Mechanical Mod Suggestions

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Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
A magneto is a good solid choice.

When I shop for mechanicals, clone or Authentic, I look for silver plated contacts, adjustable or floating center pin, and a magnetic switch. The first two are mandatory for me, usually, the magnetic switch is personal preference. The Nemi clone has one of the lowest Voltage drops out there, so is always a solid choice. Find the features you like, do a search on those features, and go with the one that suits you best. The Wand Chooses the Vaper, this has long been know to those that study vape lore!!!! lmao

When shopping for clone, hcigar and EHPro are some of the best clone makers, but with any clone one is at the suffrage of quality control. It is still a gamble that you could get a clunker from a reputable clone maker and be stuck with no recourse. 101Vape usually has a great supply of decent mech clones, if they are out of what your heart desires, wait a day or two, they generally restock quickly.

Vape long and Prosper!!!
I would recommend the IGO-W4 because it is an upgraded version of the Igo-W. If you are going to be dripping then you also have to factor in supplies. Batteries (Sony us18650vtc4 are all I use), a charger (I use a nitecore 4 bay), kanthal wire or ribbon (I use mainly wire but also have ribbon. I also use 26gauge wire because I sub-ohm), wicking material like ekowool or cotton. So there is a lot to think about. I would definitely do a bit of research and figure if you want to sub-ohm or not (then comes the understanding of battery safety) and what kind of mod do you like. I prefer a fixed tube myself, but i own some telecoping too. If I were to tell you to buy something it would either be a Hcigar Nemesis, the Hcigar Sentinel m16 clone, or the Smoktech Magneto. Again these are my opinions and just my :2c:

I already have a few 18650 batteries and a charger. I am not looking to sub-ohm my brother has his built around 0.3 and its just to harsh for me Im thinking of going with a higher build. I am really appreciate everyones feedback didn't think I would get that many responses.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2013
The Magneto and Galileo are a great step into the mech world. Awesome because of the the magnetic bottom button fire. Much better than a spring, I'm personally using a Nemesis clone right now and it does the trick. Haven't noticed a big difference from the Magneto and Galileo as I've had both besides for the magnetic button. But I guess it all depends on what type of tank/build/juice/battery your using too. All personal preference you'll get there! Good luck, as there's lots to choose from!
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