I'm wondering the difference or reason behind kanger new dual coils.

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Full Member
Jan 12, 2013
North Carolina
Okay so. I'm talking about the tall chimney newest dual coils. Specifcally the ones with two holes on each side vs the ones with slots. The ones with slots supposedly are the newest model. But the coil with slots has quote a smaller positive pin diameter limiting airflow. Its basically the same pin in all single coils. But the version of the dual coil with two small holes has a larger diameter positive pin, larger to the point I can't switch the positive pins interchangably. All that being said, the slot style (smaller pin) I can't take above 7.5watts without burning. The two holes each side (larger pin) gets way more airflow and I can take it right up to 13.

So main question
Is the slot style coil is the newest one? If so why did they reduce the pin size it seems to really really suck. I'm about to chuck 20 coils because I can't even bore out the pin, its already as thin as possible. And as I stated I cant save these larger pins from old coils they won't fit. Helppppppp

And or does anyone know of a spot I could drill a very small hole on the coil to provide more airflow? Doesn't seem like it since the bottom pin is where all air comes from.
If at all necisary I'm using an itaste svd and an aerotank mega + a mini PT3.

Random fact, the coils with two holes can't be put back together if you take the chimney off, the slot style can be.
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