Mental illness

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2019
Johor Bahru
Hi guys,I have had mental illness for the past 7 years since 2011 and wean myself off antipsychotic in 2018 after learning that the psychiatrist and medication didn’t helped me.During my end of my psychiatric visit,I had problem sleeping even with meds and felt sleepy at work because I took the meds the night before as prescribed.I decided it’s not for me after these years,I wanted to get off them earlier but couldn’t because of the withdrawal effect of those meds.Taking psychiatric meds,actually gave me sexual issue,and harm my physician health in general,I mean I was a non smoker,I exercise consistently even though my diet is no good...after 7 years on them,I was diagnosed high blood pressure.

After I got off those meds,I started picking up smoking and six month later I took up vaping instead as I enjoy sports but smoking reduce my stamina,although for me personally vaping did the same,but I continue with vaping because everyone says it’s healthier then smoking and I enjoy vaping more then smoking...

Now my mental health is a lot better then I was while taking psychiatric meds,and vaping does benefit my mental health also even though I knew it will be harmful to my physical health in the long run as compare if I did not smoke anything.My health is still not good as my decision making regarding my own health is bad....Recently I felt pain in my chest(probably because of the antibiotics and anti spasm meds a doctor gave me)...I hope my chest pain will go away as I try to adjust my lifestyle by eating healthier and not drinking soft drinks unnecessarily...Vaping or maybe the nicotine helped my depression.My gf said it’s because vaping kept my mind occupied hence my thinking is better...I do hope vaping won’t cause me much problem when I reached late 30s,or 50s...this year I am 29 years old


ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Nicotine is a major antanxiety drug. It is NOT an antipsychotic. Antipsychotic drugs suck all kinds of .... Also they work. The unfortunate result is people think they no longer need them because the drugs suck and hey! They’re OK now! So they go off them and the problems come back. DO NOT JUST DROP ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS!

Yes, they’re awful. They’re less awful than being psychotic though.

If you think you’ve been misdiagnosed or over medicated get a different psychiatrist. DO NOT just stop taking the meds though, and don’t stop following the direction of your current psychiatrist until you get a new one.

This sounds like a very common path that very commonly leads to very awful things.

Standard advice: see your doctor!
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