New Vaper, New to Forum

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Hello, everyone! I'm Svea - I'm 26-years-old and born, bred & still living in central Ontario, Canada. I'm not sure how many fellow Canadians are on this forum & I hope we have some kind of presence here.

I started vaping three months ago today when I received my first eLeaf iKit for my birthday from my brother. I had been wrestling with the idea of vaping for a few months before & I wish I had found this forum at that time as I was so confused. Luckily, I was recommended to a supplier here in town by someone who had a similar smoking background as myself (a pack a day, regular DK cigarettes only sold on a reserve, for four to five years) & I thought, "What the hell do I have to lose?" Not only was I flabbergasted at the price difference upon start-up, but it still amazes me to this day how seamless the switch was. I had started smoking in college ("only when I drank", as it so happens) & I really thought it would be a lot more difficult, but I haven't looked back and I'm proud to say I have cheated once since taking the plunge.

Even three months in I still consider myself a vaping virgin; I stand by the premium Canada E-juice flavours I've tried and loved & I'm hesitant to branch out. I'm just as clueless about the heavier artillery almost all of you use now and still use my two eLeaf iKit BCC pens to this day (one 650mAh & one 900mAh, one used for tobacco flavours and the other for fruit or drink flavours).

I'm here to interact with people who are new like myself, to provide support & to also learn/gain perspective from long-time vapers. So far, I have loved reading a lot of these success stories - the bottom line (for me, anyway) is that we aren't hauling on sticks full of tar, formaldehyde, bleach, WHATEVER may be in cigarettes today any longer. I'm really looking forward to becoming apart of this community. ☺


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2014
Stoughton, MA
Well welcome to ECF Svea! There's a ton of good peeps in here ready to provide information when you need it or just to shoot the breeze on whatever vape-related topic interests you. Congrats on your success so far. I've had pretty much the same experience. Once I found the right equipment I just stopped smoking and I started when I was 13 and I'm 39 now :)
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf MsAutumnWind. Glad to have you here. Congras on the three months. I have seen and know quite a few Canadians on here. But must say all the people here are just so fantastic. Make yourself at home and have fun. Happy vaping to you and continued success.
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