New studies find carcinogens in vg and pg at high temps, even in tootle puffers

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Dec 14, 2013
It's scary, but it's reality. What really gets me is when I see something I want to read, click on it, and it's a video loaded with crapola and opinion that I don't want to see/hear/read. It's become a visual world where video reigns supreme, no wonder people can't read or write any more.
Auto-play videos on "News" sites are a scurge on the internet. I despise them. I sorta understand why "TV" news outlets do that, but theses days, it's even on "Newspaper" sites.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Remember to breath deeply when one's science gets ignored.... Welcome to your new world order, but at least you aren't Copernicus. I have found in this society, sometimes getting ignored is restful and wonderful, but you do have folks paying attention to your work, Mike P.. :) Science is becoming Scienzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hey, I think it sucks, but what do I know, I like reading things,



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I also remember a time when one could be sagely counseled that multi tasking doesn't work. I was sagely informed that by my parents when they found out I was doing math HW in the bathtub. It totally made sense to me, math's stressful and baths are great! I was doing fine keeping both my math textbook dry and was able to show my work, but I was sagely counseled to knock it off. LOL.



I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Those millennials. You know they're the reason everything's going to arrive by drone and it will be forbidden to leave the house without special permits and stuff. Thank goodness even the millennials have to do stuff around here, Tucson's backwards. The millennial God Eli Musk only got 5 miles from the airport before telling the limo driver to go home, the roads sucked.

I wasn't upset and I don't think Tucson needs a Tesla plant, retrograde is all Fine By Me. One thing I LOVE seeing is poor millennials loitering at bus stops or even (gasp) biking. Oh, the ones who care try to Hipster it up, but being a Hipster in Tucson isn't so smart.... The homeless will beat you with tire irons.



Resting In Peace
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Jun 12, 2012
Sitting down, facing forward.
As does having cereal for breakfast. After all, you DO need to wash the bowl and spoon...

Millennials aren't eating cereal because it's too much work

Not necessarily true, yuck.

It's not only limited to millennials. My wife tells me that her coworkers find egg salad and tuna salad too much trouble to make and the youngest ones are probably in their mid forties.

Incidentally, if it weren't for tax breaks and subsidies, Musk would be broke, at least with the Tesla and solar stuff.


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Jun 30, 2014
Ocean City, MD
I do promise you (Mike) that the next time a smoker says "Ugh, vape, bad" (etc.), I'll be sure to ask him/her whether or not they read the material. :facepalm:

(I'm pretty sure the word "READ" will have them scurrying away in a state of panic.)
Based on most of the antivape articles I've read, the article body supports the headline. vaping worse than smoking. The reader would have to search for the study, and read every word of it, and understand the issues well enough to understand that the study abused the equipment or the article blew minute portions of undesirable substances way out of proportion into "the same stuff in cigs so vaping is just as bad". That is too much to expect from the average person. The problem is not the audience, the problem is the government crafting junk science and dictating how it is presented to the media.


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
I once had a co-worker say to me, "That's anti-freeze, y'know."

Barely missing a beat, I replied, "Of course I know. It keeps me from icing up in the winter."

Before anyone flips out, I did correct her afterwards. This human's major source for "information" (at the time) was, and I kid you not, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.

"That's anti-freeze, y'know." :facepalm:


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
When I knew little to nothing about a particular subject, I was fortunate as all hell to have a willing and eager educator. I realized that it was my own responsibility to learn.

I see it as a two-way street. :)


Vape Geek
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Feb 22, 2013
Newport News, Virginia, United States
When I knew little to nothing about a particular subject, I was fortunate as all hell to have a willing and eager educator. I realized that it was my own responsibility to learn.

I see it as a two-way street. :)
I do my part, their part is to read.

Sent from phone, please excuse fat thumbs and autocorrect.


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Well, if someone isn't willing to read, then my sense of responsibility to educate ceases.

Sent from phone, please excuse fat thumbs and autocorrect.

That's a heavy load to carry, Mike, and you've no such responsibility to the general public. What you're doing here is great, but that covers but a small percentage of current and potential vapers.

My initial point was that the headlines resulting from the study (studies) ended up having a negative effect on people's opinion of this marvelous thing we call vaping. You can't change that, nor can I, but understanding human nature can be a valuable tool when undertaking any mission that has a higher-purpose goal.

The percentage of people locked into threads such as this, where information & education are available, is likely infinitesimal in contrast to the whole.
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ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
25:30 mark, this just pisses me off.....
Start at the 1:25 mark and watch the next 7 minutes or so. Particularly 3:48 and 4:20 .....

Mike, I tried to watch all three videos. As much as I love Phil, Brandon and John, I just didn't have the time to watch it all. What are your major objections to what was being said?

New mod form Evolv? ;)


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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
My Mom is a headline reader.
She put the e-cig away that I got her a few years ago when all this fud really kicked in.
I'v tried and tired to counter what she reads (and shoves at me)
The worst, THE WORST - remember that Surgeon General's asinine "report" ?
That guy did a :censored: load of damage to smokers scaring them away from vaping with that piece of garbage.
My Mom : you think you know more than the Surgeon General now ?
Me : Yes Mom, on this - I sure do.

She will never switch to vaping now. :cry:


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
My Mom : you think you know more than the Surgeon General now ?

Show her the Royal College of Physicians report on vaping and ask her if she knows more than royal physicians. Might work. :D

Other than that, I'm sorry...


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Show her the Royal College of Physicians report on vaping and ask her if she knows more than royal physicians. Might work. :D

Other than that, I'm sorry...

...and remind her that they used to "bleed" people when they got sick. It's not called "Practicing medicine" for nothing. ;)
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