My take on the 4 snus I've tried so far

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As of today I've tried 4 different snus...still have a few more samples coming, but thought I'd give my 2 cents on the 4 I've tried. I was a menthol smoker so naturally I'm more attracted to the mint flavors, which is all I've tried so far. Still quite the noob when it comes to snus though, so these are my unbiased non-expert opinions :p

Grand Prix Spearmint: I was expecting this to be awful after seeing some things other said about it. I wouldn't call it terrible, but I wouldn't call it great either. The spearmint is very weak and the overall flavor is weak to me. Someone looking for just a little flavor or weaning themselves off of snus might find this one to be good for them, but I may actually try dabbing a little liquid menthol flavoring on it when I try another. Not e-juice, just the flavoring. It might help for a minute or 2...

General Wintergreen Portion: One word describes this...YUM! It has a great flavor and the nicotine level is twice that of the mini white portions so it held me over for a while between vapes. This is probably one that will be one of my long-term favorites just because of the flavor level and how long it lasted. Great stuff!

General Dry Mint Mini White Portion: Probably the best one to use when you want a little something with a nice minty flavor and just enough nicotine in it (4mg) to keep the cravings away if you're using it just to quit smoking/vaping. Although...I'm starting to wonder how this would taste if you vaped chocolate while you had one of these in your mouth, hmmmmm ;) Definitely a keeper and I'll be getting more of this one too! It'll probably be my "main snus" since it's great all around.

Camel Frost Snus: Let me say right off that I do have a sweet tooth, and I know this isn't a Swedish snus and the carcinogen levels may be higher, and I have no idea what kind of nicotine content it has, and many say it's too sweet, but......OMG, this tasted awesome! It was like having a very long lasting piece of gum in my mouth, yes, it was sweet and not too salty, but personally I loved it. I"m sure I won't buy much of it though since it is quite expensive compared to the General brand of snus (and only 15 snus per can), and it's not made to the Swedish standards so I'm a little leery of using it too often. But, I'll consider it a "special treat" like anything that's not good for you. :) Plus the tin is kinda cool, hehe
{edit: according to have 8mg of nicotine per pouch}

If there's any Swedish snus that would compare with the flavor of the Camel Frost, I think I'd be buying a truckload :D. So now the search is on to see if something like that exists out there!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Good for you! You're on your way to becoming a pro snus reviewer. I agree with all your comments. General Wintergreen and DryMint mini are standbys for me. And I love the Camel flavors, both of them. You are right about cost and expense -- more money for 15 instead of 20 snus.

I see no reason to fear its contents, however, even though it's not made to Swedish food standards. RJR isn't going to risk everything with some kind of adulterated snus product. Camels indeed will be an occasional treat.


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ECF Veteran
Still have a flavor sampler from General that I'm waiting on...they'll send you 3 of each of 4 different kinds of theirs. 2 of them are non-mint so I'll get my first taste of regular ones. Might surprise myself since so far the 2 General ones I've tried have been great. Definitely want more of those 2 (wintergreen and mini mint) myself, and yes, an occasional tin of the Camel.

Definitely not anywhere's near a pro snus reviewer here though, I think that's your title Bob :p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Great job! I have the same basic opinions on all of your choices. Well, maybe your opinion of Gran Prix is a little more than kind, and for me Camel might be a bit too sweet, but other than that, spot on reviews.



Was a free sample of the Gran Prix...had to at least try it I guess ;) But I won't be spending money on them, that's for sure :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Just trivia FYI: Grand Prix is from American Big Tobacco maker Liggett.

Liggett also made a snus called Tourney, which they sold to Speedway -- as in gasoline stations.

P. Lorillard (maker of Kent and True cigarettes) has one called Triumph.

All of these can be found at some outlets. None of these came to market prior to Feb. 15, 2007, so all would face likely ban if the Senate bill giving FDA authority over tobacco passes and becomes law.
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