n00b looking for wire/coil help

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Hey folks, I am rather new to the posting on this site, although I have been reading a little here and there when I want to learn about a topic i am, well n00b on.

Today I seem to be over complicating the decisions as to which supplies i should order for wick and coil. I have en route a Ithaka clone (Cant afford a real one till December), but I cant decide on the options I may need for my coil. I do have a VV Battery (am i supposed to call it a mod?)

My goal is to be able to experiment with Stainless steel mesh, Ekowool and typical silica, and cotton. When I look up all the types of wire people use for coils my mind EXPLODES. I was thinking that A1 28guage, 30guage and 32guage kanthal would be alright for starting with on the silica wicks, but I bring that here to get (yet more) opinions since i want to be able to place all my orders online at one time. Also, I am not sure if I would want to use kanthal wire for SSM (400 and 500) wicks, cotton/hemp wicks and I could really use some suggestions for those two (Mostly on the SSM). I have used both google and ecf search to try and find as much info as I can about wire and coils, but I must REALLY stink at the correct search terms and i usually become more confused with my lack of finding clearly stated and organized lists of which wire (or wick) would be used in what situation, and the pros/cons neatly arranged for my brain to comprehend (I will make that list one day).

I appreciate any suggestions thrown my way. Please do keep in mind I will be doing a good bit of research on anything before I wrap/test-ohms/install, but with my ADD I cant effectively narrow my search results until I make some sort of decisions on what I will start with.

Feel free to load me up with links, I spend almost an hour a day reading online about vaping

Thanks so much, and Asthma sucks...
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