Need suggestion for my next mod

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Greg Brown

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Aug 25, 2013
Frederick, MD
I'm looking for suggestions on my next mod. So far I have an eGo Twist and an eVic that I am very unhappy with. My eVic just doesn't have the power I am looking for and it also randomly cuts off for no reason. Sometimes in the middle of a puff. I have checked all of the settings and it doesn't have anything to do with the settings. Anyway, this is about my next mod. So far I have been looking at 3 choices and am having a hard time deciding between them. In no particular order:

  1. Tesla
  2. Vamo V3
  3. Lavatube
** iTaste SVD**

My local vape shop sells the first 3 but not the iTaste. I know I can get better prices online but I really want to support my local shop because they are the reason I am off of analogs. They are great people and want to support them as much as I can. If anyone has any suggestions that aren't on the list feel free to recommend them as well. As far as the three I have listed, I don't really notice much differences in features, but I could be wrong. Is any of them better than the other? Thanks!

Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
I think all of the devices that you mentioned are good in their own way. I think the Tesla is kinda ugly, but I mean they are all just big anyway.

I would look around to see what prices are online and then buy the one at the B&M that is not too much above what online vendors are selling. When I got my Vamo V3, it was DOA. I had to send it back to the vendor and wait for them to send me a new one. It sucked!

Greg Brown

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Aug 25, 2013
Frederick, MD
I think all of the devices that you mentioned are good in their own way. I think the Tesla is kinda ugly, but I mean they are all just big anyway.

I would look around to see what prices are online and then buy the one at the B&M that is not too much above what online vendors are selling. When I got my Vamo V3, it was DOA. I had to send it back to the vendor and wait for them to send me a new one. It sucked!

I am finding that it's really hard for anyone to compete with FastTech as far as price goes. I can get the iTaste SVD for $37 or the kit for $60 on FastTech and most vendors are selling it for almost $100. The Vamo kits on FastTech are $50 and most vendors have it for around $80. Obviously, the customer service and support at FastTech is not going to compare to a B&M store but is there anything else I should be aware of?

I have watched too many reviews to count on YouTube and out of the ones mentioned, the SVD seems to be the most liked. From what I have seen though the only real complaint is that the buttons are backwards and the screen is upside down if you hold it in your right hand. Being that I am OCD, I think that may be enough to drive me crazy!

I think I may just take the plunge and get the Vamo from my B&M to support their business. The other good thing is I won't have to wait for shipping and run the risk of throwing my eVic through the window!!!

Jimi Mack

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Also, can anyone tell me what the difference is between the Vamo V3 and the Vamo Vivi? I can't seem to find any differences other than the styling. The Vivi looks more like the V2 without the swirls. Are there any other differences that I am missing?

The only things I know of that are different are the swirls. From the reviews I have been seeing it seems there are little more complaints with V3 compared to V2.

Greg Brown

Senior Member
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Aug 25, 2013
Frederick, MD
I dont want to be "that guy" but have you looked into the provari at all?
If thats not an option I vote itaste and then vamo.

No I haven't thought about a Provari at this point. My vape budget doesn't allow for that currently, and secondly since I am new to vaping I just want to make sure I am going to stick with it before I spring for something that pricey. I know how I am with some things. I'll be diehard about something and drop a bunch of cash on something and then 2 weeks later it gets old and I'm done with it. I don't believe that is going to be the case with vaping, however I just want to make sure. I'm pretty sure they refer to this as ADHD these days. Lol!

What I am wanting is to have a good vape experience in the sub $100 range and even lower if possible. I picked up my eVic used for $60 and thought I would love it, however that has not been the case. I am chasing intense flavor with good vapor production. I just feel like I can probably get a better vape than what the eVic is giving me at this point. I have tried many different tanks, cartos, atty's on it and while the cartos give a better flavor, it's still not what I am looking for. Also, the cartos I have are around 2.9 Ohms and the eVic struggles to push them with it's max of 5V.


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Also, can anyone tell me what the difference is between the Vamo V3 and the Vamo Vivi? I can't seem to find any differences other than the styling. The Vivi looks more like the V2 without the swirls. Are there any other differences that I am missing?

The swirls, also the top cap is removable on the v3, the screen is a better oled type and there is no avg mode on the v3 (always in rms no2 mode)
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