newbie question about cleaning coils

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Jan 11, 2015
I hope this isnt a stupid question- but currently i have the vision spinner 2 with the kanger t3s. I was not getting enough air flow or flavor or clouds so after much research- i decided on just upgrading my whole system.

I will have the aspire atlantis and sub ohm battery tomorrow. And my question is- can i clean the coils by soaking in 70% isopropyl alcohol or does it have to be vodka? I will do most of my cleaning at work and i think they will frown on liquor in my desk drawer! Lol



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Sep 4, 2014
Silver Spring, MD, USA
Do not use isopropyl. it's poisonous, and even if you COMPLETELY dry things out, I wouldn't chance vaping from anything that has been soaked in iso. Hot water is fine for at work. You can then fill with liquid and just wait longer than normal so the the juice mixes well with the water on the wicks. start vaping very slowly until the wicks are completely converted over from water to ejuice


vaper dedicato
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    Ya, you certainly don't want to use isopropyl alcohol. Ethanol, or etho alcohol is a much wiser decision.. Hot water works fine too, although to a somewhat lesser extent. The only reason (I believe) Vodka or Everclear is specified, is because the alcohol/other ingredient ratio is way over on the alcohol side.. I did the drying process for only a couple hours the last time I cleaned my wicks, so there was still a little left and the juice tokes had a bit of vodka taste. I'm really hooked on Tequila, and I've been seriously considering using that next time. The fact that several shots would be 'wasted and not drinked' is the biggest reason I haven't.. :2cool:

    Here's some links that may help a bit..

    Isopropyl alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
    Ethanol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
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    Senior Member
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    Aug 5, 2014
    Why would you need to clean while at work ???? A little bit of forethought would save that problem from ever occurring just clean a few the night before then in the morning take clean coils with you simples......

    As for what you clean with hot water does the job just fine in my experience not with your exact set up but still


    Full Member
    Jan 11, 2015
    I know it sounds crazy- but i mainly vape at work and in my car- its rare that i use it at home so i never think about cleaning until im either in the car or at work. And its never on my way home- or if it is- i manage to forget until i try to vape the next morning! Lol

    Thanks for the links! I know they used to use nebulized vodka in the hospital so i know it wont hurt you. If hot water will work- i will just go that route and let it sit overnight so hopefully it dries out. I was just thinking that over time it might save some money to super clean with the vodka and re use. But also better safe than sorry when it comes to your lung health! :)


    Senior Member
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    Oct 30, 2014
    Dallas Texas
    I've tried and done all the cleaning methods...even denture cleaner. Final result.
    Everclear: Ejuice octane booster . Only one drop per ml. More vape and keeps the coils cleaner. Doesn't change the taste....and won't get bombed. Also just changing the silica garbage they use for a wick with a cotton wick is a big improvement. I scrub the coils with one of those little grean tootpick things, then do a quick coil burn check to make sure they're burning from the inside out. Then re-wick, reassemble and go.


    ECF Guru
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    Oct 23, 2013
    Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
    I hope this isnt a stupid question- but currently i have the vision spinner 2 with the kanger t3s. I was not getting enough air flow or flavor or clouds so after much research- i decided on just upgrading my whole system.

    I will have the aspire atlantis and sub ohm battery tomorrow. And my question is- can i clean the coils by soaking in 70% isopropyl alcohol or does it have to be vodka? I will do most of my cleaning at work and i think they will frown on liquor in my desk drawer! Lol


    You can just use a small bottle like a 10ml or 30ml bottle that you got from an eliquid purchase and put the vodka in that; drop the coil in the bottle to soak.

    Steve Stiles

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