Noob review of NPro (RN4081)

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Full Member
Mar 30, 2010
This is my first shot at a coherent review, so bear with me. :p

I purchased the RN4081 Express Kit (NJoy NPro) at a local Pilot station about 4 weeks ago, which was my first adventure in the land of e-cigs. Not having anything to compare it too, I thought it was fantastic. It looked and felt like smoking a real cigarette. After dropping 19 bucks on a 10-pack of menthol carts, I decided dripping/topping off the carts was the economical (and more satisfying) way to go. In a couple of days, I had some e-juice at my disposal.

After several days vaping with it, its inherent limitations soon emerged. One, the automatic battery produced an inconsistent vapor. On fresh carts/freshly refilled carts, the vapor production was acceptable. After several minutes of vaping, vapor production tapered off drastically. With filling the carts, it was easy to flood the atty. The juice-holding component of the cart is small and only holds about 5-6 drops of juice. When you fill it to the proper level (filler material looks like a slushie), it still floods the atty. A more experienced vaper will tell you flooding the atty on an auto battery model is a bad thing. I second that notion. A bit of liquid tended to get into the battery hold and muck things up. I found myself tapping the battery and blowing into it consistently to keep it clear. Sometimes, the auto batt would get stuck "on," scorching the juice inside the atomizer. I had a hunch (after several cleanings with denatured alcohol/warm water rinse) that the problem might be a bad atty, so I had NJoy send me a couple of fresh ones. On the same day I received them, I had the same problems.

I am a constant vaper and want a unit that can hold a lot of juice/produce a lot of vapor with the least amount of hassle. I went into the land of mods (PTB) with this unit (having to do an extra fold in the PTB material to fit it into the small cart), and had slightly better results. Still, the atty tended to easily flood and muck things up again. I wasted lots of juice.

Another gripe I have with this unit is I like to vape ejuice, not eat it. I had numerous mouthfuls of ejuice on freshly dripped/filled carts, and none of them were pleasant. Even with PTB, I had this experience several times.

Another pain is cleaning the atties. Since there is no 5v PT or manual battery for the RN4081, you cannot do highping's wondrous method for reviving apparently dead atties. You're doomed to inconsistent iso/denat soaks that sometimes do nothing to improve the performance/revive the atomizer. So much for preserving atomizer life.

One positive thing I have to say about the RN4081 is about the battery life. When that airflow sensor is kept clear, the battery can last all day long, even with heavy vaping. Too bad the vapor production sucks.

In conclusion, the RN4081 introduced me to the world of vaping, and quickly guided me to the Joye 510, which I love. I haven't picked up the NPro since then.


Full Member
Apr 4, 2010
Oregonia Ohio
I had the same experience with my npro. Like you I upgraded to the 510 after finding this forum.
I didn't know there were other alternatives until this forum and all the information on it.

I tried the menthol carts since I smoked newports, couldn't stand the taste of the menthol carts. One thing that will surprise most on here is that I loved the taste of the njoy regular carts.
I haven't found a liquid that I like as much but certainly like the 510 better than the njoy product.


New Member
Oct 31, 2009
I bought an Npro from a local Pilot station a few weeks ago also. I cannot stand it. One battery came with an orange led with 4 air-vent holes and the other battery came with a red tip led and only 2 vent holes. This is a terrible e cig. I hate it. I'm back to smoking analogs again. I am planning on getting either the Provari, Provape-!, or Puresmoker Prodigy V3.1 in a few weeks.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I bought an Npro from a local Pilot station a few weeks ago also. I cannot stand it. One battery came with an orange led with 4 air-vent holes and the other battery came with a red tip led and only 2 vent holes. This is a terrible e cig. I hate it. I'm back to smoking analogs again. I am planning on getting either the Provari, Provape-!, or Puresmoker Prodigy V3.1 in a few weeks.

Not much good about the Npro. If you are looking at the ProVari (I hear many good things about it), you may want to look at the new Darwin that will be selling by next week. Here is a review:
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