Is this normal?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
It wouldn't even make sense to need a copy of a drivers license. It's not like they know it was you without comparing your actual face to your picture. It's not a like a photo copy of drivers license would be valid even if I brought into a physical store where they could see you, so why would that be needed at an online store.. So it seems odd they would need it.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
Wichita, KS USA
Heck, I'm a rebel ...I'll mention the name - was it GreenSmoke? That's the one that was posted about earlier (yesterday, this morning).

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this will not be good for their business. I know that I would personally cancel my order and go elsewhere. Faxing your DL? ...welcome to 1984.


Vaping Master
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May 18, 2011
Heck, I'm a rebel ...I'll mention the name - was it GreenSmoke? That's the one that was posted about earlier (yesterday, this morning).

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this will not be good for their business. I know that I would personally cancel my order and go elsewhere. Faxing your DL? ...welcome to 1984.

No, not greensmoke, it's a whole nother situation.
Not a problem at all.... I knew that I was on the right track with who you were ordering from. They are an ok place to shop and must have changed a lot of their policies because I haven't ordered from them in years. They have been around long enough to know that CC agencies advised against the practice of individual age verification in that manner and actually included that the vendor themselves is in jeopardy for investigation of fraudulent activity should a great number of individuals that comply show the similarity of making purchases through the protocol of said vendor and later turn up to have evidence of fraud activity involving their identity ( if that makes sense the way I worded it).

I don't know what type of card you used (debit or otherwise- debit probably the worst) but I think that I would also call the card company as soon as possible to ascertain if you can stop the payment through them ( most card companies require that cancellation be carried out by the merchant). I would check, But definitely request to just cancel your order in the nicest possible way.

When I first started vaping and joined the ECF just around the time it first popped up on the internet... None of us had these experiences ... I am just glad that the experiences I had with this actually came around to amount to being able to help advise others.
In the case that they are determined to play hard ball, It never hurts to mention that you are acting under the advisement of your attorney who you have conferred with and he is aggressively disturbed by these methods used over the internet by the vendor for age verification.

I can go on this all day but I am going to save you from an ear jacking.... This just perturbs me to death!!

Anyways, hope everything works out for you :evil: TOM


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Jun 9, 2013
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