my 2 cents on DotMods a great company for many reasons

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Oct 16, 2010
San Francisco
I have had a great experience with DotMods and felt like I should share.

So I have been vaping for almost 5 years now. vaping is a hobby for me, not just a way to get off cigs. It started as a way to quit cigs, but as for many of us, I found myself buying a bunch of hardware as mods, rdas and tanks kept advancing and transforming. Ive had a lot of mods and rdas come and go. Ive spent a ton of money and a ton of time completely invested in vaping. I love vaping, building, HW...anyway, you get the point.

Of all of the rda's I have used and use today the Petri is my absolute favorite. The Petri in my opinion provides the best airflow, The tolerances of the cap and barrel and all of the o-rings are superb. Over time it has stood up to the test and has provided me with a consistent, flavorful vape with a beautifully perfect draw. I love this rda. I am a dual coiler so the lack of single coil capabilities doesn't bother me in the slightest. Many RDAs start really good, but as you spend time with them you can be disappointed. There are few that last in the daily rotation. The petri is my primary.

Now for the tube. Over time what has become the most important part of a tube mod to me is ease of use. The design of the dotmod is outstanding, eliminating battery rattle without the constant need to adjust pins. The gold plated floating pins and the spring loaded insulator on the switch make it so easy to use, but really best of all is that button. It has such a smooth and soft throw, it is just outstanding. Lets not forget that it hits like a beast. The mod/rda combo is outstanding. And we cant forget about the drip tips. The most comfortable to use, which do not get hot and have a wide enough bore to draw some nice clouds. I own 3 and they are awesome. My favorite drip tips.

Okay so you can see I love these products and I really mean it. If you are looking for a great product that will last and perform beautifully I highly recommend this mod and rda.

But wait theres more.. And this is actually the main reason why I am writing this thread.

Lets face it, what I like you may not like. Everyone has their own opinion and preferance and thats great. There are also many other mods/rdas out there that are excellent and satisfying.

What I have found unique about this company is their customer service. It is outstanding.

Lets face it DotMods is pretty popular and they Im sure have a lot going on putting out their product.. in many instances in the past I have found that there have been mods on the market that were/are very popular and I have owned some of them. I have had problems with some of these products, but have not had the ability to contact anyone to purchase replacement parts or have repairs done on my product and thus they are put to rest because they are either unuseable or no longer satisfying.

Not too long ago I had placed my DotMod and Petri in my backpack to head out of the house. what I didn't realize was the switch was firing in my backpack. By the time I realized what was happening it was too late. The delrin in the pressfit portion of the drip tip melted into the barrel and cap, the drip tip was toast. The insulator and pin got so hot that they fused together. It was basically done. I was so bumbed. Anyway, I contacted the company from which I purchased the DotMod gear and they got me DotMods customer service email. I explained my situation and waited for a return email. I got one real quick. They were super bumbed for me, but told me they could replace the insulator, pins, barrel and cap. I was pumped and it was a very reasonable price. All the stuff was shipped to me quickly and I was up and running again. After the "meltdown" event though I was concerned about leaving the mod in my backpack or traveling around with it, so I used it at home. I really wanted to take it around with me so I hit them up again to ask about potentially using magnets for a bit more resistance and thus maybe avoiding accidental firing. They got back to me suggesting that I could use a stiffer spring and that they would send me a spring and button to test out. What! Seriously! Just kick me down to help me out!? This was a first for me and was just an awesome jesture. I was stoked. The only unfortunate thing was that I was messing with my button prior to receiving that email (literally the night before). I was trying to pull the bottom insulator out and in the process I bent a portion of the threading out, thus making the button useless.... I hit them up expressing my gratitude but also letting them know what had happened. I asked if they would sell me a new button. What I was offered was just awesome. I am receiving a new button and lets just say it is damn near a gift. This is why I am writing this. This company cares about their customers. They are successful and popular and Im sure receive a lot of emails to customer service, but still they are personable and treat you like they know you. This is what our industry needs. Great customer service a long side great products.

Thats all Ive got. Cheers to all of you and check out DotMods if you havent already. You wont be disappointed.

Brass Switch 0189 will be going on the shelf and will be replaced by a new one.


Thanks DotMods. Yall are great!

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