OK I am not NEW but!!!

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Mar 26, 2013
ashland, ohio
So i am not new to forum. But i am not a vapor yet. I can not post to new members forum but i have questions.. Main question is what keeps you going everyday from the real deal. I am working hard and i believe there is something besides the NIC that i am addicted to. Not sure what it is but there is something. I do know if i vape for a period of time cigs are nasty but is works better than my ecig. It is just more of a relaxing feeling with the real thing. Is it the nic or some other chemical? What helped you to give up the real thing to only Vape. I have a MVP 2 with kanger PT and PT2 and iclear 30s dual coil. more than one apiece. I wouldn't mind trying a carto tank nut not sure what to check put


Ultra Member
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Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
If you've yet to start vaping, try what you've got first. If you like it, you're good.

I understand there are several addictive chemicals in cigarette smoke. I don't recall what they are, but often enough, vaping isn't quite satisfying. Neither is smoking sometimes, so get to vaping and see how it works out for you.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
It could be a number of things.

You might be needing a higher nic level.
You might as you said need some of the other things from tobacco, A Whole Tobacco Alkaloid juice might solve this.
You just might need more TH and/or vapor in which case a Good dripping atty or RDA might solve it.

Pretty much all of us went through a period of time when we were hunting our happy place. I really didn't find mine until I started dripping which led to RDA's which led to the REO + RM2 which is my all day vape now. I just needed to be able to customize my vape to my own particular needs.


Vaping Master
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Jun 9, 2009
Cigarettes are a more efficient method of getting nicotine in your system no vaping system can match it. They taste foul and kill you, if you can vape long enough that cigarettes taste awful just keep on vaping and don't turn back.

I think it isn't just the fast nic that's missing. Must be another addictive analog chemical. You can chew some DIY low nic gum between vaping and get hearts content nic fix. Don't over do it and Darwin out.


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Jan 14, 2011
portland OR
There are many alkaloids in cig smoke, some of which act as MAOIs. I'd recommend getting some WTA liquid (aroma ejuice has it), or supplementing your e-cig with other reduced-harm tobacco such as Swedish snus and/or snuff. There are also dissolvables sometimes available (Ariva and Stonewalls)
This is a well known issue and if you search the forum Dvap had some excellent threads on this a few years ago...

eat: here is a rolygate post about WTA: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...n/230570-wta-e-liquid-issues.html#post4322166
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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
I smoked and vaped for 3 weeks or more. I had a hard time making the decision to stop carrying cigarettes with me. I started at 18mg and moved to 24mg for a bit and it made a huge difference for me. I didn't stay at 24 for too long, weaned it down to 18, down to 12. Twelve isn't my comfort zone. Had to move back to 16, but I'm not smoking, so that's ok with me. It'll take what it'll take, but I'm glad you still have the interest to stop. You're ahead of the game there!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
There are many alkaloids in cig smoke, some of which act as MAOIs. I'd recommend getting some WTA liquid (aroma ejuice has it), or supplementing your e-cig with other reduced-harm tobacco such as Swedish snus and/or snuff. There are also dissolvables sometimes available (Ariva and Stonewalls)
This is a well known issue and if you search the forum Dvap had some excellent threads on this a few years ago...

Gotta be alkaloids of something else I can't spell.

How about snus plus vaping to ween off stinkies.


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Dec 5, 2013
Rockledge, Florida, USA
I agree that it is more than a nicotine addiction, it is an addiction to dozens (if not hundreds) of additional chemicals, as well as an addiction to the "ritual" of smoking.

What worked for me was realizing that I wasn't going to "trick" myself into thinking that I'm smoking my favorite brand of cigarettes and magically stop the desire for one. Therefore I didn't try to find a tobacco flavored juice that tasted like Marlboros, I tried to find a juice that I enjoyed (vanilla chocolate mint, root beer, licorice, and cherry flavors work for me). I also replaced my smoking "rituals" with vaping "rituals" ... for example, every day after supper I'd go on the back porch for a cigarette ... now I go on the back porch for a vape. I liked to start my morning with a cup of coffee and a .... ... now my day starts with a cup of coffee and a vape. You will be surprised at how quickly you go from reaching for your pack of "stinkies" to reaching for your vaporizer.

Another think that I think helped me was I never put the pressure on myself of "quitting smoking" instead I approached it as "I'm replacing my smoking habit with a vaping habit" ... that allowed me to tell myself if I really wanted a smoke I could have one. The only condition I put on myself was before lighting up a cigarette I had to take a few vapes and rethink my desire for a cigarette.

I went from a 1.5 - 2 pack a day smoker to a I really never think about having one guy in about three days (the first three days I probably had 2 or 3 cigarettes). I never begrudged myself a cigarette ... as a matter of fact ... I still feel if I want one the 7 - 11 is just on the corner and I'm big, I can run down and buy a pack ... after I have a few vapes. (but I really don't see it happening)


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2013
So Cal
I know that for me, at only around 2 weeks non smoking, it's a combination of both the nic and the whole hand-to-mouth thing. I'd smoked analogs for so long and tried to quit several times, that a) I was lucky and got the right nic level first time; and b) the whole vaping experience satisfies whatever it was that was lacking in previous quits. And now that I'm discovering so many amazing flavors, I can't imagine inhaling a lungful of tar again. Unless they manage to make Malborough Belgian Cocoa flavored....LOL


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Jan 14, 2011
portland OR
Gotta be alkaloids of something else I can't spell.

How about snus plus vaping to ween off stinkies.

Yes, that is what I'm suggesting. General brand snus is now widely available here in the States, and could be the extra push the OP needs.
Snus does take some getting used to, but it is pretty safe and discreet (no spitting, etc.). I'm surprised I don't see it recommended more to people struggling with pvs alone.


