length of time vaping?

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Full Member
Mar 3, 2011
stafford va
I have been reading and reading and reading all of the different threads over the past 4 days. First I'd like to say...WOW! Information over load but that's a good thing in this case!:laugh:

In reading, I have noticed people refer to vaping for long periods of time. Like, vaping for 30 mins or vaping multiple times in an hour. People's batteries die after a couple hours, ect. It has me thinking the more I read these ever so often comments.....how often do people actually vape? And for how long at a time?

I have never smoked for 30 mins or smoked 5 times in an hour. But yet vaping this seems to be the norm more often than not.

I have also heard people say how often and how much you vape would depend on how much you smoked analogs. In my case 1 PAD, about every hour in a half I'll have a smoke. I am going into this ecig vaping thinking that I will be vaping at about the same time frames I smoked at. Each analog takes me 5-8 mins to smoke= 8-10 drags. I'd have to assume I'd be doing the same with an ecig. Would I?

Why vape so much, so often and for longer periods of time than the time it takes to smoke a regular cigarette?

Just curious....


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
In the beginning you'll be substituting vaping for both the nicotine AND for all the other chemicals you are likely addicted to in cigarettes. Nicotine by itself is actually only mildly addictive, but in tobacco products it's extremely addictive. You may find that you vape for long periods of time to feel at ease physically... unlike many nicotine replacement therapies, you can be totally satisfied by your e-cig though, so you may enjoy this freedom.

If you don't want to vape more often than you smoked you may consider raising your nicotine level quite a bit in the beginning.

After a while, you may find that you vape less and less frequently but chain-vape when you do vape; for example, I have been vaping for almost a year and I can leave the house and go out for dinner and a movie and not even bring my e-cig with me because there is no urgency to vape as there was when I smoked. However, I'll come home 5 hours later and vape in front of my computer pretty continuously for the remainder of the night.

If I stay home all day I find that I'll take a few drags at a time (2-3 drags) every 15 or 20 minutes unless I'm doing something else and then I forget until I see my e-cig sitting all alone somewhere.

Basically, it changes the frequency and urgency of your habit. I feel it's for the better. But in the beginning (first couple months) you may find that it would be easier to tape the e-cig into your mouth than set it down.


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2009
Richmond, VA
I think there are a few reasons for this.

1. Nicotine through tobacco is delivered to the brain in about 5 sec. Through vaping it takes up to a minute so the instant gratification isn't quite the same.

2. You don't get as much nicotine through vaping as smoking on a puff per puff basis. Most people only need 3 or 4 puffs off an e-cig to feel satisfied, others use lower nic levels because they pretty much puff constantly (raises hand)

3. There is no waste with e-cigs so most people don't puff the equivalent puffs as a cigarette at a time. They take what they want and put it down.

4. E-cigs taste a lot better and people vape for the pleasure, not just the nic fix.

Everyone is different in their use. Some people fine they can't put it down. Other's find they don't need to use it nearly as often as cigarettes (that is usually once they detox off all the other crap in cigarettes)

You'll find your groove for it. Most experienced vapors recommend getting several different flavors in varying strengths to find what suits you. ie...

0-12mg - low for if you're using it constantly, before bed so you're not so wired, etc.
16-18mg - Medium for cigarette like use...whatever is comfortable
24-36mg - High for those times when you are really craving a cigarette or times you'd usually smoke like with your morning coffee or after a meal.

Don't be afraid to experiment. If you feel dizzy or nauseated after vaping, lower your nic or take a break. If you feel you are puffing and puffing and still craving a cigarette, up your nic level or vape steadily for 10-15min until the craving goes away.

Again, there is a learning curve, but we're here to answer any questions you may have.

Happy vaping and welcome!


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Mar 2, 2011
Houston, Texas
so I happen to love the flavor I have right now and if Im sitting still Im vaping. If Im running errands or visiting with people or doing chores, or working - basically on the move - not as much. I dilute to reduce the nicotine be tolerable at that frequency (I was an ultra light PAD smoker) but truth be told this whole thing serve so many purposes for me. Keeps me from boredom snacking, keeps me from stinky stick smoking AND keeps me entertained!

