Kick Bass Vapor/service above and beyond

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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
Not much of a reviewer but have had much experience with e-cig suppliers. A few notes from a very veteran vaper. I started vaping in 2008 with a "mall kiosk" RN4081 kit. No one knew what I was doing when I brought the kit home with me (and neither did I)from Florida and no help or information was available. I began ordering expensive pre-filled carts from the company for months and lurked here at ECF for several months before my join date. I had to order hundreds of juices from several vendors before finding my all day vape.
Fast forward to present (almost 3 years later) many vendors, so many choices, so many options for flavor amounts, TH, cold vapor, warm vapor....WOW.....New vapers have it made. In our world.....we were looking for a flavor now one flavor has 200 choices. It is mind boggling. Of late, flavor is still quite important to me but with all of the demand on the e-liquid vendors, many have become very busy, looking at the bottom line or doing something other than giving good customer service and a CONSISTENT product. Kick Bass is fairly new and is providing what I desire in an e-liquid retailer. I want great tasting e-liquid with a good amount of vapor production at a reasonable price. I want the flavor choice to be the same every time I buy it. I want my PMs answered within a reasonable time when I have a question and I want a fair and equitable turnaround time. Kick Bass has provided me with all of the above and more. My taste buds are alive and taste the superior undertones and layering of flavors that will become the hallmark of Kick bass e-liquids. The e-liquid is simply exceptional and imagine...a SALTY taste to the chocolate covered pretzel? UNHEARD OF!:p
I have fallen in love with not one, but 5, of their flavors and all are in rotation. I have re-ordered all of those flavors several times.....OK, the Tootsie rolly was six times......and every time it was the same color, viscosity, smell and flavor as the first. In my world, this is exceptional and above the current mainstream. I have received the e-mail notice when the product is on the way and have had superior and fast delivery.
Kudos to Bob for a great e-liquid, superior customer service,consistency and a fun order thread.
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