"natural" nicotine better than "chemical nicotine"?

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On what basis did you conclude that statins are a scam?

Big pharma is about turning a profit. And there;s no profit in natural healing and nutrition, so it gets suppressed. No way will cures be allowed, the profit lies in drugs that treat symptoms and inevitably lead to side effects that 'require' more drugs. It is complete voodoo.

All medicine is a total scam. It's blindingly obvious.

Some real science does get done, but it's all warped in the wash. One has to shed sycophancy and think - research, be logical and follow the truth, not what BP says, or I say.


Liberty, not fascism; Ron Paul 2012.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2011
USA Kentucky
Big pharma is about turning a profit. And there;s no profit in natural healing and nutrition, so it gets suppressed. No way will cures be allowed, the profit lies in drugs that treat symptoms and inevitably lead to side effects that 'require' more drugs. It is complete voodoo.

All medicine is a total scam. It's blindingly obvious.

Some real science does get done, but it's all warped in the wash. One has to shed sycophancy and think - research, be logical and follow the truth, not what BP says, or I say.


Liberty, not fascism; Ron Paul 2012.

I don't think I share your opinions here. The natural healing is your role and your interest - not Big Pharm. I think Adam Smith had some reasonable ideas on the general matter: "By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it." To me - it is not blindingly obvious that all medicine is a scam. Not that I would say that no medicine is a scam. But all is pretty broad. On statins - some scientific evidence (IMO) that statins may be effective for some. For those where effective - no scam at all.

This one
Liberty, not fascism; Ron Paul 2012.
is of some interest. Perhaps that is Rand Paul. Rand Raul is a recently elected US Senator from Kentucky here in US. Is this the same as your Ron Raul?. Kentucky's Raul Paul might very well say "Liberty, not fascism". But there is a Ron Paul too. Father of Raul and House Representative from Texas I believe. But, so what if Rand or Ron said it. What does it mean to you? Perhaps agreement here. I'm in favor of liberty.

BP (presuming British Petroleum) is not someone who "I believe" but I don't just disbelieve because it is BP. In reality, I thought they handled their problems in US rather well (so far). There were routes that might have been taken that would have been less costly to them but - maybe not. They were doing what they perceived to be in their best interest and perhaps what they chose was in society's as well.

I really didn't care to look up the word "sycophancy". But I didn't see in it a basis for a scam. Perhaps wrong there. Maybe you are willing to provide the basis for your prior claims of "scam" in different words?
I dont know who is Rand Paul; I only know RonPaul. I dont agree with everything he syas but I agree strongly with his main points, and it really is is last chance for the US - Ron Paul or toast.

By BP I mean Big Pharma - I know it's a lot to take in and seems so whacky, but think about it, cororations only care about profit. Look up Eisenhor's final address where he talked about the military industrial cmplex - that was 50yeras ago ! And from the heart of the beast. This really is last chance saloon for liberty in the US.

Medicine is a scam, 'democracy' is a scam, 'news' is a scam - it's all a scam - we are scammed 24 hours ....

The 'enemies' are those that resist the core scam - the banking scam. Governments may not awlays be of the people, but at least some are for the people; in the US it is neither.

We are all slaves now, not tied with metal chains but just as securely with debt and fantasies ...
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