I DO still use it if I have a craving, but they are not as frequent and I still find myself vaping for the pure yummy fun of it even if I dont happen to be craving an analogue at the moment. Ive essentially traded one addiction for the other but thats my personality, and with pure VG and distilled water I don't much feel guilty about it.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2011
I think you nailed it Rosa... first few months are going to be figuring out what works for you as an individual.
I just started 3 days ago... the original plan for me was to have the first smoke in the morning, vape during biz hours while in the car, go back to analog at night after returning home... (I have a huge problem with FSC and need to inject my own tubes)
Based on my experiences so far, I'm ready to to throw my remaining tobacco, tubes and injector in the garbage. It's not worth it anymore...
Vaping rules.


Senior Member
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Feb 10, 2011
After a while, you may find that you vape less and less frequently but chain-vape when you do vape; for example, I have been vaping for almost a year and I can leave the house and go out for dinner and a movie and not even bring my e-cig with me because there is no urgency to vape as there was when I smoked. However, I'll come home 5 hours later and vape in front of my computer pretty continuously for the remainder of the night.

If I stay home all day I find that I'll take a few drags at a time (2-3 drags) every 15 or 20 minutes unless I'm doing something else and then I forget until I see my e-cig sitting all alone somewhere.


Exactly my experience- no way I could survive 5 hours without a drag, also could not smoke continuously - 2 analogs after each other was the most I could manage. Totally different than vaping.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
erie, PA
Exactly my experience- no way I could survive 5 hours without a drag, also could not smoke continuously - 2 analogs after each other was the most I could manage. Totally different than vaping.

Exactly my experience. I would be thinking about smaking a cigarette every 30min. If bowling after every game would have to go have a smoke between each game. There isn't that urgency with vaping. If I have it with me I'll take a puff now and then. If I don't have it I don't really mind much. I feel like I could just stop and not have much trouble. Never could say that about smoking. The urge to smoke just drifted away over the past year and a half of vaping. If not doing anything I do tend to vape every few minutes. More of a time filler than anything. It's just an enjoyable way to pass the time. Can't say enough good things about this experience. Slowly turning all of my smoking friends into vapers. have fun


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
People all do different things with vaping. My goal going into vaping was both to stop smoking cigarettes and also to not increase my dependence on nicotine. So even though vaping is enjoyable, I do not let myself do it all the time. I have PTs at work and home in case of battery emergency only. I often leave my ecigs in another room where I used to smoke so I won't suck on them all the time. I do vape more often than I smoked but I often do it few fewer drags - like maybe 3-5 drags which would be like 1/2 cigarette's worth of drags. I think I am doing about the same total number of drags per day as I used to smoke - about 1.5-2 pack's worth of drags - just spaced differently. I never vape for 1/2 hour.

Works for me. I got comfortable with vaping and after 2 months was able to lower my nicotine level from 18mg to 12mg and smooth over the transition by vaping a bit extra. I am planning to drop to 6mg, maybe mixing some of my leftover 12mg with 6mg to do some 9mg first.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 2, 2010
My intention was to quit smoking, vape and then quit that too. Not anymore. I vape like a freaking smokestack. Way more than I ever smoked my cigars. Why you ask?? Because I love it so much. I vape constantly, hence the big battery mods and I go through those batts more than regular vaping people do. I vape constantly in my Jeep, at work, where ever I may be. I am way over the top and I know it. 6- 10 mls a day. Ridiculous actually.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
My intention was to quit smoking, vape and then quit that too. Not anymore. I vape like a freaking smokestack. Way more than I ever smoked my cigars. Why you ask?? Because I love it so much. I vape constantly, hence the big battery mods and I go through those batts more than regular vaping people do. I vape constantly in my Jeep, at work, where ever I may be. I am way over the top and I know it. 6- 10 mls a day. Ridiculous actually.

yup, that's a lot!

It's a good thing that nicotine is not a carcinogen, or I'd have to feel bad about vaping too. As it is, I'm quite happy and have totally thrown out the notion of quitting. Maybe if I ever consider switching to decaf coffee I'll think about it... I don't see any reason to at the moment though.


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May 5, 2010
Compulsive/addictive sorta fella. Not bout everything, but smoking/vaping for sure. Smoked one cigarette after the other, better than 50 years. Vapin. . .pretty much the same thing. In my hand most the time, take at least two hits a minute. At least I can control the nic level. And. . .when I fall asleep with it in my hand in my easy chair, I don't burn holes in everything. I intend to work my way outta it eventually. . .if I live long nuff. JMHO



Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Mar 2, 2011
New here, vaping since early Dec 2010. Good one Rosa....taped to my mouth, yeppers!