Vaping Master
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Jun 4, 2013
Westfield, IN, USA
yes as we all know cigs have all kinds of bad things in them that keep us addicted....and while vaping is not at all like smoking....in time it does work to cease smoking....it makes quiting a lot easier than cutting back or going cold turkey...at first I used vaping as a way to cut cost a cig a day, 2 cigs a day, did that for a few months and then it took me about 6 months of vaping and slowly limiting my smoking until I finally decided to just quit smoking and giving vaping a good go and I've now been 6 months smoke free.
Not to say there aren't days when I just can't get my nic fit fix....but I just add a few more drops of nic to my tank and vape on and drink some caffeine ;) although lately it's getting harder due to some personal probs (debating to maybe get some nicorette or likewise to ease these cravings but trying not to...feels like that would be a step backwards)

no one's going to lie and say it was the easiest thing in the world to do...on average I'd say the first month or two for most people was difficult and yes you will still go through some withdraw symptoms but not nearly as bad as going cold turkey as you are still getting your nic fix just not the other additives.

But one thing I'd say, do not waste your money on the cigarette-look-a-likes, while they are good for what they are...a starting point, they are not going to keep a person off of smoking, they are a good aid in moving away from smoking...a good vv ego battery and tank system with your own juice work better as you can thus find a good flavor for your taste/mood and nic level for the day will work a lot better.


Super Member
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Nov 3, 2013
Colorado, USA
I agree that you might need a higher nic level, initially, to keep you off of the analogs. What keeps me off of them is that I feel so much better without them. My clothes and hair don't stink. I can actually taste food again. My sense of smell is stronger. My lungs feel better. I'm not laying down $6 per pack (or $65 every 2 weeks for a carton) anymore. And I love trying new juices to see which ones I like. I'm still able to get a throat hit and feel like I'm 'smoking', but without all of the other consequences that comes with smoking analogs. It's MUCH more enjoyable. Good luck! You can do it and you will be so glad you did!


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Nov 7, 2013
Akron, Ohio
For me, being a 2pad marlboro guy for 30+ years, it was telling myself (like a guy above me) that I could smoke whenever I wanted to, as long as I vaped a bit before doing so. That, and I went to 24mg NIC, and am not in a hurry to drop the NIC level.

Smoking gives an instant NIC hit, vaping takes 10-15 minutes in my book - so besides learning new rituals, I vape more often than I smoked. Plus, I gave up trying to find a flavor like my tobacco - I vape 'vanilla' and love it.

I do miss how simple smoking was. But I am now completely quit, and do not feel like I've lost my best friend either.

Being able to vape in the house, right next to my wife is a real plus.


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Oct 22, 2013
North Carolina
I would try increasing your nic level first. If that isn't enough then maybe some WTA juice would help.

Vaping isn't a miracle thing that will make you stop ever wanting a cigarette but it will help tremendously. My first month or so without a cig wasn't without its rough patches but increasing my nic level helped me to get through it. I am at the point now I don't want another cigarette period.


Senior Member
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Dec 8, 2013
Edinburgh, Scotland
There are many alkaloids in cig smoke, some of which act as MAOIs. I'd recommend getting some WTA liquid (aroma ejuice has it), or supplementing your e-cig with other reduced-harm tobacco such as Swedish snus and/or snuff. There are also dissolvables sometimes available (Ariva and Stonewalls)
This is a well known issue and if you search the forum Dvap had some excellent threads on this a few years ago...

eat: here is a rolygate post about WTA: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...n/230570-wta-e-liquid-issues.html#post4322166

THis makes sense. I was on Maoi's in my early 20's. When I came off them, I got horrible electric shock sensations in my head for a month. I have been getting something similar, though not as intense since I quit the fags. And my mood is probably a little lower than usual.


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
So i am not new to forum. But i am not a vapor yet. I can not post to new members forum but i have questions.. Main question is what keeps you going everyday from the real deal. I am working hard and i believe there is something besides the NIC that i am addicted to. Not sure what it is but there is something. I do know if i vape for a period of time cigs are nasty but is works better than my ecig. It is just more of a relaxing feeling with the real thing. Is it the nic or some other chemical? What helped you to give up the real thing to only Vape. I have a MVP 2 with kanger PT and PT2 and iclear 30s dual coil. more than one apiece. I wouldn't mind trying a carto tank nut not sure what to check put

There's a lot more going on when you smoke a cigarette, I discovered that, too - it's not just the nicotine, it's the tar, it's the additives they put in to make the nicotine absorb faster, it's the chemicals. Some people also need the alkaloids in the tobacco leaf as well, so they use the WTA juices that are available, like these:

Aroma Ejuice Manufacturer of WTA Whole Tobacco Alkaloid Eliquid

It's a complex issue that's different for everyone, we all have different reactions to quitting real cigs and switching, I was lucky that what kept me from going back is just gaping, I get enough from this that I don't even think about cigs, which is a huge, major change from me, I was the kind of smoker who was always paranoid about running out, I got insane when I didn't have any, and would drop anything to run to the store to get some.

I also think and read here that nic levels are crucial. I was a 2 PAD smoker, I tried 18mg, and it just didn't do it - 24mg did, and now at about two months in, it's almost starting to be too strong, and that's amazing to me!

You have a great kit to start with, what juices are you going to use? The juice is just as important as the gear, if you don't like the juice, it won't work. I crave certain juices now, I look forward to vaping them, and that's crucial.

As for carto tanks, there's a lot to choose from, but start simple - dual coil, 2.0 - 2.5 ohm, in a glass (not plastic!) tank will work perfectly on your MVP. The tricky part is priming them, and there's a great thread by Baditude to get you started.


As for brand, Smok are okay, Boge and Ikenvape are better.


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Oct 22, 2013
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