My nic base is now 3 years old. Still tastes & looks good!

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Mar 8, 2014
I was mixing up another batch tonight and noticed that my oldest nic base is now 3 years old. Happy 3rd birthday :) I keep it in the freezer in glass bottles stored in zipper plastic bags. It looks like long term storage in the freezer works good! Liquid is still clear and still gives me my nic fix. This batch of nic base was purchased on 6-2014. The PG & VG that I'm using is from 5-2016.

I keep the nic base in the freezer. I transferred it from the original large plastic bottles into many 4 ounce glass bottles. This way I'm only opening the bottle that's currently being used. The rest of the batch stays sealed from the air and cold in the freezer.

The top shelf of my freezer is filled with glass bottles in plastic bags :) I plan to either be free of my nic addiction or dead before I ever run out!

I store the PG,VG and flavor in my basement at a relatively cool room temp. I've noticed no problems with the PG & VG. I decided not to store the PG & VG in the freezer since they are hygroscopic (absorb water easily) and, if they do go bad, there won't ever be a problem getting more. FDA regulations can't restrict these chemicals.

My nic base is 50mg/ml nic in 100% PG. When I take a bottle out of the freezer water would condense and freeze on the cold bottle. Not good for a hygroscopic chemical. Because of this, I put the bottles in a plastic bag. I pull a bottle out of the freezer several hours before I mix up a batch. After the bottle warms up, I take it out of the bag. The bag is wet. The bottle inside is nice and dry.

When I started mixing my own juice, I tried several methods to measure the ingredients. I found that medical syringes were easy to use and accurate. I use a small 3ml syringe for the flavor. It's concentrated and only a small amount is needed. The small syringe lets you accurately measure a small quantity of liquid. For the PG and VG I use a large 30ml syringe. Less accurate but far faster to measure than many refills of the small one. Also, you'll have a hard time getting thick VG through a small diameter needle! I also found that the needle on my big syringe wouldn't reach the bottom of the bottle. I replaced the needle with a longer piece of plastic tubing.

If you're worried about the future availability or price increase once only a few companies can sell e-juice, the freezer is your friend! My big worry is the cost. I'm sure that E-cigs/E-liquid will be available in the future. The cost will go way up once only a few big companies can sell them after the FDA crap goes into effect.

The cheap price was a big unexpected plus that I found when I started vaping. For the cost of about a years supply of cigarettes, I now have a lifetime supply of juice!

Finally, I started vaping with 40mg/ml juice. I have slowly reduced the nic level. I'm now down to 9mg/ml. I plan on getting down to no nic. I'll probably still keep vaping once I reach no nic. I just really enjoy the smoking/vaping experience.

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ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
I've got NIC that's over 4 years old that still taste as good and is as clear as the day I bought it. I store my NIC exactly as you do. I store them in 1ltr glass bottles and store my working 1ltr bottle divided up into 120ml bottles. I refreeze my current 120 bottle after each use. I also make a 500ml base which I refrigerate after each use.

As far as My PG/VG I store my sealed gallons in a cool dark closet in the basement and my opened gallon in the refrigerator. I pour out 500ml of each and keep those on my mixing table.

So it seems you are doing everything right, Almost like you took a page right out of my book. I also measure with syringes I don't use a needle on my syringes for VG/PG and for large lots I use a measuring cylinder or measuring cups.

I started vaping at 36mg and am also down to 9mg. I to invested heavily and now at my age I have a life time supply. I am regulation proof but I am concerned for the future of vaping especially for those new to vaping or are younger then I that have not yet stocked up..
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