New Reo Grand

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Feb 19, 2011
Chico, Ca.
I received my Reo Tuesday. She was a gorgeous black with a red door. I loaded up a new Cisco 1.5 306 atty and filled the bottle with my fav DIY RY4 and....stared at it for two days. My batts didn't get here till this afternoon. I am rockin' it now though. I got clouds of vapor off this juice in a tank, but now it is like vaping a fog machine. I have read the term 'vaping coma' here a few times and now can see I may be in danger. Advice for those thinking of getting a Reo, just do it, but make sure you have batteries coming first. Rob ranks right up there with the likes of Madvapes and Avid Vaper on the speed of his delivery. This Grand is a gift to myself for being analog free for a year which makes it even finer. Anyway, gonna zone out on some blues and drain this tank.


Vape Enthusiast
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Jan 18, 2011
In the clouds
Hi Zapatengo!


Welcome to the fold new REOnaut! :)


Methinks you're gonna love it here :D

Vaping in general can dehydrate you -- especially if you're overdoing it! Drink lots of water
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