Started w/SBS and moved to disposables from the smoke shop PDQ. Wished I had found ECF first. Wasted enough to buy a rocking MOD. Ah well, got me off analogs, so it's all good.

I was doing pretty good not chain vaping until I got the EGo. WOW! What a difference to have a decent PV. Drawing on the SBS was like trying to pull putty through a straw. The disposables were an improvement, but now......effortless.

If I am sedentary, I chain vape. If not, I hit it about as I would on analogs. Now to just get some decent juice. The tobaccy ain't cutting it anymore.....bleech .


Full Member
Mar 3, 2011
stafford va
Everyones responses will help me out when I get mine and if I think I'm vaping too much I'll just remember what you all have said. My intentions of switching is just to get off analogs. I've done enough research about nicotine to understand now that is is not the evil society believes it is. Kinda pisses me off actually that nicotine has gotten such a evil bad rap cause that's being taught to my kids at school right now. I'm reeducating them and they say, " but mommy that's not what the DARE program says." My response is, " yeah, well they are wrong! It's the 5000+ chemicals that kills you when smoking not the nicotine." *rant over*

I'll just be glad to get off analogs. Not all that concerned about vaping a lot but maybe I should order more carto's and some juice though.Ii only ordered 2 five packs of carto's and no juice at all.

two questions:

1. a place to order juice that has free or really cheap shipping. V4L has a rather high shipping fee.
2. Curious about weight lose...anyone happen to lose weight while vaping? When one stops smoking we gain weight. What about vaping. Gain weight, lose weight or stay the same weight?

Thanx everyone!


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Everyones responses will help me out when I get mine and if I think I'm vaping too much I'll just remember what you all have said. My intentions of switching is just to get off analogs. I've done enough research about nicotine to understand now that is is not the evil society believes it is. Kinda pisses me off actually that nicotine has gotten such a evil bad rap cause that's being taught to my kids at school right now. I'm reeducating them and they say, " but mommy that's not what the DARE program says." My response is, " yeah, well they are wrong! It's the 5000+ chemicals that kills you when smoking not the nicotine." *rant over*

I'll just be glad to get off analogs. Not all that concerned about vaping a lot but maybe I should order more carto's and some juice though.Ii only ordered 2 five packs of carto's and no juice at all.

two questions:

1. a place to order juice that has free or really cheap shipping. V4L has a rather high shipping fee.
2. Curious about weight lose...anyone happen to lose weight while vaping? When one stops smoking we gain weight. What about vaping. Gain weight, lose weight or stay the same weight?

Thanx everyone!

My weight has pretty much stayed the same since I have quite, gone up a little because I have added some extra muscle and loss some fat but I think that's mostly from exercising more and that's from quitting the smoking. On the juice it is a very subjective area because everyone has such different taste, Tastyvapor.us has very fair pricing for what you get and its pretty good juice, Avejuice.com is another outstanding vendor, I find ordering cartos and Atty's right from China is the ultimate deal even though I like to support USA vendors but there getting them right from China as well so I do order lots of mine from China too, as for the best ones, I find that Ikenvapes v2 gold cartos "dripping carto" is the best and there Attys are also excellent along with the cisco 2ohm, hope that helps a bit
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
My intention was to quit smoking, vape and then quit that too. Not anymore. I vape like a freaking smokestack. Way more than I ever smoked my cigars. Why you ask?? Because I love it so much. I vape constantly, hence the big battery mods and I go through those batts more than regular vaping people do. I vape constantly in my Jeep, at work, where ever I may be. I am way over the top and I know it. 6- 10 mls a day. Ridiculous actually.

People have widely varying vaping habits. I vape like dspin. It is ridiculous the amount of juice I go through in a day! One of my son's has a Vapor King and says he does not go through one prefilled carto a day. That, to me, is barely vaping at all. I think everyone finds what works for them. I have managed to cut my nicotine to 6 mg. so I'm not getting as much as when I was using 18 or 24 mg. I just know I love vaping and don't plan on ever giving it up.


Full Member
Mar 3, 2011
stafford va

Oh cool poll! thanx. I'm hoping vaping will help me lose a little weight. Maybe 10 pds or so. Hubby can stand to lose about 20. Maybe with winter quickly going away and feeling healthier from not smoking, that combination alone will give us more energy so therefore moving more, we will lose some weight! That would be a nice side affect! lol!
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