I OD'ed last night

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ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
would it be better to add PG since it's already a PG based liquid? Will adding VG to a PG liquid mess it up?
It WILL NOT mess the liquid up. It will add a lot of vapour and weaken the flavour, adding a flavour of VG instead. I also think the PG - based ones also include *some* VG, but I might be wrong.

EDIT? I mean it adds the generic flavour of VG, which some might dislike. It is sweet-ish; I personally like it.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2008
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Bastage: I'm glad you're ok now. What you described sounded very much like my first panic attack a few years ago. I wasn't worried or anxious about anything, and then BOOM! Sweating, dizzy, nauseated, heart racing, feeling as though I would pass out, finger tips going numb...and all this happened while I was driving. I had smoked (analogs) a fair bit just prior to this happening, but nothing out of the ordinary for me at that point in my life.

So, given that these sorts of things can happen all by themselves, that nicotine, whether from an e-cig, gum, patch, or analog cig, can exacerbate the problem, AND that you had another fun-fun drug swimming around your body at the time, I wouldn't let it worry you too much.

Watching your nicotine intake, easing up on the 36mg nic-liquid, and making sure your e-cigs play nice with your medications before going on any sort of smoking binge would probably be good things regardless, though.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2008
New York City, USA
I've had this happen before with analogs actually. It was a combination of a heavy day of smoking and not eating anything. It's happened to me 2 or 3 times. I'm betting you also hadn't eaten much that day.

The best thing to do whenever you feel yourself "graying out" (sweating, nausea, heavy breathing, lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision, racing heart) is to immediately lie down flat on your back and raise your feet up. That gets blood back into your head, prevents you from passing out or vomiting, and gets you feeling somewhat normal again. Once the sickly feeling passes, get up, drink water and eat something.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2008
Bellingham, WA USA
My friend, an avid hookah/shisha man, has reported similar symptoms as well. He says he's learned to keep a glass of warm sugar water at hand to "stabilize" his blood sugar if that happens (sweating, panicky, etc).

I don't know why this would work, seems it should spike your blood glucose rather than stabilize it, unless there is some metabolic factor with nicotine I'm not aware of beyond the plain ol' stimulant effect of speeding things up a bit...

Or did I just answer it?
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