Long time lurker finally created an account.

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Full Member
Feb 7, 2015
pgh, pa
Finally took the leap after a year of lurking. I browse these forums several times a week but was too intimidated to take the plunge and create an account. I found this place shortly after I started vaping in late November of 2013. I was trying to kick cigarettes by using a v2 cigalike. While I liked it for situations where I was unable to smoke (jury duty, studying in the library, movie theater, etc.) I found myself freaking out 4 hours into my quit date. I'm going to be honest. I talked A LOT of trash on vapes and vaping, but on that cold Saturday morning I decided to go into a vape shop I passed several times on my way to and from home. What I discovered was not everyone who vaped was like the stereotypes I had in my mind. In fact the owner of the store told me he also talked trash until it actually tried it as well. I told him I was about 5 minutes away from buying a pack of camels if i didn't find a suitable replacement. He was so friendly, understanding, helpful and encouraging. He sold me an MVP, an ego, a mini pro tank, and a pro tank 2. I also bought some coffee and cinnamon juice from virgin vapor. I have come a LONG way and learned so much since then because of kirk, his girlfriend ann, and all of you in this forum. I have been (mostly)cigarette free ever since (and I stop by their store at least once a week). The only cigarette relapse exception being finals week in April of last year. I pulled two all nighter's and broke down. I purchased a pack of cloves which were always a favorite of mine. I smoked three of them and tossed the rest. They tasted horrible and forever ruined the reservation I had. I am so glad I found a replacement for the cigarettes that had me in their grips for 20+ years. And while by no means am I certain that vaping is 100% safe, I am certain that cigarettes were killing me. I feel way better physically since I quit, I rarely get colds, and don't wake up coughing every morning...not to mention smell better and my son not telling me I'm making him and my lungs sick all the time. Anyway, enough of my mouth. I just figured it's time I checked in with you all. Thank you so much for being here, all of your advice, knowledge, and support over the past year...even though you didn't know me. I really like this forum and the people whom reside in it.

Forever grateful,



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2015
Vermont, USA
I just recently made the transition from lurker to member as well. Once in a while I'll walk by somebody smoking, or somebody who obviously recently was, and think to myself "Wow, glad I don't smell like that anymore!"

I wish I had a dedicated vape store nearby. The only ones near me are tobacco shops that started carrying some vape gear, but their main product is still icky sticks, cigars, etc.


Vaping Mistress
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Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Brian, this is AWESOME!!!!!

Congratulations on finding your "new you".... Your shop sounds pretty amazing - I'm glad it was there for you when you needed it :)

I'm crawling up on one year smoke-free. Yeah, not waking up every morning and coughing up a lung is a pretty wonderful feeling. I've turned "not smoking" into a hobby - building coils, making juice.... I've dropped some coin on my goodies, but I've started "sharing the love" and have one guy who's mostly converted to vaping and my co-worker and his wife may hopefully be on their way with the batch of better stuff in their hands now.

Keep it up :) and vape on :vapor:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2015
Vermont, USA
I've dropped some coin on my goodies, but I've started "sharing the love" and have one guy who's mostly converted to vaping and my co-worker and his wife may hopefully be on their way with the batch of better stuff in their hands now.

I think this is one of my favorite things about vaping. I take it as a personal mission to help anyone I can ditch the icky sticks and start vaping. I recently passed my iTaste VV3 and Nautilus Mini to my brother in law, and have several co-workers I've helped make the transition.


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome to you too, jks :) I set the first guy up with my two spinners and a bunch of EVODs and some homemade juices. He was cool with the form of the spinners, even though I had MVPs and VV3s in hand. My co-worker and his wife got the MVPs/VV3s and some protank 2s (along with the iClear 16/iClear 30 tanks.) Made them some flavah-flaves too. I'm really hoping the latest couple really gets the bug. I noticed my co-worker had his MVP with him the other day - it's pretty flipping cold to be going outside for a smoke (but our building management has really come down on vaping indoors - jerks) Oh well, I will survive (in more ways than one!)


ECF Veteran
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Dec 15, 2014
Arizona, Ecuador
I think this is one of my favorite things about vaping. I take it as a personal mission to help anyone I can ditch the icky sticks and start vaping. I recently passed my iTaste VV3 and Nautilus Mini to my brother in law, and have several co-workers I've helped make the transition.

I do the same, its a great feeling to know you can help others quit smoking.

Most smokers do not know anything about vaping. I surely didn't.

I'll keep giving gear away as long as I'm alive.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf Brian. Nice to meet you and so glad you finally joined. Very nice introduction. Glad you have been getting the most reliable information but you've been missing the best part. . . the people here. That is why ecf is such a wonderful place. Look forward to reading more about you. Have fun and just make yourself at home.
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