Is this normal?

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Full Member
Apr 2, 2011
So my story goes...Hubs and I started vaping a couple of years ago. We used the standard 808 kits, and learned how to fill cartos. I never touched an analog again. My husband went back to them though. His gripe was that with the 808s, he was constantly having to charge the batteries and refill them with juice. So this fathers day, he got an eVic with a kanger tank and a vivi nova. Problem solved! He's loving it and threw away the rest of his analogs! We were both so amazed at the difference. So yeah, I've got a vamo on the way for me. LOL It's taken vaping from a bit annoying to absolutely enjoyable. Wish I would have gone this route sooner, but at the moment couldn't be happier. So after all of that, I placed a fairly large order for some juice with a vendor. Not sure if I can say who, so I won't. Anyhow, he-who-shall-not-be-named wrote me an email after I completed checkout. They wanted a photo ID for age verification. Now I've already given them my credit card info, and just simply don't feel comfortable in providing them with a copy of my drivers license. I have never had to provide such information in any online order that I have ever placed for anything. I know I've been out of the loop for quite a while, but is this normal??

Bill's Magic Vapor

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Feb 8, 2013
yes, I would like to know if it's the same vendor. Just read about this for the first time earlier today. From what I understand from others on the forum, there is no state law that requires you to provide that level of proof, though certainly one must be 18+ to get the juice, for certain, the gear too, I think. If it's the same vendor, then they may get flamed. Thank you for sharing, love the story, glad you found vaping Nirvana, welcome to the Forum and Vape On!


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Apr 1, 2013
No Where, Iowa
If they have sent your product don't give them anything, if not I would just order from another vendor. I have never had to provide a driver's license from any place California or not.. at a certain point giving personal information out is just asking for problems. I would mention vendor as well, I haven't seen rules not to, and have made posts about problems with a vendor to check to see if other have had similar issues.
I have not heard of this for a while but I think I know which vendor you are using. It is fairly simple to think that you can be a thirteen year old that stole your parents CC to use online but, ... I would also take prudence in sending a copy of my drivers license in that fashion. These are definitely ways that you bank account can be infiltrated and much worse, Identity stolen to use for counterfeit.

I would think that you should do one of two things... If you have the ability to use paypal and this vendor accepts paypal- Get them on the phone and with your big girl voice- inquire if they would approve age verification through paypal .. see how that goes!!

If not, without age verification they are certainly not going to serve you as patrons so, their only option legally is to deny your order and return your charged funds ( unfortunately , if you used a debit card then it may take 10-14 days to show back up in your account). Me personally, This has always seemed like one of the best ways to run a scam for credentials and I always avoid this like the plague. The paypal method is a good feeler because most vendor prefer paypal as a method for age verification, but not always a trustworthy source for vendors to really cut minors from purchasing ... again stolen CC from parents that can include paypal.

Now, even though I gave you the rundown, I am going to tell you what I would do in your situation. I would directly contact that vendor by phone and request that my purchases be canceled without providing their method of age verification. They should have no problem other than ask you the reason, maybe why you don't feel comfortable by completing the purchase with the copy of your Drivers License. With this, And that has happened to me three times since I started vaping in 2006.. I did this exact thing and they did ask me why... I flat out told them the truth ( I do not remember the thread about this that was on the ECF several years ago.. but vendors asking for Drivers License copies was a scam alert with heavy cautions) I advised them that I did not feel comfortable with that method as it was a serious red flag according to the majority of credit card agency scam alerts and I would simply like to have my money back. Being that they had already ran your CC before asking for age verification makes it seem even more unsettling because you are now somewhat more commited and probably worried if you will be getting your money back without a fight.

This is my 2 cents based on previous experience .. I hope this helps!!

:evil: TOM


Full Member
Apr 2, 2011
Its from Juicy Vapor. Most of the sent email:

On January 1st 2013 we implemented age verification.
This age verification is to keep our products,
which could contain nicotine, out of the hands of minors.

Unfortunately while we were verifying your age,
our system returned your name as unable to verify.

We can manually verify your age if you send us or email a copy / picture message of your photo ID with your address. If your address is
different than your ID, please include a bill or other mailed item with your name and new address.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
This is a one time verification.
After you are verified in the system for your first order, we won't have to do this again for future orders :)
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