't experiencing any of the headaches i was getting when i first started vaping, so i started thinking my body was becoming accustomed to the 24mg ejuice....until last night.

But yeah, i felt like i was truly coming down with the flu last night and i felt my heart beating somewhat irregular as i laid down to get some rest. I mean i felt like CRAP, but then again...when i go so long without sleep, my body starts flippin' out on me anyways. But i warmed up a plate of food sort of late last night and it was a steak that i had cooked a few days ago, so i thought well maybe i was just getting food poisoning...yeah, had that before and i really did feel that bad.

However, today i woke up and felt fine. So since i've been chain vaping like crazy the past few days, i'm guessing that i OD?! If that's the case, then i want to make sure i NEVER do that again because i truly felt like death, plus i have heart issues anyways and i'm sure that was the reason my heart was reacting like it was.....so here's a question for the more experienced vapors out there.

Since i was almost a 2 pk a day smoker and had smoked for 30 plus years, i went with the 24mg because the one thing that i NEED when vaping is the throat hit....so lowering my nicotine mg's right now with everything going on, i have a feeling i would go back to the analogs and that's the last thing i want....so can you tell me how i can decrease my level of nicotine without losing the throat hit? Also, i have only one ejuice that is my ADV and i've even tried cinnamon (hearing that would help with the TH) and i didn't like that flavor....so how can i decrease nicotine, without changing ejuice and without losing TH?

OD'ing on nicotine is NOT something to take lightly and last night i realized just how dangerous it can be....i seriously felt like i could have another heart attack and that really scared me!

Sorry for the long post :(

This may seem like a strange question, but bear with me....do you use the computer late at night a lot?


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Mar 31, 2014
Valdosta, Georgia, United States
I haven't read through all the responses but as someone allergic to PG, I can still get throat hit with VG and 9%nic. I don't know what wattage you vape at or what equipment you use, but if you want to lower your nic content and keep the throat hit increase your wattage. I have found in my experience with my prefered VG juice and nic content that right around 25-30 watts with a 1.5 ohm macro coil produces just the right throat hit for me. You may enjoy the feel of the PG throat hit, but in case you don't this is another road you can take, especially if you want to lower your nic :D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
Hi rucerious.

Chain vaping 24 is some pretty serious stuff. However that statement is dependant on your device.

I had a similar issue with 18mg when I first started vaping and got the draw down for good nic delivery... Not good, not good at all, while working at hieghts and climbing ladders. I immediately stepped down my nic and continued till I could chain vape all day with out getting nic sweats or other ill effects including insomnia, I ended up at 12mg.

The fact that it happened is enough to tell you your nic is too high for all day use. You've been vaping for a while so stepping it down shouldn't be a problem that will cause a run to cigarettes.

If you were able to get that sick with 24 I would say from experience that you should be vaping 15mg juice, it will never happen again.

15mg or so will make you happy and healthy. Many people vape a lower mg juice at night while they are chain vaping to help sleep.. Or stop vaping completely a half hour or more before bed to free the nic.

I would immediately step down and not go higher than 18 regularly.. You may be surprised that the TH isn't that much less really. You get use to it quick.

Something as simple as changing your draw can affect the percieved TH. You may want to start doing some lung pulls. The th is better with lung pulls, nic absoption is not as efficient, but sufficient. The wetter the wick the stronger the th will come across.

I agree the flavoring amount and type affect th. Many flavors have much more th than others with the same nic and pg/VG levels. I use and Arabic tobacco because it has a strong th. I also only use 100vg and th is fine.

Also good to have some of those stronger nic bottles around if you need an extra punch sometimes. :)
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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Here is the combine calculator I use. Hope it helps.

DIY E-Liquid Combining Calculator

Sorry to hear about your nerves. Hope the doggie is okay. I always keep some high nic around for emergencies. I call it my "reserve nerve" juice. I also have to stick with 50% pg or higher because excessive vg causes me to have a tightness in my chest that I don't like. Good luck to you.
That's actually not such a strange question, when I'm at my keyboard my vape is always in hand or very close to it.

If you use the computer late at night a lot, that can cause sleep deprivation. Something to do with the light emitted through the screen, it can mess with melatonin levels and make it really difficult to fall asleep. I was having the very same problem about a month ago, and I stumbled upon something that immediately fixed the problem for me. Go to justgetflux.com to check it out, I think combining that with the vaping adjustments everybody's recommended, should produce some pretty quick results.


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ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2015
I was having the very same problem about a month ago, and I stumbled upon something that immediately fixed the problem for me. Go to justgetflux.com to check it out, I think combining that with the vaping adjustments everybody's recommended, should produce some pretty quick results.

Just downloaded. Thanks :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
If you use the computer late at night a lot, that can cause sleep deprivation. Something to do with the light emitted through the screen, it can mess with melatonin levels and make it really difficult to fall asleep. I was having the very same problem about a month ago, and I stumbled upon something that immediately fixed the problem for me. Go to justgetflux.com to check it out, I think combining that with the vaping adjustments everybody's recommended, should produce some pretty quick results.

When I get Into something online I can be up nearly all night... Happens all the time


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When vaping, nicotine builds up in your system while you vape and does not really level off like smoking. You would probably be fine chain vaping 12 - 18 mg with a higher PG level. Try 70/30 PG/VG mix at 18 mg. You will eventually find a balance that will allow you to vape all day long if you want to. Keep the 24 mg for the occasions when you need it and as a crutch while you try the lower mg juice.

Also, the amount of vapor your device produces affects how much nicotine is delivered. I just recently switch to an Atlantis and had to drop my mg from 6 to 3. I quit smoking using 26 mg on a 510 many years ago, which was way too much for me and switched to 18 mg, then bounced between 12 mg - 18 mg when I started using clearomizers, then dropped to 6 mg when I got a Protank 2 and now I dropped to 3 mg with the Atlantis to maintain the same vaping habits. I probably still have the same nicotine levels in my system, it just takes a lower level of mg juice now because of my device.


Super Member
Jan 24, 2015
within my own thoughts....
This may seem like a strange question, but bear with me....do you use the computer late at night a lot?

Yeah, that did sound like a strange question, but i know why you asked lol But no, not really. Guess it depends on a number of factors, but since my maltese has been sick and especially that night i felt very ill from vaping, i only got online long enough to answer an email here. But overall, no...not really...but then again, it just depends on how tired i am, etc. Plus, my sleep issue has more to do with complications after i had heart surgery....for whatever reason, my sleep patterns have been messed up ever since and my dreams are near like night terrors...just another reason i find it hard to sleep...i dread it actually.

Thanks to everyone that responded to this thread. I added some PG and it did sweeten my juice a bit and made my throat feel like there was a thin coating on the back of it, but i've concluded that if i vape too much....i can pretty much say goodbye to TH in the evenings, so i'm working on vaping less so that when i do take a puff, i'll get the satisfactory throat hit/lung hit that i want. Which only makes me wonder if i need to invest in a higher watt device...but that's a whole new thread and something i need to read up on.

I think i'm going to also "attempt" to lower nic to 18mgs, do the DIY so i can adjust if needed and make sure i don't chain vape at 24mgs when i'm feeling stressed.....so for those that suggested having several different mg's of nic in different tanks...two thumbs up....great advice!

Oh and thank you Jeremy for the remedies for Nic OD....i will definitely keep those in mind IF i ever go nuts again with the chain vaping. :)
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