My Little Story. Ecigs saving me

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Jan 9, 2010
NW Indiana
Well some of us are born with the addictive personality,or maybe an addiction gene and I fall into that category for sure! I've been smoking since i was 15 years old and back then it was to be "cool". Anxiety disorders run in my family along with this addictive personality so we have all used it as a crutch our whole lives. I tried quitting one time over the past 20 years to no avail . I lasted about 3 months and one stressful event had me smoking again, not only that i smoked even more than ever. So quitting worked against me. With my allergies and slight asthma I have had doctors telling me to quit smoking since i was 18 years old but I just accepted that i was a smoker for life. I was a better person to be around when i smoked, And i figured Nicotine addiction was a lot better than some of the other addictions out there.
A couple months ago I took the plunge after being sickly for a month straight and bought an ecig starter kit. I had a sinus infection, then a respiratory infection. And have had bronchitis and pneumonia in years past.
I figured the ecig would help me cut back and save my health a bit, and some money also. I had no intention of just quitting regular cigs. I had a half pack of smokes when the kit arrived and have not bought a pack since. Its been nearly 3 months and i have an occasional smoke at my dads house , maybe once a week!
So far Ecigs have been good for me, hopefully i can get the rest of the family and friends vapeing too!:thumbs:



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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Way to go. I agree with you and I wasn't sure it would work at first. This is the only time I have been able to go more than 3 days without a regular cig in 25 years (quit for a few months that time) I think if I can stick it out for another 3 or 4 weeks, I will feel like I am truly smoke free.
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