Just got Joyetech Ego-C.

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Full Member
Dec 11, 2011
So i just got my joyetech Ego-C and I'm really enjoying it. Only thing is this is my first device ever and wouldn't know if it's a good product or just average since I have nothing to compare it to, so I was just wondering if anyone else has Ego-C and how they are enjoying it and how it compares to other models you may have tried. First Post.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
I have no experience with the eGo-C, but reading up on it some just now, I can't imagine it's a bad device. You really can't go wrong with an eGo, and I think you made the right choice skipping right to that over a 510/801/901. It should satisfy you for quite some time if it's your first PV. You say you're really enjoying it, and that's what's most important, isn't it?? Much like juices, people's preferences in devices vary quite a bit. I know plenty who have stuck with their eGo for ages and passed up mods, while I now own a small collection of mods after moving past the eGo. I do, however, still use the eGo quite often. Bottom line, Joye is a good company and the eGo is a good e-cig, in many people's eyes. If anything, I would imagine the newer eGo-C is as good if not better than the older models. And again, as long as you're enjoying it, don't worry about it too much yet!

And yes, someone will come along who has it and can tell you more... but even without having one myself, I'm fairly certain you've got a nice PV over there.

Welcome to the forum, we're happy to have you!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2011
I went from a smokestik to an ego-t, didn't take me long to figure out i liked cartomizers better than the tank-cart system (for flavour reasons). You should definatly pick up some cartomizers (they are pretty cheap) to use on your ego batteries, just so you can compare to something different. I am not saying rush out and get them now, maybe just when you make your next juice or hardware order.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2011
I went from a smokestik to an ego-t, didn't take me long to figure out i liked cartomizers better than the tank-cart system (for flavour reasons). You should definatly pick up some cartomizers (they are pretty cheap) to use on your ego batteries, just so you can compare to something different. I am not saying rush out and get them now, maybe just when you make your next juice or hardware order.

Yea after hearing different people saying the same thing it is something I definitely want to try.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2011
I have been very interested to hear about the C, haven't had any experience with it but glad to hear you enjoy!

Yea being new to vaping I gotta say I was a little nervous at first with the whole aspect of purchasing juice, atomizers, re-filling and everything else.(was use to just needing a match) But I gotta say this device is so simple to use and have had no problems with it so far. And it doesn't hurt how attractive the device is.:) I find myself smoking it sometimes just because I want to hold it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2011
Atlanta, GA
Welcome PhilyFan88! :toast:

I also have the eGo-C and I love it. I have had it just over three weeks and have had great success with it. I am still in juice tasting/testing mode and it is pretty easy to shift gears with this system to sample juices. I have had very minimal problems (with leaking or burning as reported on the T system) with it once I learned it's nuances and the atty is very accessible for service/cleaning. Ovale USA has both an SR 2.4 ohm and an LR 1.8 ohm atty head for this system.

Check out the big thread New Ovale eGo-C changeable system for more details, hints and tips on the C system. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
Big Island, Hawaii
Welcome PhilyFan88! :toast:

I also have the eGo-C and I love it....
...Ovale USA has both an SR 2.4 ohm and an LR 1.8 ohm atty head for this system.

Check out the big thread New Ovale eGo-C changeable system for more details, hints and tips on the C system. :)

I could be wrong but I don't think the product Ovale has is the Joytech Ego-C. Isn't Ovale's atomizer oval shaped while the Joytech is cylindrical?


Ultra Member
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Aug 20, 2011
Granada Hills, Ca
Just received my C model this morning...without question the most flavor from any device I've tried so far, this thing is fantastic.

I had been using a T model for 3 months and although it's kept me off analogs, 2 packs a day for 25 years, the flavor, or lack there of was getting very frustrating, the C model blows the T away in the flavor category, and vapor production is outstanding, I am using the K-Go batteries and that probably helps in both these areas.

I tried various methods with no luck, carto's , carto tanks and direct dripping...none of them produced the quality of flavor this C model is delivering...

I have to say in addition...the carto's scared the heck out of me, a hit of that burnt poly-fill material was terrible and can't be good for you, I don't see the attraction to them at all.
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