Just discovered 'disposables', but...

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
I only just ran across Gamucci disposables with flavoring (cherry, apple, etc.) This seemed pretty appealing, especially as a possible way of taking e-cigs on a vacation where carrying around a bunch of gear incl. the liquids did not seem convenient. (For all I know, the airlines won't even let you carry that many lithium-ion batteries, or the 'juice', on board.) I could find only one company selling the flavored disposables -- at $19.95.

Ok, that seemed excessive for something rated as the equivalent of only 40 conventional cigarettes -- no savings in $$$. And since claims are sometimes inflated, it's entirely possible they aren't good for that long after all. I won't know for a while yet. And if you didn't, you could end up with some small e-cig-shaped $20 boat-anchors...

But, could be convenient in a pinch. Then it occurred to me: wait, what kind of battery is used? What's the battery life? I wrote to them. The answer came back today. They didn't say what kind of battery but in terms of battery life, the answer was:

Two weeks. They're saying the disposables retain a charge for only two weeks.

Uh. Suddenly not so convenient. You'd have to 'smoke' those things like little chimneys to get your money's-worth.

Is there some alternative? I've seen other 'e-cigars' that are disposable, but the idea of smoking something cigar-flavored doesn't appeal to me. Or, does anyone Out There know of disposable Gamuccis, with flavoring, that are less expensive than $20 a pop? Or, some brand that's similar, other than Gamuccis?
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2009
I only just ran across Gamucci disposables with flavoring (cherry, apple, etc.) This seemed pretty appealing, especially as a possible way of taking e-cigs on a vacation where carrying around a bunch of gear incl. the liquids did not seem convenient. (For all I know, the airlines won't even let you carry that many lithium-ion batteries, or the 'juice', on board.) I could find only one company selling the flavored disposables -- at $19.95.

Ok, that seemed excessive for something rated as the equivalent of only 40 conventional cigarettes -- no savings in $$$. And since claims are sometimes inflated, it's entirely possible they aren't good for that long after all. I won't know for a while yet. And if you didn't, you could end up with some small e-cig-shaped $20 boat-anchors.

But, could be convenient in a pinch. Then it occurred to me: wait, what kind of battery is used? What's the battery life? I wrote to them. The answer came back today. They didn't say what kind of battery but in terms of battery life, the answer was:

Two weeks. They're saying the disposables retain a charge for only two weeks.

Uh. Suddenly not so convenient. You'd have to 'smoke' those things like little chimneys to get your money's-worth.

Is there some alternative? I've seen other 'e-cigars' that are disposable, but the idea of smoking something cigar-flavored doesn't appeal to me. Or, does anyone Out There know of disposable Gamuccis, with flavoring, that are less expensive than $20 a pop?

Use Disposable cigars from Heavens Gift/Ruyan Direct, pack of 5 is maybe 60 bucks but they last forever and ever, or you can buy 2 in a pk, all I know if the ones I have used have been great for getting the pinch needed, Plus you can top off the filler, after the flavor is gone, I had one last me weeks.
good luck,


Full Member
Jun 24, 2009
i ordered the gamucci disposable last friday and had to wait for paypal to clear it from my bank account so it finally got processed to day and there shiping it out today. i bought it because i have never tried an e-cig but it seems like most people are liking them. i started smoking when i was 12 and now im 18 so and ive tried to quit before but with no avail so this might finaly be the awnser, im thinking about ordering the 510 from tw.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
Use Disposable cigars from Heavens Gift/Ruyan Direct, pack of 5 is maybe 60 bucks but they last forever and ever, or you can buy 2 in a pk, all I know if the ones I have used have been great for getting the pinch needed, Plus you can top off the filler, after the flavor is gone, I had one last me weeks.
good luck,
Thanks for your reply. Is there a U.S. supplier? I have just been hearing that there are increasing problems with U.S. customs seizing e-cig shipments people order directly from China. That would be an unpleasant lo$$. But that aside, disposable cigars would have the conventional cigar flavor, yes? That flavor/aroma always made me feel slightly ill...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
i ordered the gamucci disposable last friday and had to wait for paypal to clear it from my bank account so it finally got processed to day and there shiping it out today. i bought it because i have never tried an e-cig but it seems like most people are liking them. i started smoking when i was 12 and now im 18 so and ive tried to quit before but with no avail so this might finaly be the awnser, im thinking about ordering the 510 from tw.
This technology sure has been effective in helping me cut down drastically. I ordered the wrong kind of product at first -- typical newbie mistake -- and am now out of supplies. They aren't stocked locally and it's a type of cartridge that's hard to find. The place that sells them charges too much IMO. Anyway, I'm out of supplies and back to smoking regular cigarettes and I hate it. HATE it. I'm sure that when the next one I've ordered arrives, with plenty of supplies, I will be free -- for good -- of this creepy tobacco smoking.

The disposables sound like a good way to test the waters but I'm very concerned about this 2-week battery life for the Gamuccis even when they haven't been used at all yet. Seems totally UN-cost-effective.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2009
Thanks for your reply. Is there a U.S. supplier? I have just been hearing that there are increasing problems with U.S. customs seizing e-cig shipments people order directly from China. That would be an unpleasant lo$$. But that aside, disposable cigars would have the conventional cigar flavor, yes? That flavor/aroma always made me feel slightly ill...

The size of the order for HG, would/should not be of any concern, Wayne (the owner) is great and very smart on how he packs and sends out

The flavor is a bit tobaccoie, not real like a cigar, they try real hard to get close, but no cigar, I do not want to lead you one way and have you be upset, Frankly, if you are going away for any length of time, I know I could not live w/o my stash, It would have to come w/ me or I aint going..........

I have also purchased the Disposable ecigs from Ruyan. USA distributor,
and I think they are awful, Again IMO, I can always send you a care package once you get there, Like I said, I cannot go to the drug store without a bag filled w/ my cigs


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
The flavor is a bit tobaccoie, not real like a cigar, they try real hard to get close, but no cigar
:) Turns out, I found a different kind of disposable on Eastmall and I think it's worth a try. It's a flavored disposable in which it's the carts that are disposable. Batteries can be recharged and there are 'consumables' for it.

Thanks for the offer, b.t.w. Folks in this forum sure are helpful.

I'm still having trouble believing the Gamucci battery has a shelf life of only 2 weeks. I wrote to Gamucci to get their 'take' on it. No reply yet.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
I recently ordered a couple of Gamucci disposables for "demo" purposes--a lot of friends are very curious about this e-cig thing so I figured this would be a good way to have them share in the experience. My understanding of the "two weeks" battery life is that it will last about 2 weeks of regular use, which would be amazing for a disposable, considering I have to recharge my current batteries a couple times each day. In any event, I'll try to post back my experience with them once they come in.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
I recently ordered a couple of Gamucci disposables for "demo" purposes--a lot of friends are very curious about this e-cig thing so I figured this would be a good way to have them share in the experience. My understanding of the "two weeks" battery life is that it will last about 2 weeks of regular use, which would be amazing for a disposable, considering I have to recharge my current batteries a couple times each day. In any event, I'll try to post back my experience with them once they come in.
Thanks. I got another reply from the vendor, who wrote -- and this is what I was hoping they'd say:

I apologize for any confusion. The two weeks referred to an estimated amount
of time it might take to smoke about 2 packs of cigarettes, or with the
disposable, 600 puffs. This would be after they have begun use, not the
shelf life.

Well . . . a pack-a-day smoker would polish off two packs in two days. No matter. I'm glad to hear that the batteries aren't that weak...
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