Introduction - Analog-free

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ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2010
Carroll County, Ohio
OK, so I'm not restrained to the newbie section anymore, but it seemed like the best place for it.

I found this forum at the apex of my vaping interest. I stumbled onto it through various Google searches so it seemed like the place to be. I read through all sorts of information, doing all kind of research both directly in the forum and externally, as referenced by members, before I finally made the decision to join. I'm so glad I did! I've already spoken to a number of members, purchased a mod (my first PV by the way), and started mixing my own juice, all due to this forum. It is an incredible resource for anyone new to vaping, or anyone who simply has a curiosity. If you're on the fence about joining, I would definitely suggest it. Everyone in this community is fantastic. I have yet to meet someone with a bad attitude and everyone is very eager to help. Several questions have been answered via stickies regarding things like why and how to vape, but the members here are an incredible resource for filling in any other gaps you may have.

I am now concluding my first 24-hour session without an analog and I couldn't be happier. I bought a mod from a member, ordered mixing supplies from a recommended vendor (who had a deal for ECF members), and now my sense of smell is returning. Many evenings were spent in the basement, smoking with my father-in-law, but now I can hardly stand the smell of the ashtray alone. As I continue vaping, I can expect my taste to return as well, and my sense of smell to get even better. Plus, I can vape and drive with my windows up in this (yet another) bitter cold northeast Ohio winter and my car won't smell like ash. I also have a bit of a breathing problem which I hope will clear up - if not totally, at least to a noticeable degree. Also, there is a much better chance that my wife won't watch her husband die of lung cancer like others in her family have.

Really, I just want to express how happy I am to have found and joined ECF. I can't express enough how much several members have helped me with the switch from analogs and the literal life-changing effects it has already had and will continue to have on me.

So I want to express my deepest gratitude to the ECF community and good luck to new and future members!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Boris, it's wonderful to hear that you're now a happy vaper! It sounds like you really did your research and made a well informed decision. I can't say for sure that your breathing problems will disappear completely, but not smoking will definitely help! I can tell you that decades of smoking had really started to take its toll on me. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs or walk a couple of blocks without breaking a sweat and getting winded. My voice had become raspy from coughing and I couldn't sing anymore. I started vaping in September of last year and since then I've been able to take long walks and RUN up the stairs without even breathing heavy. My voice is no longer raspy and I'm working on getting my soprano range back again. It's wonderful!


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I agree with you competely! I've never even joined a forum before, and I can't imagine finding a nicer group of people. When I first started vaping, I was absolutely amazed that I was able to just STOP smoking after 36 years, with numerous failed attempts using other methods.

I've never been an activist. I have a been extremely fortunate to have a pretty "cushy" life, and although I vote in every election, that has always been about the extent of my political activity. The more I learned about government trying to ban e-cigs, the madder I got. I'm so glad I found ECF, and CASAA also. Testimonies such as yours are so important. We know it works, I wish I could hand a disposable e-cig to every smoker, along with an ECF business card.

Good luck, we are all in this together, it's nice to have you here.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2010
Carroll County, Ohio
Thank you all again for the warm welcome!

Testimonies such as yours are so important. We know it works, I wish I could hand a disposable e-cig to every smoker, along with an ECF business card.

I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, even the "free" disposable from Apollo isn't really free (shipping is $3-4). Even small charges add up quickly when you need more than a couple. Still, they are an option, and we can get ECF cards from the ECF store which would help some. I think a more informative business card handout would be even more helpful. Something listing some basic info about vaping and the ECF url. What would be nice is a good-will foundation (perhaps a branch of a supplier) who collects donations (or a portion of profits) for exactly that purpose. I think I'd be willing to pay an extra buck with an order to help assist new vapers get started. All that being said, there is charity here on ECF to be found if you look for it and explain your dilemma.

As an aside, I came into work today and started vaping in front of the only other employee (my boss and personal friend). He told me I shouldn't do that in here. I really stumbled to defend it and just decided I'd continue once he left, which was almost immediately. I'd hate for it to turn into a "I can't smoke in here so you can't do that" sort of thing.
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