Looking to buy new or first tank?

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Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
New vaper here, however thought i would contribute my 2 cents.

I started with a kanger protank 2, and have now experimented with a bunch of others. I use a 1000 mah ego c twist. and here is my opinions!

Kanger protank 2:

Pros: Good airflow/draw, decent flavor, Less bulky more natural looking tank. very easy to rebuild heads pyrex tank
Cons: Occasional gurgle/fluid getting into the tip

Kanger protank 2 mini:
Pros: Good airflow/draw (slightly less than The original protank 2) decent flavor, very easy to rebuild heads,pyrex tank
Cons: Small tank. occasional gurgle, but less than protank 2

Kanger Aerotank:
Pros: Awesome flavor, No gurgle yet, large tank, adjustable airflow for any draw, pyrex tank
cons: none come to mind!

ViVi Nova 3.5ml:
Pros: Awesome flavor, no gurgle yet, large tank
cons: Tight draw, occasional gumming up of heads (more so than the kangers), plastic tank

Iclear 30
Pros: Decent flavor, no gurgle yet. large tank
cons: Tighter draw than the vivi, almost unbearable to me, plastic tank

By far my favorite tank out of all these, is the Kanger Areotank. All the issues i had with the protanks are solved with this tank, and the adjustable airflow is awesome! vapor is on par with the protank 2( acutally slightly more, but not by a crazy amount), but has a cooler feel due to its dual coil head. I'm running mine at 4.8 volts and the taste is great with all my liquids!

the more i use the other tanks, the more i get used to the tight draw, but i think im going to modify the heads a little to allow more airflow.

my 2 cents for anyone wanting a little insight to purchasing their first time tank, or even a new tank!

again, all is MY opinion... so if yours is different, please dont hate me... :p
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Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
im using 2.2 and 2.5 ohm coils. for the protank 2 and protank 2 mini. I find them very similar in performance.

the 2.2 i run at about 4.2-4.8 volts, and the 2.5 around 4.6-4.8 depending on the juice.

i really like the protank 2 mini, my only gripe is that i go through more than it can hold while im at work, and i like to be able to fill it in the morning and leave my juice at home.

i'v only had it gurgle on me a couple times in a solid week and a half of use, but i have a feeling the head wasnt seated right at least one of those times, as it did it 3 times in a row until i completely took it apart and put it back together.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Don't see why you have to tip the Aerotank? the coils are on the bottom so as long as its right side up it should be fine :p

not entirely sure myself, but i find if i dont swish it now and then i get a dry hit. maybe its my own error somewhere.

Edit: now that i think about it, it seems to be only when i run my 100% VG juice. im wondering if the tipping is just enough to get the juice moving and not so much a typical wicking issue. i have a 50/50 mix in it right now, i wont tip it at all and see if it happens with this juice and update my findings.

edit2: i just vaped the crap out(haul after haul for 15 min) of it without tipping with my 50/50 mix. no issues! the first tank i put through it was 100%vg, and i got a dry hit, and just automatically swished it now and then every time i used it. turns out.... i dont have to :), maybe just slow down a bit when using 100% vg ;)
updated my original post
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Verified Member
Jan 28, 2014
Los Angeles, CA, USA
For all those with or looking at a protank 2, I found a way to stop the leakage/most of the gurgling issues. In the original box that comes with the protank 2 there is another o-ring that is slightly larger than the ones that are found on the atomizers. If you replace that o-ring with the one on the atomizer, the leakage will stop and the protank will work great. Here's a link to a youtube vid that explains it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMAxBNIIL48

Also, if you already have a protank 2 and are looking at the aerotank, you can just buy the aerotank base and it will fit on the protank 2 perfectly. Hope this helps.
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