Noob to ECF

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2013
Travis AFB, CA
Thedan, I am for sure going to be collecting some of these so I will definitely be getting more batteries in the future. Panasonic batteries will be ordered for sure :D Yea, I got hooked up with one from my unit when I left them to go on a deployment. I was completely shocked, all my staff NCO's and Marines got some money together to get me one. I love the thing. I am never going to use anything else as long as I have this bad boy.

Onion, Dry burn is to make sure that your coils are lighting up correctly, right? Could you just light them up before you put some cotton in there?
With the cotton taste, would using a bit less be better maybe?

Dryburning: after vaping a while (esp with dark juices and ones with a high vg percentage) your wire coil will get gunky with carbon and burnt juice. Kanthal wire can stand temps above 1500Degrees C (not f). Your batt (even an ego) can manage to heat the coil hot enough to burn this gunk off.
Directions: if you are using a heat proof wicking material like silica, stainless mesh/wire, xc-116 ceramic rope, or fish air stone; you can glow pulse the fire button on your mod with no juice supplied to it and glow your coils in a pulsing manner to burn the sediment off them.
With cotton, i suggest wrapping a 7-12 wrap coil (depending on your preference -less wraps less ohms: stronger hotter vape and vise versa).
Wrap around a paperclip, needle, tack, anything TINY and tubular and make sure all coils ARE touching. Then mount on your rebuildable. ---now how the heck will you wick this you ask? With cotton from a cottonball. Even a qtip. Take a very small amount of fluff off the cotton source. I like mine to be so thinly fluffy at this state that i can see the color of my hand through it. Then roll one side between fingers until its a very fine point long enough to get through your coil. Then gently guide it through and then pull from the other side. Trim to your liking. Your cotton shouldnt "muffintop" out your coil. Itll be less efficient at wicking and more efficient at burning and muting flavor if it muffintops.
For cotton wicks i STRONGLY suggest you search "micro coils to" on the search bar. Then find a thread created by super-x-drifter, and follow it perfectly.
Once you get it down (and get down with a reo/rm2) itll be easy cheesy and fun. It is such a perfect setup once mastered and WAY easier than it looks. I think its easier than a standard coil.
Sorry for the wall o' text again. Lol


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2013
Travis AFB, CA
Thanks for your encouragement. And yes, I know what you mean about pricing. Most of the B&M's around here are very high cost. I know companies have to make a profit but from what I've seen this industry could use a little more honesty and pricing competition. I currently own a wholesale business here in south Florida and I've been thinking about adding a retail setup to sell vape and supplies. My wife is already making her own vape anyway. She loves flavorings and experimenting with them.

Awsome man. Do you guys diy or do you mix your premades? Check out myfreedomsmokes and wizardlabs for nicotine suspended in vg/pg, and diy flavors/sweeteners if you havent already. Initial cost is a little pricy in a decent diy setup. But it pays off in the longrun. Kinda like how i used to drive up to newhampshire with 100dollars to buy multiple cartons of taxfree smokes so i didnt have to pay the double priced massachusetts taxed smokes.
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