Mental illness and vaping

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New Member
Feb 11, 2017
I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic with PTSD. I formerly smoked heavily for 5 years, and after having a partially collapsed lung and bronchitis from smoking, was forced to quit cold turkey which was good for my physical Health, but terrible for my mental health. I suffered from a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized. My primary doctor was against me vaping, but psychiatrist was all for it. I suffered horribly at the cost of my primary doctor as I thought it'd send me back to the hospital.
For the past 6 weeks, I endured 3 tragedies I just couldn't cope with. I thought about picking up a cigarette. Instead I did research, and discovered my doctor was wrong!!! I chose to vape. I now sub ohm 3mg juice and my mental illness has GREATLY diminished. My Hallucinations and terror I've felt from PTSD symptoms are GONE. Same with my asthma! I can breathe so much better!
I am so glad I chose to vape! Does anyone else find that vaping has improved their mental health?


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Compared to not smoking? You bet. Everytime I quit cold turkey, even my non smoker friends would tell me to get a cig. Not a joke. I wish it was. Dr's are clueless about quitting.

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You too? I would be like that even with something like a patch or gum. My ex would go out and bring me a pack of smokes when she couldn't take it anymore.


ECF Veteran
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May 11, 2013
Paducah, Kentucky
to keep it short and spare you all the details, yes vaping helps me deal day to day. sometimes its not enough and sometimes i dont even need it. either way i feel much better than i did when i smoked. im glad it helps you too and i hope you continue to improve <3


Ultra Member
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Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
Some doctors, just like so many people have gobbled up the lies. Luckily, our family doctor and my wife's neurologist both have been open minded about vaping and both has seen the improvement of my wife's health (MS) since she switched to vaping (over 9 years ago), as we were just about the first people that had experience with the "electronic cigarettes" thing, they would ask about it and any information we could provide them.


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Dec 9, 2011
I'm so happy to hear that Marlene. As far as vaping helping with psychological issues for me... Not really. Indirectly it helps with depression and anxiety because vaping has introduced me to many great people. So I am able and wanting to socialize slightly more because of that... But other than that... and helping with my boredom, not really. But I am glad it's helped you.

Darth Omerta

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Jun 22, 2015
Im not sure if the actual act of vaping has had any sort of effect on my mental state but the hobby side of it certainly has. I enjoy the building, DIY juices, the physics and chemistry involved(both theoretical and applied). I find that hobbies provide an outlet for all the stuff life likes to throw your way. I found a great hobby in vaping and after having taken a year off of the hobby aspect and vaping purely for satisfying my nicotine cravings I can say that I found a big improvement on my temperament on a day to day basis having returned to it.

Hick Vapes

Full Member
Feb 20, 2017
A few years ago I was running with some very bad people, most who are currently dead or in prison. I started smoking and dipping around 14 and did so for 6 years. Having not known that vaping was even a thing I needed something more intense to take the edge off. After everything went down I signed myself into a rehab facility which obviously cut me off from all vices, including tobacco. When I first came out I was in dire need of a cig or tin. Fortunately for me I had a good friend who bought me a vape. I immediately felt my chest and lungs get stronger. I started to gain weight back and started to get back into shape. Everything was going great, I had a job and was in the process of enlisting as a combat medic in the United States National Guard.

Then in september I was arrested on an unrelated charge, this was a shock to my system. I suddenly needed something other than the vape so I turned back to cigarettes. I felt like I had sort of betrayed myself, although I am still clean and sober for a year and some change I am having a tough time quitting again. As well as you, I suffer from PTSD due to all the violence that I had surrounded myself with. Slowly through support from my lovely girlfriend and a couple people who have stayed loyal to me through everything I am cutting down. Living in the country I don't have many neighbors and therefore don't know people who vape. I found this forum yesterday and I gotta say that all ya'll are giving me the strength to help me get quit again. Thank you


ECF Guru
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Jun 14, 2012
Acute depression, PTSD and anxiety etc....
Was smoking 1-2 packs a day.....

It has helped in many ways and I can now breathe better and helps keep me busy when I need a break from photos

Nicotine along with caffeine helps open up and spark the neuro pathways , there are quite a few articles on it. Over doing it, like everything can exacerbate the shakes and twitches, so its a fine line for me

Im glad you found us and we will be here to help if needed. Many good people here with a lot of knowledge.

Congrats. Just remember there are always other doctors, if they refuse to see you could be right, then that shows they might need help more than you do :)


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    A few years ago I was running with some very bad people, most who are currently dead or in prison. I started smoking and dipping around 14 and did so for 6 years. Having not known that vaping was even a thing I needed something more intense to take the edge off. After everything went down I signed myself into a rehab facility which obviously cut me off from all vices, including tobacco. When I first came out I was in dire need of a cig or tin. Fortunately for me I had a good friend who bought me a vape. I immediately felt my chest and lungs get stronger. I started to gain weight back and started to get back into shape. Everything was going great, I had a job and was in the process of enlisting as a combat medic in the United States National Guard.

    Then in september I was arrested on an unrelated charge, this was a shock to my system. I suddenly needed something other than the vape so I turned back to cigarettes. I felt like I had sort of betrayed myself, although I am still clean and sober for a year and some change I am having a tough time quitting again. As well as you, I suffer from PTSD due to all the violence that I had surrounded myself with. Slowly through support from my lovely girlfriend and a couple people who have stayed loyal to me through everything I am cutting down. Living in the country I don't have many neighbors and therefore don't know people who vape. I found this forum yesterday and I gotta say that all ya'll are giving me the strength to help me get quit again. Thank you
    ALot of awesome positive life changes! Stick with it! I was able to do the same back then and have had a wonderful life looking back now.
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